Be My Strength

Don't touch me!

Don't touch me!

0When the four of them were in the car, DX sensed that something was going on in Kai Xin's mind.      3

She had been in a mood since they left Hu Fu's house.     

"Stop the car," said DX.     

Han Ye pulled the car to a stop.     

"Han Ye, go down and get me drinks from the convenience store. Mrs. Smith, please get me some hot food. Take your time. I'm feeling rather unwell from the long drive and I need some rest."     

The two nodded. Once they were gone, DX turned to Kai Xin and asked gently, "Is there something wrong?"     

He tried to take her hand but she pulled it away. She clasped her hands together and placed them on her thighs.     


"DX, you will always tell me the truth right?"     

"Of course."     

"Then what is the true meaning behind the cheque? Is it really just a gift?"     

Not knowing what was on her mind, DX explained, "You are right. It's not purely a gift. I was hoping that the money would change their mind and that they would not pursue any actions. In fact, other than Ms. Hu Fu, I am fairly certain that the rest would not pursue further actions against the company with regards to John's actions."     

Hurt by his answer, Kai Xin looked at him in disbelief.     

Worried that she might be unwell, DX tried to touch her but she slapped his hand away and snapped, "Don't touch me!"     

He did not know what he had done wrong as he asked worriedly ,"Kara, what's wrong?"     

"If Ms. Hu were to pursue an action, what would you do? Are you really going to use the power of the  Du Corporation to stop and suppress her?"     

Thinking of the greedy woman and her boyfriend, DX answered without any hesitation, "If it's her, I would."     

In a choked up voice, Kai Xin asked, "How can you do that? How can you used your power and money to suppress the victim's voice?"     

"Kara, what's wrong? Why are you getting so agitated over this?"     

Suddenly afraid of him, she unlocked the door and got out. Before she slammed the door shut, she looked at him and said coldly, "You are just like them."     

Han Ye who came back from the convenience store watched as she got out of the car and entered into a cab.     

Curious, he called out, "Ms.Zhen!"     

When he turned back, DX had rolled down the window. He glared at Han Ye and barked an order, "Get someone to follow her and make sure that she's safe!"     

Han Ye nodded and he immediately made a call. When Mrs. Smith returned, she saw the Kai Xin was no longer in the car.     

Before she can ask about it, Han Ye stopped her and motioned for her to keep quiet.     

During the entire journey back to the office, DX was in a really bad mood. He did not know what he did wrong or what set her off.     

When he got back to the office, his moodiness affected the entire office and everyone was scared of passing by his room or even glancing at the direction of his room.     


Han Ye knocked softly on the door.     

Without looking up, DX snapped, "What!"     

"President Du, it's almost 8 p.m. Everyone is gone."     

"Then so be it!"     

"President Du, if you don't mind me asking, what happened in the car earlier?"     

"None of your business!"     

Han Ye sighed. However, before he left the room, DX snapped, "Get your ass on the couch! I need to ask you something!"     

He told Han Ye about Kai Xin's oddish behavior earlier. The latter thought about it for a second before asking,     

"Don't you think this might have something to do with what Ms. Layla told you before?"     

DX glared at him, "That was in the past! And I did not do anything to her!"     

"She got mad because of what we said to Ms. Hu Fu. What if the person who hurt her before said the same thing to her?"     

DX frowned. Based on the time with Shangguan Xing, he knew that whatever happened to her before was likely sexual in nature.     

However, he felt frustrated whenever he thought about her lack of trust in him.     

"Why won't she just tell me who? Whoever it is, I would just get rid of him."     

"President Du, you are a capable man but when it comes to love, you are still inexperienced," said Han Ye with a shake of his head.     

When DX glared at him, he shivered slightly but he manged to regain his composure quickly. Looking at his boss, he continued,     

"There must be a reason why Ms. Zhen kept this secret so tightly for so many years. Even if she has accepted your presence in her life, it doesn't mean that it would not be easy for her to talk about it."     


While on the way home, DX thought about Han Ye's words. His assistant was right. When it comes to love, he knew nothing about it.     

All he knew was he did not want her to be alone when she was upset.     

Pulling to a stop by the roadside, he pulled out his phone and called Layla. The moment the call connected, he said, "I need a favor."     


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