Be My Strength

You have a fiancee!

You have a fiancee!

3When Jane heard the loud knocks, she immediately placed the can of coffee she was drinking down. She would have a day off tomorrow, so she wanted to stay up late to read a new novel.     1

As she walked to the door, she wondered if it was An Qi Yan and hoped that it was. Otherwise, it would be awkward as she was in her pajamas and she was not wearing any bra.     

When she looked through the peephole and saw no one, she mumbled, "Weird... "     

However, with the bolt still chained, she opened it slightly to take a quick look.     

"A prank?" thought Jane as she scratched the back of her head. Just as she was about to close the door, she heard a soft groan coming from below her.     

When she looked down, she was startled! Someone was lying down right in front of her door.     

Her nature as a doctor kicked in and she immediate unchained the bolt before opening the door to tend to the unknown man.     

However, she was even more shock when she saw that it was Mo Shaoyun.     

"Shaoyun? What are you doing here?" asked Jane. Her tone was filled with worries as she checked his temperature.     

When she smelled the scent of alcohol, she frowned.     

"Have you been drinking?" asked Jane as she wrinkled her nose.     

There was no reply from him. Jane stood up and looked around but there was no one near her. Suddenly, she heard a notification coming from her phone and she pulled it out from her pocket.     

(Take care of him and try to talk to him, alright? Love, Ms. An, the cupid)     

Jane frowned. She closed her door and circled her floor but there was nobody around. When she got back, Mo Shaoyun was snoring away outside her place.     

With a deep sigh, she punched in the password and when her door sprung opened, she dragged him into the house.     

Her strength had a limit and she managed to drag him halfway into the house before she ran out of breath.     

As she glared at the drunk Mo Shaoyun, she wondered who she should call.     

"Jane… Jane… " murmured Mo Shaoyun in his sleep as he turned around to grab her foot.     

Since she was still mad at him, Jane wanted to kick him away but she could not bear to do so. Even after so many months, she was unable to love him less. She tried to move on but no matter who she went out with, the feelings were not there.     

As she sat down next to him and caressed his face, she sighed sadly, "Why do you come back when you're no longer in love with me?"     

She hated herself for being such a lovelorn weakling. She should have left him outside. After all, for what he did to her, she should have let him suffer...Right?     

Pulling out his phone from his pocket, she thought of calling someone to pick him up. However, his phone was locked.     

"You never locked your phone…" murmured Jane as she glanced at him. She tried to use the fingerprint and facial recognition to unlock but it did not work.     

She then punched in his birthday, but it was wrong. It was the same result when she tried the last four digits of his national ID number.     

"Could it be... " thought Jane before she keyed in her birthday. However, it was still wrong. Somehow, she was a little saddened by it.     

She tried to think of the possible combinations. She knew that Mo Shaoyun's relationships with his parents were terse and there's no way he would use their birthdays for it.     

She tried Mo Shaolei's number but it was futile as well.     

After a while, she decided to try one last combination. Their anniversary.     

Once she keyed in the four digits from the day to the month, the phone unlocked. When she saw the wallpaper on his phone, she gasped. The wallpaper was a photo of her smiling like a silly woman.     

Her heart was slightly touched by it. However, she was confused by his action.     

"Why are you doing this... " thought Jane as she glanced at him. After a while, she scrolled through his phone and found the woman's number. It was the last number he called.     

Not really feeling it, she sent her a message to come and pick him up instead of making the call.     

Once she was done sending the message, she was about to leave and get him something warm to cover him with when he pulled the bottom of her pajamas.     

"Stay... " murmured Mo Shaoyun as he looked at her with a drunken smile.     

Jane gently pulled her pants away before going into her room to get a blanket from her closet. When she was choosing which blanket to use, Mo Shaoyun came and hugged her from behind.     

She tried to push him away but he would not release her.     

"What are you doing! You have a fiancee!" yelled Jane as she tried to squirm out of his hold.     

"No… Pretty dream... Jane… Stay…" murmured Mo Shaoyun as he placed his head on her shoulder. He then kissed the side of her neck before mumbling, "Don't leave… Jane, I love you…"     

Jane covered her mouth with her hands as tears dropped from her eyes. It had been so long since she heard him say that. She tried to stop her tears but it was futile. The past few months, she had tried to be strong but she would often drop by his building just to see if they would bump into each other. It was stupid and she knew it, but she could not help it.     

She was still madly in love with him.     

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