Be My Strength

We can finally relax

We can finally relax

4They received the contract an hour later and DX immediately ordered Han Ye to change their flights to an earlier time.     

When the plane finally took off, Han Ye immediately ordered a glass of red wine.     

"We can finally relax..." said Han Ye before slumping down in his seat.     

With a brow raised, DX warned, "Watch yourself. You are in public. With me. Don't embarrass me."     

Han Ye laughed as he raised a glass, "It's ok. We are in first class and there's no one here anyway. The past week has been like hell! We must take some rest!"     

Since Han Ye had worked hard the past week, DX allowed him to relax. However, about an hour and 4 glasses of red wine later, Han Ye was humming Taylor Swift's 'Blank Space' loudly.     

The stewardess exchanged glances and giggles when Han Ye's started singing instead of humming.     

Annoyed, DX grabbed Han Ye and threw him to business class.     

Turning to the Head Stewardess, he snapped, "Don't let this idiot into the first class!"     

Han Ye started crying, "Boss! How could you! I've been with you for almost 10 years! I gave you my most precious youth and this is how you treat me?"     

DX glared at the rambling idiot and he felt a strong urge to commit murder.     

"*hiccup* Now that you *hiccup* have another person in your life, you don't want me anymore?"     

The passengers in business class glanced at them. One of them whispered, "Isn't that President Du XiAn?"     

"So the rumors that he is gay is true!"     

"Oh my..."     

When DX saw that someone was taking photos of him, he immediately turned away.     

Glaring at the Head Stewardess, he snapped, "Take videos of that idiot and send it to me!"     

With that said, he stormed back to his own seat and slammed the door.     


By the time they landed, Han Ye was almost sober. However, he was sporting a huge hangover as the two went to the car that was waiting for them.     

Old Mo and the kids decided to come and pick them up. When they saw Han Ye's miserable face, they asked,     

"What's wrong with Mr. Han?"     

After he kicked Han Ye out of the first class section, DX managed to get some sleep in.     

Naturally, his mood was a lot better than earlier. Plus, when he thought about being on the same soil as Kai Xin, he felt a surge of energy coursing through him.     

"That idiot drank too much earlier."     

When they were in the car, Han Ye groaned when everyone closed their doors in succession.     


He yelped a little when he heard DX slammed the door shut on purpose.     

"No! No, sir! I'm sorry!" pleaded Han Ye as he covered his ears with his hands.     

Every noise was like amplified by a thousand decibels points!     

The kids were giggling as they watched his tortured face and they kept blowing air on his ears to bother him.     

DX grinned evilly as he glared at Han Ye, "Are you going to relax again?"     

Han Ye groaned, "No, sir! Never! I would never relax again! Please make them stop!"     


They sent Han Ye home first. DX left Old Mo with him so that the idiot would not accidentally kill himself.     

After all, there were plenty of incomplete work that Han Ye had to complete before he can die.     

He drove the kids to a drive thru to get some food before parking the car at the carpark.     

As they were eating, he asked about their week.     

"Quinn terrorizes Grandma!!" said Jack. He laughed when he recalled the scene where Quinn was being defiant towards his grandmother.     

Quinn pushed Jack aside and defended herself,     

"I did not! She kept telling me to do this, do that. Be like a girl! Don't open your legs when you sit! Sit up straight! Eat everything! I merely told her that I would get a pee pee transplant if it makes my life easier"     

DX looked at her in surprise. No one had ever talked to his mother that way.     

Chuckling, he ruffled Quinn's hair before saying, "My mother finally found her match."     

Everyone was happily telling him about their week except for Lyle.     

DX noticed the faded bruised on Lyle's cheek but he kept quiet and focused on the other children.     

Jack and Qhuinn were fighting to tell their stories. None of them realized that Lyle barely said anything the entire journey.     

When they finally fell asleep on the way home, DX asked, "What happened?"     

Lyle who was sitting at the front passenger seat glanced at his father before answering curtly, "Nothing."     

"Lyle, should I go to your school?"     

Lyle looked out of the window before saying, "It was just a dumb fight."     

"Why are you fighting again?"     

"Nothing. I just don't like the guy's face."     

DX knew that he was lying but he did not want to pursue the matter. So, he merely said,     

"Lyle, I don't mind you fighting, but you need to know the differences between fighting to protect yourself and your loved ones, and picking on someone weaker than you."     

"I know..." replied the boy. He kept his eyes on the cars that were passing by.     

A long time passed before he asked, "Dad...What would you do if someone picks on you just because your father is different?"     

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