Be My Strength

Did you just wink?

Did you just wink?

3...     1

They were staring into each others eyes, their breath heavy from the intense makeout session, when suddenly, they heard the familiar sound of the phone.     


Reluctantly, DX pulled back to check on his phone, but not before he cursed at the tone.     

"I barely got time for a date with you since I came back. I swear, if this is Han Ye, I would kill him." DX murmured before looking at his phone.     

When Kai Xin heard him, she laughed a little, "Stop picking on him!"     

"It's not mine."     

Kai Xin rummaged through her bag to look for her phone.     

When she found it and saw the message from her brother, she quickly put the phone back. Her smile earlier was replaced by a frown.     

Sensing her displeasure, DX asked her if everything is fine. Kai Xin shrugged and looked out the window. After a while, she answered,     

"My father is here. He wants to have a dinner tonight."     

Knowing that the relationship between the father and daughter was tense, DX did not say anything.     

He waited for her to add on. It was unusual for her to be this upset because of her father alone.     

"She is here too."     

"His wife?" asked DX as he took her hand in his.     

"I think so, but I'm talking about An Xin."     

DX nodded, fully understood now.     

Even though An Qi Yan encouraged Kai Xin and her brother to maintain a good relationship with their father and his new family, Kai Xin was unable to accept her younger sister.     

She never told him the reason why she disliked her younger sister but he knew that the latter probably deserved it.     

"What did Kai An said?" asked DX.     

"He said Mum told us to go."     

She covered her eyes with the back of her arm as she groaned, "This is annoying. I was having such a great time!"     

He pulled her hand away from her face and told her not go if she did not want to go.     

"I can't. I can bail on my father and his family, but..." said Kai Xin with a heavy heart.     

She glanced at him before continuing, "...Nai Nai (Grandma) is here as well."     

"Your grandmother is back?"     

DX recalled that she told him before that Grandma Zhen was staying at London with her eldest son and his family.     

She nodded, "She arrived last night."     

"So, what do you want to do now?"     

"I have to go. I haven't seen her in two years."     

DX smiled and caressed her head, "Then go. I'll be there with you."     

She scowled, "I can't bring you along! How am I supposed to introduce you?"     

"How about my new boyfriend, or future...,"     

He winked at her before grinning, "...husband?"     

When she saw what he did, she giggled.     

"Did you just wink? Are you really the President Du that I know?"     

DX shrugged, "Han Ye said girls like that."     

Chuckling, she said, "I supposed but don't do it to anyone else. It's mine and only mine."     

DX laughed at her possessiveness.     

Before they head to the restaurant, they went to get something for her grandmother. After all, it was DX's first meeting with her father's side of the family.     


When they were at the hotel, DX told Kai Xin to go in with the souvenirs first when he received a missed call from Han Ye.     

After she went into the restaurant, he went to meet Han Ye at one of the hotel's room to retrieve a little gift that he intends to gift to Kai Xin's grandmother.     

Once he was done, he met up with the management of the restaurant to ask about the order for the Zhen's party tonight.     

Realizing that most of the food ordered today contained things that Kai Xin either disliked or cannot eat, DX told the manager to change all of the order.     

Knowing that Kai Xin was unable to stomach food that is heavily ladened with salt and oil, he told the manager to reduce the oil and salt used.     

The manager took down notes as DX gave him the instructions.     

"The layer of fats in the soup should be removed before serving. Instead of fried eggs with onions, serve them steamed eggs and for dessert, there should be at least two double boiled bird's nest cooked in pear. I'll let you know who to serve the dessert to later. Everyone else can have whatever they want."     

"The crabs, sir? Do you want the shell to be removed?" asked the manager.     

"That's my job," said DX with an icy tone.     

When he was talking to the manager, he reverted back to his President Du's mode.     

With his naturally commanding tone, he brought chills to the inexperienced young manager who merely nodded in agreement.     

Before he left, DX glared at him as he added, "My presence here today is to be a secret. If anyone found out…"     

He left before he finished his sentence. Then again, he does not have to finish for the manager to know what are the consequences.     

The manager nodded, "I know what to do, President Du."     

As he watched the receding back of one of the most fearsome men in the country, the manager thought about the kind of woman who he was protecting.     

She must be a real beauty and probably someone who is very elegant and well-mannered.     

A lady from a rich household perhaps?     

Curious, he decided to join the waiters in serving them later.     

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