Be My Strength

I married someone else

I married someone else

4Sima Erden and An Qi Yan decided to drive back to Imperial City in the evening.     1

After their amorous activities last night, Sima Erden had not been able to stop smiling. Occasionally, he would giggle to himself as if he was enjoying a secret.     

An Qi Yan chuckled at the sight of him acting like a teenage boy. She knew exactly what was in the man's mind. To her, he was an open book.     

They had been hiding and suppressing their desires for years.     

Now that there was no one and nothing that would stop them, they went a little overboard. Somehow, they had forgotten the fact that they were in their fifties and they kept going until the wee hours.     

As she drove, An Qi Yan rubbed her lower back that was a little sore from yesterday. After all, it had been more than 20 years since she did anything. She regretted slightly about seducing last night.     

It surprised her that Sima Erden managed to last for so many rounds. The first round had been fast, but once he caught his breath, they tried again with An Qi Yan guiding him to her sweet spots.     

Once he had gotten the hang of it, it was like a beast was unleashed. Well, an over 50-year-old beast anyway. By the time they fell asleep, it was almost dawn.     

"What should we do? Du XiAn is going to kill you. He cares about me, you know?" joked An Qi Yan.     

Sima Erden smiled. He searched around for her hand and when he found it, he brought it to his lips and kissed it before saying, "I guess there's no choice. You're my woman now. I'd have to take responsibility for you."     

They continued to chat and tease each other during the 4 hours drive.     

While they were taking a late dinner at a restaurant inside Imperial City, An Qi Yan saw a drunk Mo Shaoyun being harassed by a group of youngsters through the window.     

"What's wrong?" asked Sima Erden when An Qi Yan turned quiet so suddenly.     

"I saw a kid I know. Stay here, Erden. I'd be right back," said An Qi Yan. Without waiting for his reply, she went out of the restaurant.     

She chased Mo Shaoyun down and holding her phone up high, she shouted, "I've called the cops! If I were you, I'd leave immediately. The police station is only 5 minutes away!"     

The youngsters that were bothering Mo Shaoyun glanced at each other. They cursed before scattering off.     

One of them pushed Mo Shaoyun down before running off. An Qi Yan immediately rushed forward to help the guy up.     

"Shaoyun, are you alright?"     

Mo Shaoyun squinted his eyes to take a good look. He then gave her a dopey smile as he said loudly, "Ms. An! Kai Xin's mum! How are you!"     

"Damn! How much did you have to drink?!" asked An Qi Yan and she wrinkled her nose. He had a mixture of strong alcohol and vomit smell on him.     

It took all her strength to drag him back to the restaurant with her.     

Leaving him outside the place, she went in to get Sima Erden who was paying the bills.     

"Who is he?" asked Sima Erden as he poked Mo Shaoyun with his walking stick. Mo Shaoyun was sleeping on the bench outside and he kept swiping at Sima Erden's walking stick when the latter used it to poke him.     

"Jane's boyfriend. Well, ex-boyfriend," answered An Qi Yan as she looked at the young man who was mumbling drunkenly about something inaudible.     

She was worried about him. After all, he used to visit her along with Jane and she had good impressions of him. With the state he was in, she could not just leave him out in the open.     

Just as she was about to give Kai Xin a call so that she could get his parents' numbers, Mo Shaoyun sat up so suddenly that she was startled.     

He stared at her for a long time before smiling, "Ms. An! *burp* Have you seen *burp* Jane? I bought her favorite chocolate wafers!"     

He fumbled around before pulling out a pack of chocolate wafers. From the pathetic sight of the packet, it appeared that the wafers were flattened.     

Mo Shaoyun pouted as he looked at the pack. With a sad chuckle, he murmured, "I can't even *burp* can't even do a simple thing for her... "     

He started crying like a little boy as he hugged the pack of flattened chocolate wafers close to his heart.     

"Jane! Jane!" cried Mo Shaoyun.     

Sima Erden frowned before asking An Qi Yan, "Is this boy alright? Mentally, I mean."     

"Yeah...I think."     

Suddenly, she had an idea. She had been curious about the breakup and Kai Xin never mentioned the reason. Since he was drunk, it would be a good chance for him to talk from the bottom of his heart.     

"Shaoyun, don't cry. Let's talk about something fun. Let's talk about Jane," said An Qi Yan as she sat next to him.     

Sima Erden shrugged before he sat down next to her.     

"Jane?" asked Mo Shaoyun. He stopped crying and asked, "Is she here?"     

"No. But if you answer my questions, I'll take you to see her," promised An Qi Yan.     

Mo Shaoyun nodded furiously to the point he nearly fell off the bench. Luckily, she caught him on time.     

