Be My Strength

Twins Birthday (4)

Twins Birthday (4)

0When Han Ye received the message from his future Madam President, he immediately excused himself from his companions and went to look for Lyle.      4

He found Lyle and the rest of the kids at the racing section. They were surrounded by plenty of the other kids who were watching the race intently.     

Lyle was sitting in the Porsche while his rival was Tian Le who was in the Lamborghini. Every now and then, whenever one of the cars overtook the other, the children would cheer or groan loudly.     

Earlier, when Jack suggested that they play the racing game, Lyle had frowned at him for his insensitivity and lack of awareness.     

However, Tian Le who noticed the stare that Lyle gave to Jack said in annoyance, "It's only half a leg. I still got my other leg for the pedals."     

"Are you sure about this?" asked Lyle worriedly. There would be a lot of people watching and he was afraid that Tian Le might be upset if he lost the game.     

With a smirk, Tian Le challenged him to a game, "If I win, you have to admit that despite the lack of a calf, I am just like you."     

"Young Master Lyle!" Han Ye called out from the door but his voice was drowned by the kids' cheer.     

"LYLE! YOU ARE LOSING!" shouted Jack as he cheered for his brother from the side.     

Quinn who was standing right next to him winced and placed her hands over her ears before giving Jack a light kick, "You are too loud!"     

Ignoring her, Jack continued to cheer for his brother, "10 seconds! Lyle, don't lose the game or I'm disowning you!"     

It was a close battle but Lyle won by 1 second. All the children who were watching the game cheered for Lyle while Tian Le sighed in disappointment. He had wanted to prove to all the children there that     

even if he was disabled, he could still win.     

Lyle climbed out of the car and passed Tian Le's crutches to him.     

"Don't be upset. You actually did pretty well."     

Tian Le took the crutches and as he got out of the Lamborghini, he said, "You don't have to comfort me. I am not a sore loser."     

Lyle chuckled, "I'm serious. You did pretty well. I've played this game before so I know every twist and turn, but you managed to catch up to my momentum despite being new at this..."     

He patted Tian Le's back as he admitted, "If we are to play again, I cannot say with confidence that I would definitely win."     

Han Ye who had walked over by then called out again, "Young Master Lyle, President Du needs your help."     

Due to the noise, Lyle excused himself and the two went into the mansion.     

"What's wrong, Han Ye?" asked Lyle as he took a sip from the drink that he took from a server who was standing nearby.     

"President Du asked if you can get a present that he misplaced. He said that it might be in your room since he was looking for you guys earlier. I'd get it myself but he wants me to be there when he talks to President Tong," said Han Ye without any hesitation.     

If his father was asking for a specific present, no doubt it was a present for an important person. Even though he would like to have another round with Tian Le, Lyle merely shrugged and agreed to help, "Yeah, sure. Tell him I'd bring it to him shortly"     

Han Ye smiled as he watched Lyle jogged up the stairs, "It's about time for those two to reunite..."     


4 years ago, when he saw President Du slapped the woman who had just saved Little Lyle, Han Ye was stunned. He was also a little bit angry at his boss on her behalf as he knew that she did everything for him.     

When those two separated, President Du was a 'delight' to be around. Except when he was around his newfound twins, he was moodier and broodier than normal. Almost half of their employees quit within the following two weeks because they were unable to deal with President Du. In fact, if not for his long term contract, Han Ye would have quit as well.     

The two of them were at a private suite in Hospital Imperial where Little Lyle was receiving treatment when DX finally had enough of Little Lyle's tantrums.     

"Stop crying!" DX snapped when his son kept crying despite his attempts to pacify the boy. He was seriously worried that the little guy might cry himself blind.     

Of course, him being angry at Little Lyle caused the boy to cry even louder as he pushed DX away from his bed.     

Laying back down on the bed, Little Lyle pulled his dinosaur blanket over his head as he kept sobbing quietly, "Mummy...Mummy..."     

DX cursed when he heard his son. Even though he barely knew any of his sons, whenever they cried, he felt as if someone was cutting into his heart.     

Frustrated and somewhat afraid when he heard that Little Lyle's breath was getting uneven, DX threatened, "If you don't stop crying, your Mummy would never come..."     

When he heard the threat, Little Lyle immediately clamped his hands over his mouth to stop himself from making any sounds. However, the tears still continued to fall. He was afraid of this man who claimed to be his father.     

DX pulled the dinosaur blanket away and said softly, "Lyle, don't cry anymore...Ok? I'll ask your mummy to come and see you."     

Little Lyle looked up at him with teary eyes, "Mummy?"     

He flinched when DX reached out as he had expected to be slapped or punched. Whenever he cried, those bad men always hit him. Thus, he was stunned when DX only gently caressed his head.     

"I won't hit you, Lyle..." said DX. He did not expect Little Lyle to understand it but he hoped that over time, his son would no longer be afraid of him.     

Little Lyle looked at him suspiciously. Even though it had been almost two weeks, his eyes still contained the fear that should not be seen in the eyes of a 6-year-old.     

DX wondered if Little Lyle had seen something horrible while he was with those organ traffickers. The first thing they did was to do a thorough medical examination on his son. Other than bruises and cuts, and being underweight, Little Lyle was considered to be healthy.     

When he was discussing Little Lyle's condition with the doctor earlier, the latter pointed to one of the X-Ray images and said, "See these lines on the wrist bones. They are on the process of being completely healed but I'm fairly certain that the bones were broken previously. Maybe around 9 months ago."     

As a father, he felt both angry and helpless at the same time. He cannot help but blamed himself for not following up with the woman when she warned him that she would make him regret his decision to leave her.     

Looking at Little Lyle who was clutching his blanket tightly, DX knew that he cannot blame the boy for being distrustful of him. After all, his biological mother did sold him to those evil men.     

When they left the room, he turned to Han Ye and said, "Give Kara a call. Inform her of Lyle's condition. She might still be angry with me. I don't want to piss her off any further. Tell her that I would stay away from the hospital tomorrow, so she could come anytime she wants."     

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