Be My Strength

Do you still want to mess around?

Do you still want to mess around?

1An Xin glared towards the direction of Kai Xin's cubicle.      2

"I would never lose to you..."     

Meanwhile, the person who caused An Xin's angst was groaning softly at her desk while she tried to think of a way out.     

"Should I lie my way out of this? It's so stupid!" Kai Xin groaned as she repeatedly bumped her forehead on the table lightly.     

When the time arrived, Kai Xin dragged herself over. As she entered DX's room, he seemed annoyed as he said loudly,     

"Ms. Zhen, close the door behind you. I need to talk to you about something confidential!"     

Kai Xin turned and caught the secretary secretly listening to them.     

"Would you like to join us?"     

The secretary blushed and quickly turned away.     

Once the door was closed, Kai Xin chuckled.     

"Ah, office gossip can be quite fun!"     

She felt a chill and when she turned, she bumped into a rock hard chest.     

Holding her forehead, she glanced up at him and asked innocently, "Have I done anything wrong?"     

DX glanced down at her and asked, "What do you think?"     


Despite her protest, he picked her up like a rucksack and threw her down softly on the couch.     

When she tried to get up, he pinned her down by placing his hands on both sides of her head and climbed up so that his legs were over hers.     

"So… My little minx has been stealing kisses as well?"     

She looked away guiltily, "Well…"     

"Do you think I should punish you? Since you did the same to me..."     

She cleared her throat and glanced at him sheepishly, "Two wrongs don't make a right?"     

Reaching out to touch his face, she pouted as she asked, "Can you forget about this?"     

He bit the fleshy part below her part lightly before growling at her, "Report!"     

"OK! OK!" sighed Kai Xin. She knew that there was no escape from this.     

Running her fingers over his hair, she reported, "When I was thirteen, the girls at school went around calling me a lesbian because I had short hair and that I must be a guy since I hung out with the guys...."     

Embarrassed by what she was about to say, she closed her eyes and talked quickly, "One day, I got really annoyed by the teasing and grabbed Ki Hong who was standing next to me...and the rest is history…"     

DX gave her a 'are you kidding me' kind of look.     

Thinking that he did not believe her, she quickly added on, "It's true! I'm not lying! That's really it! It wasn't like he was my first love or anything!"     

With his eyes narrowed, he asked, "Then who's your first love?"     

Her face reddened when she thought about the answer. She immediately turned her body around so that she ended up lying on her stomach and did not have to face him.     

Knowing her tricks, he got off her and pulled her into his laps. When she tried to get away, he clamped his leg over hers.     

Staring into her eyes, he repeated his question, "Who is your first love?"     

With her eyes closed, she admitted, "Y-You! Argh! This is embarrassing!!!"     

DX blushed slightly when he heard that. He did not expect that at all. In fact, he expected her to have some silly crush. Even Jack had a crush and he was only 10!     

It pleased him that he was the only one who had the honor of receiving her affections. However, he refused to let it show.     

Pretending to cough, he tried to hide the smile that was slowly forming on his face. If he wanted to mess around with her, he needed to be serious about this.     

"Sweet words will not get you out of your punishment, Ms. Zhen. You gave me grief because of the kiss with Layla, so you must be punished as well!"     

She pouted as she looked up at him with a pair of sad eyes, "Really? Are you really going to punish me, President Du?"     


She glanced down and saw that both her hands were cuffed when she was distracted earlier.     

Annoyed, she snapped at him, "Du XiAn! What is the meaning of this?!"     

"This is your punishment," said DX calmly as he took off her pants so that her behind was exposed. When she protested, he slapped her butt and growled, "Behave!"     

After he had carefully folded and placed them aside, he frowned, "I should have taken your shirt off earlier before I cuffed you."     

"You can release me, strip me naked, and cuff me again later! How's that?"     

He stood up and took a quick look before shaking his head. With an evil grin, he said softly, "Nah, I'm good with this view."     

He leaned down to kiss her at the apex of her thighs before going back to his desk. When she saw him reading a document, she growled at him.     

"What is the meaning of this? Are you trying to humiliate me by making me walk around half naked?"     


Kai Xin dropped her jaws. For the next half an hour, she tried to distract him. However, the man was still as a statue. He just went on with reading and signing the documents.     

Occasionally, he would look up to see what she was up to and snickered whenever she tried to seduce him.     

After a while, she groaned from frustration, "President Du… Are you really not going to touch me?"     


When she heard that she scrambled to his desk from where she was sitting and asked excitedly, "Is that a yes?"     


She walked over to him and sat on his laps. The moment she sat down she felt something hard poking her bottom.     

Chuckled, she placed her locked wrist over his head and pouted, "I thought I have lost you."     

He took in her scent as he kissed her on the side of her neck while expertly unbuttoned her shirt with one hand.     

With a low seductive voice, he whispered into her ear as he played with the strap of her bra, "I have been hard for the past half an hour."     

"Why didn't you do anything?" asked Kai Xin curiously when he was releasing her breasts from their confinement.     

It was unlike him to hold himself back when there was no one in the room.     

Pushing his documents aside, he placed her down on the table. As he bent down to kiss her, he smirked, "I just want to mess with you…"     

Kai Xin moaned when he started moving his kisses down to her breast. His tongue circled and sucked on the left bud while he pinched her right bud with his right hand.     

At the same time, he rubbed against her crotch with his thigh while his left hand slowly traveled down her waist and into her panty.     

"Du XiAn..."     

"En?" answered DX before he placed his lips on the right bud.     

Kai Xin tried to control herself. With her cuffed hands, she lifted DX's head so that she could see into his eyes.     

"DX...Would you ever fall in love with someone else?" asked Kai Xin nervously.     

"Yeah..." replied DX before getting back to the right bud.     

She was upset by his reply until he suddenly added on, "But you would be in love with her too..."     

Glancing, she saw him placing a hand on her stomach as he said fondly, "One day, she would grow inside you and when she's old enough, she would call you Mummy and pick on her big brothers..."     

Choked on the tears that threatened to fall, Kai Xin laughed, "Who said I would marry you?"     

"Who else are you going to marry then?" teased DX before silencing her with his kisses.     

He knew that she wanted to protest but he decided that there was not enough time for them to argue about this.     

Her body soon responded to his fervent touches and it buckled up when his warm hand traveled down her spine. Refused to let him had all the fun, she lifted her thighs up.     

With her thighs locked tightly around his waist, she licked the lobe of his ear before whispering seductively, "Do you still want to mess around?"     

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