Be My Strength

I'm older than her!

I'm older than her!

0Young Callum thought he heard some sort of confusion in her voice. However, he ignored it as he said, "Yes...You played beautifully earlier and if it is ok with you...I would really like to hear it again…"      3

The girl frowned and asked, "Why should I play for you?"     

"Ah…" Young Callum could not answer her. However, he admitted, "It's fine if you don't feel like it. It's just that...The music reminded me of my parents…"     

"Your parents?"     

Young Callum did not know why he told her but he did, "They passed away many years ago."     

After a while, the girl said gruffly, "Turned around and face the door. I'll play it once for you and once I'm done, you will leave the room immediately. Is that Ok with you?"     

Young Callum did not know why the girl was being so mysterious but he nodded and did as he was told. Facing the door, he wondered why the girl took so long. He heard footsteps earlier and he was sure that she was already standing in front of the piano.     

Just as he was about to turn around, he heard the music. It was the same music, but somehow, it felt sadder now.     

Young Callum stood there and while the music was playing, he could not help but to turn and looked at the girl. She did not notice that he was looking at her.     

When the music came to an end, Young Callum immediately turned around.     

Without looking at him, the girl pointed out, "You promised to leave immediately…"     

Even though he was reluctant to leave, he nodded. After all, a promise is a promise.     


However, when he tried to turn the knob, it would not budge. "Weird…The lock..."     

With a bored voice, the girl told him, "It's broken. You can only open it from the outside."     

He frowned, "Are you locked in here?"     

Ignoring his question, she replied to him with another question, "You are strong enough to kick down the door, aren't you?"     

Young Callum shrugged. She was right. He had broken heavier door than this.     


It took only one well-aimed kick for the door to fling open. Before leaving, he hesitated for a moment as he thought about what to say to her. He wanted to say something that would make him look smarter and cooler but he was unable to think of anything.     

After a while, he sighed inwardly and said, "I will leave first. I guess...I guess I will see you around sometimes."     


"So, did you managed to see her?" asked Kai Xin. She was so into Callum's story that she failed to realize that they had arrived at her destination.     

Callum shrugged, "No... I asked around but no one knows of a girl of her description. I checked the drama club, the music club, even the cosplayer club, but no one heard of her. The only thing closest to someone of her description is a boy."     

"I told you. She was a figment of your teenage fueled imagination," said DX dryly. Turning to Kai Xin, he ruffled her hair and said, "We are here."     

She gave DX a quick kiss on the lips before getting out of the car. Before she closed the door, she looked at Callum, "Anyway, kid... I hope that DX is wrong and that you will find your goddess soon."     

After she left, Callum frowned, "Kid? I'm older than her!"     

With a deadpan expression, DX said, "You are also more childish than her."     

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