Be My Strength

Let me know of his reaction later

Let me know of his reaction later

1The next morning, when she went into office, John's room had been cleaned out.      3

Not a trace of him was left. As she walked to her seat, she heard inaudible whispers from the rest of the people in the office questioning and wondering what had happened to John Warwick.     

"Damn, they are efficient..." thought Kai Xin as she placed her bag down. She had expected at least two to three days before they started to remove everywhere.     

However, when she came back from lunch, she noticed that someone was cleaning and decorating the room.     

"Someone is taking over the position of the Head of Accounts?" asked Kai Xin to Mrs. Smith.     

The older woman shrugged, "I have no idea. They didn't say anything about John leaving and they didn't say anything about any replacement. You will get used to it if you stay long enough."     

Rather than asking around, the two of them went back to their own seats.     

Glancing at her watch, Kai wondered if DX fulfilled his promise to take care of himself. She texted Han Ye to check on him,     

[Did you take good care of him? Is he well? ]     

A reply came back shortly,     

[President Du is well. He eats 3 meals a day and sleeps a full 8 hours.]     

[Good. By the way, is there a new replacement for John's position? How did you guys managed to find someone to replace him so quickly? ]     

It took him longer to reply this time around,     

[I just checked with the HR Dept. They said it was a direct order by Old Madam Du. President Du said not to worry about it.]     

Kai Xin wondered what Old Madam Du was up to. She typed a quick message back,     

[Alright then. Tell President Du "I miss you" and tell him verbally. Let me know of his reaction later. ]     

[...No. ]     

[Fine. Then I'm going to tell him you said NO to me.]     

When Han Ye saw her reply, he frowned and quickly typed back,     

[That's low of you.]     

Chucking, she replied with a short message,     

[I'm dating President Du.]     

When Han Ye saw her message, he sighed and mumbled, "Why am I constantly stuck with these two lovelorn idiots?!"     

DX who was in backseat of the car asked, "What are you mumbling about there?"     

"Nothing." answered Han Ye quickly. He felt relieved when he realized that his boss did not hear the stuff he was mumbling about earlier.     

The driver smiled as he took a quick glance at the man sitting at the passenger seat. He heard what he was saying earlier.     

15 minutes later, they arrived at their destination. An upscale Chinese Restaurant that CEO Chen used to frequent.     

As they were walking towards the lift, DX asked, "Have you arranged it?"     

"Yes, President Du. I received the message earlier. Our people managed to distract the cars that were following CEO Chen."     

"Good, and the room?"     

"We booked the entire floor."     


"On the way. They would arrive shortly."     

DX nodded. It was below him to use such an underhanded tactic but special circumstances required special tactics.     

When they arrived at the room, CEO Chen was already sitting inside.     

CEO Chen stood up and offered his hand first, "President Du XiAn."     

Shaking it, DX nodded and said, "CEO Chen Byeol."     

The two greeted each other with formality before taking their seat.     

In Korean, DX asked, "Do you know the reason why I invited you out today, CEO Chen?"     

CEO Chen nodded and said, "I do, and I'm sorry. I know that I told you that I would sell to you but like I said earlier, I have decided to sell the airline to West Corporation as the offer they made is much more attractive and - "     

He was interrupted when Han Ye passed him a file and urged him to take a look at it.     

When he opened it, he saw a series of photos of a woman and a young child playing happily at a playground.     

He gulped when he realized that he was being blackmailed.     

However, he still chose to play dumb. He placed the file down and asked innocently, "What's this?"     

DX took a sip of the tea that Han Ye poured him and in a calm manner, he asked,     

"Do you really want to play around with me, CEO Chen?"     

When he heard the icy tone, CEO Chen felt a tremor in his hands and he quickly clutched his thighs to stop it before saying, "President Du, I don't understand the meaning of this."     

"CEO Chen, I am not a man who cares about other people's private lives. So, when a certain CEO chose to break his marriage vows to his wife, I naturally would not care much. However... "     

Leaning back into the chair, DX crossed his legs and stared at CEO before continuing,     

"...When said CEO wasted my time...then I would have no choice but to report his infidelity to his wife."     

CEO Chen slammed the table, "President Du! I cannot believe that you are such a person."     

DX smiled, "CEO Chen, I'm sure you have heard of my reputation. I did not get to the top of the world by being kind and allowing myself to be stepped over."     

CEO Chen plopped down on his chair and nearly fell off it. His legs were trembling.     

The news about his affair cannot reached his wife or her family. It definitely cannot reached the ears of his father-in-law. Otherwise, he would be done for!     

"What do you want, President Du?"     

"Sell the airline to me. I believe that the price I offered you previously is more than fair. Of course, since you break your word and took away the time that I could have spent with my family, I think a punishment would be necessary. In order for my silence on the matter, you will sell it to me at 30% cheaper than what I offered."     

CEO Chen gasped at his offer and bang the table, "No! You must be crazy! That's ridiculous!"     

"Is it? How much would you lose if your father-in-law finds out that you have been using the company's money to buy your mistress' silence?"     

"That was 5 years ago! How would you know?! There are no witnesses!"     

"There is now. Han Ye."     

Han Ye opened the door. Standing behind it was a woman who had tears in her eyes and right behind her, an old man with hatred in his eyes was shooting daggers at CEO Chen.     

When he saw them, CEO Chen rushed to his wife and stuttered, "H-honey!"     

Unable to deal with her husband's infidelity, the woman pushed him away and ran off.     

There might be a saving point for their relationship had he chose to chase after her and begged for her forgiveness.     

However, the idiot was more worried about the wrath of his father-in-law than about the feelings of his wife.     

Turning to the old man, he went down on his knees and started to beg for forgiveness, "Father! I... I'm sorry! That was a mistake! I have sent them away! Nothing would threaten Ja-Kyung's position in my heart!"     

The old man ignored him and turned to DX, "President Du, as promised, I'd sell the airline to you. In fact, I'd sell it to you at 50% off. I'd prefer to earn less than letting this bastard profit off the shares that I've given him!"     

"Father! You cannot do that! What about the other shareholders?" pleaded CEO Chen as he threw tugged on the pants of his father-in-law.     


The old man slapped the man so hard that his head snapped back.     

Glaring at him, he snarled, "I gave you my daughter. I let you managed the airline that I built from scratch. Even when your incompetence resulted in us having to sell off the airline, I have never blamed you! But look at what you did!"     

Turning away from his son-in-law, the old man declared, "I owned 55% of the shares! I can do whatever I want! From now on, I don't have a son-in-law!"     

Having anticipated the outcome, DX took out the contract that Han Ye prepared earlier. Handing it over to the old man, he said,     

"President Choon, I'm not a man who would take advantage of others. I'd abide to our original agreement. Even if you don't need the money, your daughter and her children needs it."     

The old man, President Choon, nodded. He ignored his son-in-law and took the contract. After taking a quick glance, he signed it and handed it back to DX.     

"Are you sure you don't want to go through it with your lawyers?"     

Mr. Choon scoffed, "You are like your father. Ruthless but upright. I believe you won't try to take advantage of an old man like me."     

"People change, Mr. Choon. Far for me to advise you, it would be better if you have someone to go through the contract. I don't want to deal with any troublesome matters after this just because you did not read the contract carefully." said DX as he calmly ripped the contract in half.     

When he glanced at Han Ye, the latter had already taken out another two sets of contract.     

Handing it to the old man, DX informed him, "I would be flying off tonight. You have 4 hours to send the signed copy to my hotel."     

With that said, DX and Han Ye walked out of the room.     

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