Be My Strength

There would be another war

There would be another war

3Mr Dai shook his head, "I was away at that time and by the time I returned, nobody wants to talk about it..."     0

Looking at the photo of his late wife, he felt so bad for taking a leave then. He had lost his wife a month prior to the incident and he had been having trouble functioning properly.     

Upon the advice of the Principle at that time, he took two weeks off to grief for his loss. If he knew beforehand, he would have stayed.     

Maybe he would have noticed something, or maybe she would come to him. For years, he felt as if he there was something that he could have done for her.     

Han Ye took a photo of the newspaper clipping with his phone before giving it back to Mr. Dai.     

He also noticed something in the yearbook and quickly snapped a few pictures before giving it back to the Principal.     

"Thanks for your help, Mr Dai."     

"No problem."     

"One more thing, do you know a Lu ZiYan? President Shenlong recently spent a lot of money hiring him and our President Du wants to know if he's worth it."     

With a smile, Mr. Dai nodded, "He was also one of our scholarship students. Coincidentally, I do know ZiYan personally. I taught physics back then and he was one of my students. Plus, that stunt of his at the hacking competition? He's pretty much famous around here."     

"What do you think of him?" asked Han Ye.     

Mr. Dai thought for a while before answering,     

"ZiYan...He was quite a go-getter. He was always running errands for the students around here."     

"What kind of errands?" asked Han Ye as he placed his phone on the table.     

He leaned back against the chair. His facial expression showed that he was interested in the story.     

"Nothing too serious. Helping the students with their assignments for a fee. We knew about the condition of his younger sister, so whenever we caught him, we would turn the other way."     

"His younger sister?" asked Han Ye. He knew that Lu ZiYan had a younger sister who died in a car crash, but for the sake of pretense, he kept the conversation going.     

"She had cancer," said Mr. Dai dejectedly. He loved children and it always hurt when he heard about young children who died before their time.     

He pointed to ZiYan's photo in the yearbook and continued,     

"From what I heard, she managed to get a donor during his last year with us. He came to me asking for advice because the fees for the surgery was quite a big sum. All of us chipped in and we even threw a charity fair for him but it was not enough."     

"What happened then?"     

"If I remember correctly, not long after, ZiYan said that an anonymous donor paid for the surgery."     

"Coincidence?" thought Han Ye. His heart was filled with suspicion. However, he thought that it would be best for him to discuss with DX before doing anything else.     

"It was a pity..." Mr. Dai added. His voice was shaky as he continued, "The operation was successful and his sister was out of transmission. However, that bloody accident...It was cruel...He was the only survivor..."     

"It must have been devastating..."     

Mr. Dai agreed, "His younger sister was everything to him. He always said that he would do anything for her..."     

They chatted for a little longer before Han Ye decided to leave.     

As they walked to the door, Han Ye said,     

"Mr. Dai, as spoken earlier, President Du preferred to keep everything on the down low."     

Mr. Dai nodded, "Yes, Mr. Han. I know that for him to send you to do such an extensive background check, the two must be involved with highly dangerous confidential matter. I have heard that President Du do not take lightly on the safety of his employees."     

Han Ye smiled and did not say anything else. However, he was actually thinking, "He only did it for our Future Madam President Du."     


Once he was in his car, he looked at the photos he took of the Student Council. Even though he was younger then, Han Ye could easily recognized him.     

"Shangguan Xing."     

Han Ye knew that he was a student of Elite High School but he did not know that the other two standing next to him studied here as well.     

He had expected those two to study in Imperial City as their families were based there.     

From the photo, Shangguan Xing was smiling with his arms draped on the shoulders of the boys standing next to him.     

Han Ye recognized both boys.     

The one standing on his right was Luo Yin, son of the Vice President of the country.     

However, it was the one who stood on his right that got Han Ye's attention.     

He frowned as he stared at the boy with the white hair and the expressionless eyes, "Ye Tian..."     

He followed the direction of Ye Tian's eyes and found out that he was glancing at Kai An.     

Han Ye cursed, "Fuck! If the Ye Family is involved with whatever happened to Future Madam President, then there would be another war!"     

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