"Shaoyun, why did you break up with Jane?"     

Mo Shaoyun pouted, "I married someone else…We just signed the paper today."     

He lifted his hand to show her the ring, but his face told her that he was unhappy about it.     


"She's pregnant…Almost due soon... "     

An Qi Yan gasped and slapped him on the shoulder, "Shaoyun! Did you cheat on Jane? How could you?"     

As he rubbed his sore shoulder, Mo Shaoyun pouted, "I didn't."     


He shook his head, "Not my baby…"     

"Whose baby?"     

He smiled and placed a finger against his lips before saying, "Seeeecret…"     

Mo Shaoyun had never told anyone the truth. His parents were happy when he accepted one of the girls of their choice.     

What they did not know was that Ha Lin begged him for it. It would only be for a year, two tops. She came from a reputation family and she was afraid that her father would forcibly abort the baby or give it away.     

Ha Lin had wanted to find someone else but she was getting bigger and it would not be long before she started to show. Out of desperation, she gave him a call. Even though they were not close, but she had heard of him and knew what kind of man he was.     

"I knew it's selfish of me, but I really had no choice but to ask this of you," cried Ha Lin when he rejected her request. As she dropped down on her knees, she begged tearfully, "Please...Just this child... I want to protect him... He's the only thing I have of him..."     

Mo Shaoyun still wanted to reject her but when he looked at the desperation that was etched on her face, he was unable to do it. He knew her father. Ruthless was one of the words he could think of whenever anyone mentioned the man's name.     

He was one of those who would kill to protect the reputation of his family.     

He finally agreed but on the condition that they would get a divorce as soon as possible after she gave birth. After that, he would send her and the baby out of the country.     

At first, Mo Shaoyun could only keep it from Jane. He had wanted to find the right time to tell her but she found out about Ha Lin. Unfortunately, his mother was there as well and he lost his opportunity to talk to her.     

His parents had been pressuring him to break up with Jane. After his mother told his father about Jane going to the office, they warned him that if he sabotaged the engagement, they would turn to his younger brother.     

Mo Shaolei was only a high schooler. As their parents placed all the expectations on him, his younger brother was able to grow up relatively carefree. Other than Jane, he loved his brother the most.     

Given the age differences, he felt more like a father than a brother to him. All he hoped for the boy was for him to keep smiling and to pursue whatever dreams that he wanted.     

His parents told him that as long as he married her and as long as he picked up the role of the next head of the family, they would agree to let Mo Shaolei do whatever that he wanted in the future.     

It was his freedom for his younger brother's freedom.     

In the end, he decided to give up his own freedom. He kept telling himself that he would explain it to Jane after everything ended and after he had the divorce.     

However, when he saw the photos of Jane with that st*pid male colleague of hers, he got upset.     

He tried to tell himself that he was the only one for her and that she would always be there but at the same time, he was afraid that she might fall for someone else.     

"Shaoyun, if you don't want to tell me, then I won't force you. But I want you to tell me honestly. Who is the one you truly love?" asked An Qi Yan with a serious tone.     

"Jane!" answered Mo Shaoyun honestly. Even in his drunken state, there was never a doubt in his mind.     

Nodding, An Qi Yan took out her phone. She walked away to call Jane, "Hey, Jane. This is Kai Xin's mum...Are you at home?...You are? Great! I'm coming over shortly. I have something of yours…"     

She glanced at Mo Shaoyun who was leaning against Sima Erden as she said, "You'd know when you see it."     

After she hung up the call, she told Sima Erden to stay with Mo Shaoyun.     

"I'm bringing the car over," said An Qi Yan.     

Once she brought the car over, he helped her carried Mo Shaoyun into the car.     

When she arrived at Jane's apartment, she left Sima Erden in the car while she carried the semi-conscious Mo Shaoyun up to Jane's apartment with the help of one of the security guards. As she used to visit Jane with Kai Xin and Jane had previously told the guards to allow Mo Shaoyun free access, the guards allowed them to enter.     

Once they arrived outside Jane's door, she and the guard gently placed him down on the floor.     

"Shaoyun, Ms. An is rooting for you. Be brave and tell Jane the truth. Do your best," whispered An Qi Yan.     

She did not want the youngsters to be like her and Sima Erden. Especially since she knew from Kai Xin how much pain Jane was in when she thought Mo Shaoyun betrayed her. If it was a misunderstanding, she hoped that they could solve it now instead of keeping it going for years.     

"Don't wait until years to smarten up, boy," said An Qi Yan as she glanced down at him.     

After she thanked the guard and he left, An Qi Yan knocked on Jane's door loudly before running off. She hid at a corner to make sure that Mo Shaoyun was safe.     

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