Be My Strength

Twins Birthday (25)

Twins Birthday (25)


Kai Xin was enjoying a cup of fruit juice and the birthday cake that Lyle and Quinn brought up for her earlier when she heard the knocking.     

"It can't be DX..." thought Kai Xin. However, knowing that not everyone could approach the second floor, she did not think too much into it.     

As she walked towards the door, she thought, "It's probably one of the kids..."     

However, when she turned the knob and opened the door, what greeted her was the face of a smiling woman.     

She watched as the smile slowly turned to a frown as the woman realized who was the one who opened the door.     

"Ms. Zhen..."     

Kai Xin touched her face and when she realized that her mask was off, she sighed and gave Song Qiao a half smile, "Hi, Ms. Song."     

Song Qiao who had always been kept outside the room was jealous that Kai Xin was allowed in.     

As she glanced into the room, it appeared that Kai Xin was making herself at home as there were magazines and a tray of food on the bed.     

In a terse voice, she said, "I did not expect it would be you."     

"Did you not?" asked Kai Xin indifferently.     

Pretending to be clueless, Song Qiao asked, "What do you mean?"     

"Do you think that I'm stupid?" said Kai Xin as she turned and walked back to the bed. She doubted that Song Qiao would do anything to her while they were in the room.     

The guards at the bottom of the stairs and those that patrolled around would have seen her walking towards DX's room.     

Song Qiao stepped into the room. Glancing around, she thought angrily, "All of these should be mine!"     

"So, why are you here? Du XiAn stepped out for a moment. Maybe you should come back later?" asked Kai Xin as she took another bite of the cake while she pretended to read something on her phone.     

"I..." Song Qiao was about to reply to something when she recalled a fun fact. In the entire mansion, there were few blind spots. One of them was the master bedroom.     

She stared at Kai Xin and pretended to be magnanimous, she advised her, "Ms. Zhen, you do not belong in our world. You do not understand how the upper society works and the rules that come with it. If you continue to be with XiAn, you would just be bringing him down."     

When she heard her carefully decorated insult, Kai Xin glanced up from her phone and asked innocently, "Is that so?"     

She might not be used to their world, but she was not stupid enough to not understand the thorn behind Song Qiao's words. The woman was saying that someone like Kai Xin would bring DX down to her level.     

Still pretending to be helpful, Song Qiao added, "Status quo is a very important thing for us. The moment he was born, XiAn is destined to achieve great things and it was well-known that whoever he ended up with must be someone who can help and support him."     

With a soft sigh, she added, "I'm sure you are a capable woman, Ms. Zhen. However, if I were you, I'd leave immediately. Even if I cannot be with XiAn, if you think you can handle everything, then I'm happy for you. However, you took a wrong move earlier. Old Madam Du must be really angry when you openly opposed her. Don't worry, Ms. Zhen. I can talk to her on your behalf. I'll convince her to give you a chance."     

Kai Xin smiled at her, "Thanks for the advice, Ms. Song. I supposed you are right. I'm glad you are not angry at my stupid little stunt earlier. After all, I did not mean to offend anyone. I was just trying to give Du XiAn a little surprise."     

Thinking that she succeeded in persuading her, Song Qiao smiled back as she said, "I'm glad you understand. If you want to leave now, I can call my driver to send you home."     

Kai Xin pretended to be shocked as she asked, "Who said I'm leaving?"     


"Ms. Song, Du XiAn and I have been together for years. I won't leave just because his mother is scary. Besides, I believe that Old Madam Du, as the matriarch of this family and as his mother...She would know what and...," said Kai Xin with a smile. Glancing at Song Qiao, she continued, "...who is right for him..."     

Realizing she had been played, Song Qiao's face turned ugly at that moment as she snapped, "Zhen Kai Xin! Don't push your luck too far. You have no idea how ugly our world can be. Go back to your little commoners' friends!"     

"No matter how ugly it is, I have Du XiAn with me. I'm not afraid of anything else."     

With an evil laugh, Song Qiao snarled, "Don't blame me for what happened after this..."     


To her horror, Song Qiao started to punch and slapped herself as hard as she could.     

"HELP! SOMEONE, PLEASE HELP ME!" yelled Song Qiao as she kept hurting herself while she threw things around. A crystal bowl ended up being smashed into pieces of shards.     

Kai Xin was afraid that she might actually hurt herself badly so she rushed forward to try to stop her.     

"Are you crazy?! What the hell do you think you are doing?!" asked Kai Xin as she winced. Her heels were off and when she rushed forward earlier, she had accidentally stepped on some of the tiny shards that were all over the floor.     

However, Song Qiao pulled Kai Xin with her until they were almost at the door. She leaned in and with a crazed look, she snarled, "Du XiAn is mine!"     

"HELP!" yelled the woman for the last time.     

Before Kai Xin could do anything, Song Qiao pretended to trip backward and Kai Xin watched in horror as Song Qiao fell backward and down the stairs.     

"NO!!!" yelled Kai Xin as she rushed out of the room.     

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