Be My Strength

Welcome Home

Welcome Home

2Ghost was styling his hair while his butler watched on.     

Butler Douglas frowned and he leaned over slightly to look at the top of Ghost's head.     

"Sir, the roots are visible now. Should we do something about it?"     

Ghost frowned as he checked his hair. The butler was right.     

His grey hair was visible. That was the problem with dying one's hair. He had to retouch them every few weeks.     

With a sigh, he waved dismissively at the butler,     

"You may leave now. Remember to get me the red dye today, and you can tell grandfather that I would join him for brunch."     

When the butler left the room, Ghost sighed as he continued to style his bright red hair.     

Once he was done styling his hair and changing his clothes, he picked up his bag and proceeded to move towards the dining room.     

When he was about to walk down the stairs, he saw two figures chatting at the bottom of the stairs.     

He recognized his grandfather but the other person was facing the other way. As he got closer, the man slowly shifted his weight and Ghost could see part of his face.     

"Luo Yin..." Ghost thought angrily.     

As if it remembered the pain, his left hand trembled. He immediately stuffed it into the pocket of his pants.     

There was no way he would allowed anyone to see his fear.     

"Oh boy..." Luo Yin smiled when he saw Ghost staring down at him.     

"Isn't that my big brother, Guang Ying? How are you?"     

Maintaining his composure as he faced his enemy, Ghost nodded, "I'm fine. Welcome back..."     

He walked down the stairs to face him on the same level.     

As they both sized each other up, Ghost realized that he had outgrown his younger brother.     

He used to be so afraid of his younger brother because the latter was a head taller than him.     

However, he realized that it was not the size that scared him. It was the evil that was lurking within him.     

"Morning, Ye Ye, " Ghost greeted with a smile, "I did not realized that my YOUNGER BROTHER would be back today or I would have come down earlier."     

He purposely pressed on the word "Younger Brother" to tick him off. He knew that Luo Yin hated to be called that.     

Grandfather Luo smiled, "I know nothing about this. He suddenly appeared in front of me when I was reading the newspaper. Isn't this great, Guang Ying? It had been 3 years since Luo Yin was back! We must celebrate this!"     

Luo Yin grinned as he hugged his grandfather,     

"Ye Ye, there is no need for any celebration. I just want to have a nice home cooked meal with you and my parents."     

"How can there be no need for celebration? Nonsense! The younger Young Master of the Luo Family is back. Obviously, we have to celebrate. I'll get the maids to prepare. Tell your parents that they would be dining here tonight."     

"If you say so, Ye Ye. However, my brother... "     

Luo Yin turned to Ghost and with a sad expression, he added,     

"Big brother, are you still mad at me? I was young and reckless then. I did not mean any harm. After all, Ye Ye punished me severely for that."     

Ghost would never fall for it and Luo Yin knew it. It was just a pretense for their grandfather.     

He looked at his grandfather. The old man had been talking about having a family dinner for a long time now.     

Ghost decided to give him his wish. After all, there would not be that many chances anymore.     

He turned to Luo Yin and with a gracious smile, he said,     

"Might as well. I have nothing plan for tonight and it has been a while since I saw our parents."     

Grandfather Luo clapped his hands together and said excitedly, "That's great! We can finally have a meal as a family! Yin has been away for so long!"     

He looked at Luo Yin and turned the young man around before sighing,     

"Did you not eat well there? I told you to take care of yourself! How can you be so thin?"     

Luo Yin laughed as he patted his grandfather's hand, "Ye Ye, I'm not thin! My body is kind of a lady killer."     

When Ghost heard him, he chuckled ruefully as he thought, "Yeah, lady killer... In more than one way..."     

Luo Yin glanced at his watch, "Well, I will see you tonight, Ye Ye. I was supposed to go home straight. If Dad found out that I came here first, he would be jealous."     

"Ha! What can he be jealous about? That idiot! But you should go home and get some rest first. It was a long flight and you must be really tired. Furthermore, I would be going out later and won't be at home."     

When he heard the last sentence, Luo Yin clenched his fist for a second. He calmed himself down before his grandfather noticed it.     

With a dramatic bow, he said, "Then I'll take my leave first, Ye Ye. Big Brother."     

Ghost nodded curtly at him. With his grandfather, Ghost watched Luo Yin got into his car.     

When Luo Yin finally drove off, his grandfather dropped his smile and turned to Ghost.     

"Guang Ying, I know that you are still angry at him, but he is still your younger brother."     

Still maintaining his calm face, Ghost said, "I'm not angry, Ye Ye."     

With his hands placed firmly on Ghost's shoulders, Grandfather Luo said sternly,     

"You are the firstborn son of our Luo Family. Nothing can change that. Not your father and not your brother. Don't worry. I won't let them hurt you again."     

Ghost nodded. With a tense smile, he nodded, "Ye Ye, let's eat. I'm hungry."     

As they ate silently, Grandfather Luo could not help but peeked at Ghost every now and then. His grandson was reading some sort of nonsence that he called Manga.     

His eyes fell on Ghost's left hand that was holding the spoon and he sighed inwardly when he saw that Ghost had trouble holding the spoon properly.     

Every now and then, his left hand would tremble and food would fall out of his spoon.     

As if he was used to it, instead of getting annoyed, Ghost merely changed the spoon to his right hand while he flipped the Manga with his left hand.     

"It still hurts?" asked Grandfather Luo when Ghost suddenly placed everything down to massage his left hand.     

He nodded, "Only when it's going to rain..."     

"Should I call the doctor?"     

"It's fine. He's going to give me painkillers again. I still have some in my bag," answered Ghost honestly.     

He did not tell his grandfather that the painkillers were ineffective for him. He took so many over the years that he had sort of developed some sort of immunity towards it.     

Grandfather Luo watched as Luo Yin went back to reading and eating at the table.     

He had a flashback to 16 years ago when he received a call from the hospital notifying him that his grandson was severely injured and had been hospitalized.     

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