Be My Strength

Someone has to teach her a lesson

Someone has to teach her a lesson

3As he ran to the garage with Callum following right behind him, Kai An kept calling Naomi but she did not pick up his calls.     

"F*ck!" Kai An cursed repeatedly as he typed in a message to Naomi. He tried to get into the driver's seat but Callum pulled him aside and told him to get into the passenger seat instead.     

"What's wrong? Why are they meeting?" asked Callum as he glanced at Kai An from the rearview mirror as he slowly drove out of the garage.     

"Naomi is supposed to meet Luo Yin for dinner tonight to ask him to cancel the engagement. Now that I know of his true nature, I have got a bad feeling about this!" murmured Kai An as he placed his phone against his ear. He kept calling her but she still did not pick up his calls.     

Callum cursed. After the revelation earlier, he understood why Kai An was in a state of panic. He shifted the gear and as they drove out of the compound, he asked, "Do you know where she's at?"     

"Hotel Royale."     

In an instant, Callum called someone he knew and when the person picked up, he said, "There is someone named Naomi Nakamura. I'll send you a photo of her. Find out where she's at and report back to me her whereabouts at all time."     

"Yes, sir!" said the person from the other line.     

As he drove with one hand, he threw his phone at Kai An before saying, "Find a photo of her and send it to the number I called earlier. Don't worry about it. Nothing would happen to her. Luo Yin would not dare to touch her!"     

Kai An did as what he was told. When he was done, he groaned, "That b*stard is crazy! He did that in high school! Who knows what he would do now! I can't take any chances!"     

Callum looked ahead and shifted the gear again as he drove in full speed. Time was of the essence. With a vile person like Luo Yin, Naomi Nakamura's life and reputation would be at stake!     


Naomi Nakamura was having a pleasant time chatting with Luo Yin when she saw that she had over 30 messages and over 20 missed calls from Kai An. As she was preoccupied and because it was a bad manner to use the phone while she was with someone, she did not bother to read through the messages.     

Instead, she merely texted him back.     

[ Kai An, I'm a bit busy now. If it's alright, I'll call you back later. ]     

When Luo Yin saw her using her phone, he asked politely, "Busy?"     

She placed the phone back into her bag before answering him, "Just a friend."     

"I see," said Luo Yin. As a waiter poured them each a glass of champagne, Luo Yin smiled and said, "I'm surprised that Ms. Nakamura would ask me out for dinner tonight. I had the expectation that with such a beautiful woman like you, I'd have to do the asking all the time."     

Naomi Nakamura blushed and downed the glass of champagne. Once she was calmer, she said, "I have something that I want to discuss with you."     

"Please go on. I'm all yours for tonight," said Luo Yin before he signaled the waiter to refill her glass.     

She downed the second glass of champagne much to Luo Yin's amusement. They had gone out a couple of times before and he had never seen her acting in such a manner before.     

After a few seconds, Naomi Nakamura said, "I want to break off the engagement."     

Luo Yin's smile slowly dropped from his face. However, when he finally said something, his usual charming smile was back on, "I don't mind. I'd prefer my wife to be a willing woman. However, if it's not too much to ask, may I know the reason for your sudden decision?"     

When Naomi Nakamura did not say anything, Luo Yin chuckled before saying softly, "Looks like there's a man in your life?"     

Blushing, she nodded.     

"He must be one hell of a man to get your attention," said Luo Yin. The icy tone was left undetected by Naomi Nakamura. He knew that it was Kai An and it irked him that the latter tried to steal from him again.     

"He's a great man."     

"I'm happy for you," said Luo Yin and he raised his champagne glass to toast her.     

She waited for the waiter to refill her glass before raising her champagne glass, "Thanks."     

"Don't worry about it. I'll talk to your father," said Luo Yin as he watched her finished her drink. Once she placed it down, he added, "However, what would he said if he found out that you are defiled…"     


He stood up and went around the table. He stood behind her and massaged her gently as he said, "As you know, the value of women in our society are based on their virginities. Let's say that something was to happen tonight...With rice turning into porridge...Then, you'd have no choice…"     

She shivered from the coldness in his voice. She had never heard him used such a tone before and it scared her. When she tried to stand up, he pushed her down and smirked, "Of all the people, you chose Zhen Kai An. Did you know that I really can't stand him? He's nothing but a f*cking poor man and he kept trying to steal what is mine…"     

"He's a good man!" snapped Naomi Nakamura. She was getting really scared by then but she was not about to let him talked about Kai An in that way.     

Luo Yin laughed madly before he leaned down to whisper in her ear, "Did you know that I took his sister's virginity?"     

"What?" gasped Naomi Nakamura. She was shocked by what he said. When he started to move one of his hands around her waist, she trembled. She felt so disgusted by his action but she was unable to move.     

"She's such a slut, walking around all proud and sh*t just because her filthy brother managed to win the votes…Someone has to teach her a lesson..." murmured Luo Yin before he licked her left earlobe.     

Grossed out, Naomi Nakamura pushed her chair back with all her might. Suddenly, she felt dizzy and fell down on the floor.     

"Really, Naomi Nakamura...You are such an easy target…" murmured Luo Yin as he caught her up in his arms. He knew what was going to happen when she asked him out all of a sudden.     

If it turned out that he was wrong and that she just wanted to get to know more about him, then he would have let it slide and protected her purity. However, since he was right, he needed to teach her a lesson.     

Since his mother warned him that he could not wreck this engagement up, obviously he had to do this his way in order to keep the engagement.     

Everyone in the restaurant was his people. Even the patrons were people that he paid to create an illusion for her to feel safe in. All of them pretended to know nothing as they turned away while he walked out of the restaurant with her resting in his arms.     

Instead of going home, he intended to just use one of the rooms that his assistant, Lee, had booked for him.     

Once they were in the lift, one of his bodyguards, Igor, asked "Boss, are we going to get a go?"     

Despite his father's disapproval, he flew some of the members of his own security team back with him. Compared to the people that his father hired, he preferred to have those who were part of his security team when he was in the US.     

Furthermore, he knew that Luo Han only hired those people to spy on him. His father knew that he was prone to mischief and he placed those people around to make sure that there would be no publicity. If he did anything, they would be the one to clean up his mess.     

His father would never allow his son's mistakes to affect his desire to rule over the country.     

"Not this one. She's my future wife," said Luo Yin dryly. After a while, he smirked, "Maybe you can take her from behind afterward. I mean...I only need to make sure that she carries my child."     

Igor laughed and rubbed his hands together evilly. He loved it whenever his boss allowed him to play along. When those women screamed, it only made him want to hurt them further.     

When they were in the room, Luo Yin glanced at Lee who was leaning against the ball before asking, "Sitting out as usual or are you going to join us this time?"     

Lee yawned before shaking his head and said, "The only place available is her mouth and I don't fancy having my thing bitten off."     

Luo Yin laughed and waved his hand nonchalantly as he said, "Well, we can settle that easily. You can trade with Igor. Igor, take her mouth. You can't hurt her though. Well, not too badly anyway."     

"Hey!" Igor protested. He glared at Lee and cursed him for taking his fun away.     

Instead of playing along, Lee laughed, "You can have her, Igor. I'm not interested in her kind. I'll be watching the door."     

The moment he stepped out of the room and closed the door behind him, he dropped his smile and clenched his fists. There was a hint of anger that was reflected in his eyes as he texted his real boss. Once he had sent out the message, he began to reformat his phone to get rid of any leftover evidence.     

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