Be My Strength

I don't kiss and tell

I don't kiss and tell

0When they arrived at the office, DX said to Kai Xin, "Ms. Zhen, meet me at my office in 30 minutes to discuss your future in this company."      0

Before she can reply, he went into his room and the see-through window turned opaque a second later.     

She could hear the secretary whispering loudly to another employee, "What happened to President Du?"     

The two then turned to look at her as if it was her fault that President Du's mood was bad.     

Ignoring them, Kai Xin turned to Ki Hong and glowered at him but the latter did not realize his mistake.     

"What? Is there something on my beautiful face?" He asked playfully. Suddenly, he thought of something fun and placed his forefinger on his lips.     

With mischief reflected in his eyes, he lowered his voice as he teased her, "...Or would you like to put something on my face? My lips in particular...I don't kiss and tell."     

Unable to believe that the shameless man in front of her was one of her best friends, Kai Xin prayed to God inwardly, "Dear Lord... What have I done to you..."     

Annoyed, she hit him with her elbow.     

"Oof!" Ki Hong groaned while rubbing his stomach, "I'm joking!"     

Without giving Ki Hong the dignity of a response, she stomped back to her seat.     

An Xin pouted when she saw how Ki Hong treated Kai Xin. Even though Kai Xin moved away, Ki Hong had never spared a glance at her. Throughout their childhood, he treated her kindly but there was always a distance between them.     

She glared at the direction of Kai Xin and thought angrily, "Why everyone looks at her and not me!"     

Upset, she banged her fist on the table causing those who were seated near her to jump up in fright. However, she was too angry to pay attention to them. Instead, her mind went back to one of her birthdays.     


That day, Little An Xin turned 8 and her parents brought her out shopping. They bought her a new set of clothes and all the toys that she wanted.     

When her mother was paying, she noticed that her father was looking at a dark blue dress that was displayed in a higher-end store. His mind seemed preoccupied with something as he stared at it.     

Tugging his hand, Little An Xin said innocently, "Daddy... I don't like that...Don't buy it..."     

He replied absentmindedly, "It's her favorite color..."     

"Who?" asked Little An Xin with a little frown on her forehead.     

Mr. Zhen glanced down at her. There was a distant look in his eyes as he smiled and patted her head, "Nothing. Do you want anything else?"     

Little An Xin shook her head, "I have enough. Besides, Daddy would buy me new dresses anytime I want, right?"     

Mr. Zhen laughed and picked her up, "Yes. Anything for my little baby!"     

When they got home, Little An Xin immediately went to the bathroom to shower because she wanted to be pretty for her birthday party. Her mother had laughed at her antics and teased her for being a little princess.     

Usually, whenever her father was home, Little An Xin would be glued to his side and had to be coaxed before she would take a bath.     

"The party's starting soon. Go and get ready before the kids arrived," said Mr. Zhen towards his mistress.     

After she went into the room, Mr. Zhen sat at the couch and read the newspaper. When he heard the sound of notification from his phone, he took it out from his pocket and sighed when he saw the name of the sender.     

It was a message from his wife.     

[ Shao Bang, are you not coming home for Kai Xin's birthday? She is asking for you. ]     

Mr. Zhen hesitated for a moment before replying her.     

[ I'm busy. ]     

Placing his phone on the coffee table, he took out his wallet and looked inside. Hidden behind his ID was a photo of him and his eldest daughter.     

It was the only photo that they ever took together. He smiled as he touched the photo fondly.     

"She's so cute..." thought Mr. Zhen as he stared at the photo.     

He remembered clearly that Little Kai Xin was five when they took the photo. Mr. Zhen, An Qi Yan, and their kids went to a fair to celebrate Little Kai An's birthday and that was the first time he saw Little Kai Xin smiling at him.     

Usually, whenever she looked at him, she would either have a blank look on her face, or a pout. Most of the time, she would avoid him like a plague. It hurt him, but he knew he probably deserved it.     

On that day, Little Kai An suddenly asked for a mother-son and father-daughter photo. For the first and the last time in his life, Mr. Zhen carried Little Kai Xin in his arms.     

When he did that, Little Kai Xin looked at him oddly as if she was deciding whether to scream or cry.     

However, when she heard her mother telling her to look at the camera, she turned to the camera and smiled. Later on, Mr. Zhen secretly developed a second set of the photo and ever since then, he had kept it hidden in his wallet.     

It was his biggest secret.     

As he was looking at Little Kai Xin's photo, he murmured sadly, "I'm sorry that you have a father like me..."     

Little An Xin who came out in her new dress skipped happily towards her father. However, he did not notice her. When she got nearer to him, she saw that her father's eyes were teary while he looked down at his wallet.     

Concerned, she went forward and hugged him, "Daddy... What's wrong?"     

He placed the photo back into the wallet and wiped off his tears. With a smile, he stood up and took his daughter's hands.     

"I'm fine... Let me see my little princess," said Mr. Zhen as he twirled her around. When she laughed, he said, "Wow, my little princess is so pretty!"     

Little An Xin laughed as her father continued to twirl her around, "Stop it, Daddy! I'm getting dizzy!"     

When the party started and all the adults were busy, Little An Xin secretly peeked into her father's wallet.     

When she saw the photo of Little Kai Xin, she felt jealous and angry because her father did not keep her photo in his wallet.     

"Kai Xin..."     

Little An Xin knew that she had an older sister. Her mother often told her that her half-sister was good at everything and if she wanted to get her father's affection, she had to be good at everything too.     

Little An Xin did not believe her, but since she saw the photo in her father's wallet, she resolved to work harder at school.     


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