Be My Strength

You are purer than anyone I know

You are purer than anyone I know

4The man narrowed his eyes at him when he heard the name. He knew that he was talking about Mrs. Luo. However, given that he had done plenty of bad things in his life both to adults and children, he was unable to figure out who the man standing in front of him was.     

As he adjusted his black gloves, Ghost smiled as he patiently explained, "I was the boy who was in the factory with you."     

Dropping his smile, he glared at the man and sneered, "You managed to hide too well. Then again, I supposed Mrs. Luo has been helping you with it. Mr. Zhang, I've been searching for you for far too long."     

He took a step forward towards the man who started to remember. Fearful for his life, the man scrambled further away from Ghost. He grabbed whatever he could find and threw it at Ghost.     

Dodging them expertly, Ghost yawned as he paced around, "I see you are only strong when it comes to hurting defenseless woman."     

In the blink of an eye, he closed the distance between them and punched Mr. Zhang with his right hand. He had been training for this day and even though his left hand was useless, his right hand was more than enough to deal with a coward like Mr. Zhang.     

The man stumbled a little before regaining his balance. He retaliated with a punch that Ghost dodged. Before the man could pull back his hand, Ghost caught him and kneed him in the stomach.     

While the man was hunched over, Ghost slammed his fists down onto his back causing him to topple over.     

The man tried to push himself up but his limbs felt weak.     

When he saw the crazed smile that was forming on Ghost's face, he was suddenly very afraid. He had done many bad things yet no one scared him as the man who was standing in front of him with his bright red hair.     

At that moment, Ghost's appearance coupled with his desire for vengeance made him looked like a vengeful devil.     

When Ghost noticed that the man was looking at his hand, he laughed, "Pretty, isn't it? Blood red color...Like blood."     

The man paled when he saw Ghost pulled out a dagger. With a smirk, Ghost said, "You know...My hair turned completely grey within a week from that day..."     

The man gulped when he heard the fact. He tried to crawl away from Ghost as he begged, "Please...Please let me go...What do you want?"     

As he slowly made his way towards the man, Ghost smiled, "What I want? Your life of course."     

He caught up to the man and stepped on his back. Taking out his dagger, he sliced off the man's left ear in one swift move.     

"ARGGGH!" yelled the man before his mouth was stuffed with a dirty sock. Even though he was in pain, the man spat out the sock immediately before vomiting all over the floor.     

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT FROM ME?" yelled the man as he held the place where his left ear used to be. The stench of his vomit was nauseating enough that Ghost wrinkled his nose at it.     

Ignoring his question, Ghost laughed maniacally as he watched the blood flowing out of the man, "How does it feel? Weak? No energy? You should have been nicer to your wife. She's a pretty lovely woman."     

When he heard Ghost, his eyes went wide opened as he cursed at his traitorous wife.     

"Without you, she and that child will finally be able to live like a human..."     

Noticing that the man tried to run, Ghost threw his dagger at him and it landed in his calf.     


The man yelled out in pain and fell onto the ground. Ghost went over and pulled the dagger out in one swift move. The action caused the man to yell out again.     


Ghost laughed, "Do you seriously think that someone would come and save you?"     

The man got onto his knees and with tears in his eyes, he kowtowed as he cried, "Please let me go! I will tell you whatever you want to know. I was only following the orders of Mrs. Luo! Please spare my life!"     

Ghost grabbed his shirt and snapped, "WHERE IS MY MOTHER?!"     

The man blinked, "Your mother? What do you mean?"     

"My mother! The woman you raped and kept captive on Mrs. Luo's words! XIA LIN XING! WHERE IS SHE?" yelled Ghost before he punched the man in the face over and over again until his face was completely covered in blood.     

Throwing him aside, Ghost snapped, "Tell me now and I would consider not killing you!"     

"I don't know…" cried the man before he spat out a couple of bloody teeth out. His lips were split and his nose was broken. "She's gone…"     

Stepping on the man's fingers until he yelled out in pain, Ghost growled, "What do you mean she's gone?"     

"Please...Please...I'd tell you…" begged the man as he tried to pull Ghost's leg away from his fingers. He could feel the bones in his fingers being crushed by Ghost's boot.     

Ghost released his fingers and sneered, "You better tell the truth or I would make sure that you suffer a lot worse than now."     

Holding his sore trembling fingers, the man's voice trembled as he said, "Following Mrs. Luo's order, I took her to a house in the middle of K Forest. It was fine at first but...but... the woman got weaker and weaker. I - I eventually lost interest in her. I thought that she was no longer capable of running away so I did not pay much attention to her. One day, when I went back to the house, she was gone!"     

Ghost kicked him in the chest so hard that he heard a crack. While the man groaned in pain, he snapped, "Do not lie to me! You killed her!!!"     

Rubbing his chest, the man said loudly, "I didn't! Mrs. Luo knew about it! You can ask her! She gave me a bag of money and told me to get out of the country! She's the one who did it! You should go after her!"     

Ghost laughed maniacally as he smashed everything in the house. He stopped abruptly and turned to the pathetic man who was groveling for his life. With a sinister smile, he said, "I will...after I am done with you."     

The man tried to crawl away as he begged for his life, "Please...You said you would let me go…"     

"I said I would consider it…" said Ghost as he took out his gun that was equipped with a silencer. Aiming it at the man who peed himself from the fear, he was about to pull the trigger when someone beat him to it with a well-aimed shot at the man's head.     

"NOOO!" yelled Ghost as he tried to shake the man awake. Looking up, he glared at Butler Douglas who was slowly lowering his gun.     

"WHY!" Ghost yelled angrily before jumping on him.     

Like a sandbag, Ghost went crazy as he punched his butler. Frustrated, he grabbed the man's collar and screamed in his face, "HE WAS MINE! WHY DID YOU DO IT! WHO GAVE YOU THE PERMISSION TO TAKE HIM AWAY FROM ME!!! WHO GAVE YOU THE RIGHT!!!"     

He beat Butler Douglas until the man's face was completely covered in cuts and bruises. Not once did the latter retaliated or even put up a defensive stance. He knew he angered his young master and he took his punishment without even making a sound.     

Ghost yelled out in frustration as he sat on top of Butler Douglas and continued to attack him with weak punches, "He's mine to kill! That was my revenge! Why would you do this to me! I thought you were on my side!"     

Despite being in pain, Butler Douglas spat out the blood in his mouth before smiling at his attacker. He patted Ghost's knees gently as he said weakly, "I can't let you dirty your hands…"     


"You are purer than anyone I know, Young Master Guang Yin. I know you are hurting and you have been hurting by yourself for many years but I cannot allow you to dirty your hands with the blood of scum like him. Please let me do the dirty works for you."     

Ghost's head hurt as all the painful memories from his childhood bombarded him.     

From waking up in a strange house with people, from being shunned at school, from being treated as invisible, from being made disabled and having his dream crushed...     


Unable to take it anymore, he yelled at Butler Douglas before running away.     

"Young Master!" yelled Butler Douglas as he tried to run away his young master. However, he had accidentally twisted his leg earlier when he was getting beaten into a pulp and he could not run properly. In the end, he lost sight of Ghost.     

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