Be My Strength

The same rule applies in life

The same rule applies in life

2Ghost closed his eyes to take in her scent as he stole a kiss from her.     

"That perfume..." thought Ghost happily. It was the same type of perfume as the one he gifted her many years ago.     

The drunk and half-asleep woman responded with a moan when he moved his hands down to her waist. Her voice was like a drug to him as a part of him responded accordingly.     

With her arms wrapped around his neck, she murmured,     

"Mnnn.. Du XiAn...You taste different..."     

When Ghost heard that, he stopped and pulled apart from her. As he gently pulled her arms away, he thought ruefully, "Du XiAn, you lucky bastard."     

He stood up and saw Phantom staring at him.     

"What?" asked Ghost.     

Phantom wheeled past them and said, "Let's have a talk downstairs."     

Ghost sighed and he pulled out a comforter that Phantom kept in the closet. When he pulled it over her, he whispered, "I'll see you soon."     


As they were sitting opposite each other at the couch in the room on the ground floor, Phantom asked, "What the fuck was that?"     

Ghost drank some water before replying, "It's just a kiss."     

"You were looking at her like she's a fucking dessert."     

"No..." said Ghost. With a brow raised, he continued, "...If anything, she's the main course."     

When he heard that, Phantom sighed, "You have always managed to hold yourself back. Why now?"     

Ghost shrugged.     


Glancing at the slope, Ghost said softly, "This would be the only time I get to touch her with clean hands."     

Phantom knew what he was talking about. He had been trying to dissuade him from moving forward with the plan, but Ghost was adamant about it.     

Looking at Phantom, Ghost asked, "If I am someone else...If we meet in another circumstances...I would not lose to Du XiAn, right?"     

Phantom nodded, "With your ability, you are on par with him. In fact, if not for the fact that you have to live like a rat, you would have long surpassed him."     

When he heard the words from Phantom, Ghost grinned. The man had never said anything nice about him before.     

He lied down on the couch and said, "Phantom, if what I fear turn out to be the truth..."     

"Do you want it to be the true?"     

Ghost covered his eyes with one of the pillows before answering, "No. I'd rather live like a rat if there is a possibility that she might be alive."     

Phantom leaned over and took off the pillow. As he was looking into Ghost's eyes, he asked, "Whatever you are going to do, make sure that no one sees you. I don't want to visit you in jail."     

Ghost laughed, "Hey, I thought you are trying to discourage me? Why are you encouraging me now?"     

He threw the pillow back at him before saying, "You never listen anyway."     

With one move, Phantom moved himself onto the couch. As he adjusted his legs, he asked, "I heard you earlier. That phrase...The one you told her earlier. Who taught you that?"     

"An annoying man..."     


Young Ghost walked around the mansion by himself while celebratory music can be heard from outside. Even though most people would prefer not to have anything to do with an illegitimate child like him, they would still invite him in order to give face to his grandfather.     

He had gotten lost earlier but he was afraid to call for help. Furthermore, he was afraid of who the help might be.     

When he heard heavy footsteps coming up the stairs, he immediately went into the nearest room and closed the door behind him. His bandaged hand trembled when he thought about who it might be.     

"Please don't be them. Please don't be them..." whispered Young Ghost as he hid behind the curtain.     

Someone came into the room and the lights were turned on. He heard the sound of things falling and a voice yelling,     

"Hey! That hurts!"     

Another deeper, more masculine voice sneered, "I thought you are not afraid of pain, Shenlong Xun? I told you to socialize with the guests, not making out with the hired help!"     

Young Ghost recognized the voice. It belonged to Du XiAn, the 25 years old heir of Du Conglomerate.     

"Argh!" cried Young Ghost silently. A sharp pain shot through his bandaged hand and he caressed it lightly to get rid of the pain. He had forgotten to bring his painkillers and the intensity of the pain was increasing by the minute.     

"Du XiAn, I'm going to do whatever I want!" snapped Young Callum before he went out of the room.     

Before he slammed the door shut, Young DX yelled, "At least use a bloody condom, you dumb fuck."     

Young Ghost heard shuffling sounds so he did not dare to leave his hiding spot.     

The smell of cigarettes soon permeated through the room.     

His eyes started to get teary as the smoke got to him and he had to cover his mouth to prevent himself from coughing out loud.     

He heard footsteps getting nearer and nearer, and a voice said, "The one behind the curtains..."     

Young Ghost stood frozen in spot when the curtain was swung aside violently.     

When he saw the annoyed look on Young DX's face, he felt both fear and awe. He tried to make a run for it but his feet got tangled amongst the heavy curtains. If it was not because of Young DX, he would have fell flat on his face.     

"T-Thank you..." muttered Young Ghost as Young DX helped him untangled himself from the curtains.     

As they were walking to the seating area, Young DX asked, "What is a kid like you doing here? This area is restricted to guests, didn't your parents tell you?"     

Young Ghost shook his head, "I'm sorry."     

"I'll get someone-"     

Before he can finished his sentence, Young Ghost interrupted him, "Can I...Can I stay here until my grandfather comes for me?"     

Young DX raised a brow at him. After a while, he waved his hand and said gruffly, "Whatever."     

Young Ghost thanked him before sitting down. His eyes wandered around as he looked at the various artifacts in the room.     

His grandfather collected antiques as well and he had always been curious about the history of the items.     

His eyes landed on a wooden block with a dragon and a phoenix carved around it. With him staring at it with such focus, Young DX could not help but noticed.     

Glancing at the wooden bloc, he asked, "Do you play Weiqi?"     

Without taking his eyes off the item, Young Ghost shook his head, "Is that what it is called? Weiqi?"     

Young DX stood up and asked Young Ghost to follow him. As they stood in front of the board, Young DX said,     

"This is one of the oldest board game known in human history. This board itself was said to be owned by Cao Cao of the Three Kingdoms," explained Young DX. He looked at the boy and asked, "Do you want to touch it?"     

Young Ghost nodded but he shook his head shortly after. With a sad voice, he murmured,     

"I don't want to dirty it."     

Young DX sighed at the boy's words. He took Young Ghost's good hand and placed it on the board before saying,     

"The board is meant to be played. If it gets dirty, we can wipe it clean."     

Young Ghost ran his fingers over the board while he asked, "How do you play?"     

Young DX took the board and led them a hightop table. As they sat there, he taught him the basic principles of Weiqi.     

"Do you want to have a go at it?" asked Young DX. He glanced at his watch before he continued, "The party won't end for another hour."     

Young Ghost nodded, "Yes, sir."     

As they played, Young DX taught him how to attack and surround the enemy's stones. After a while, Young Ghost lamented, "I lost again...I would never be as good as you."     

Young DX patted his head, "You are already better than my brother. I've been teaching him for years and he still cannot grasp the basic concept. That idiot!"     

Young Ghost knew that the 'brother' he was talking about was the infamous foster son of the Du Family. Thinking of his own relationships with the members of his family, he cannot help but be envious of their relationship.     

As he was putting the board away, Young DX glanced at him. He turned and looked at his bandaged hand.     

"Who did that?" asked Young DX curiously.     

Young Ghost hid his hand behind his back and shook his head before looking down at his feet..     

He squinted his eyes at the boy but after a while, he decided to let it go.     

"It's fine if you don't want to tell me. However...Do you want to know how to win in Weiqi?"     

Young Ghost nodded, "Please tell me, sir."     

"You have to think further than your enemies. If you wait for them to make a move, you would have lost the game," said Young DX. Leaning down so that they were staring into each other's eyes, he smirked, "The same rule applies in life."     

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