Be My Strength

Cold...and mechanical?

Cold...and mechanical?

1When he finally said goodbye to her and hung up, he noticed that Han Ye was watching him with an odd expression on his face.     

"If you need to go to the toilet, just go...," said DX as he went back to his seat.     

Flipping through his documents, he added, "...You don't have to wait for my permission."     


In Han Ye's mind, he was face-palming himself as he thought,     

"Did I see wrongly earlier or did my cool and ruthless President Du just blew a kiss through the phone?"     

When he heard nothing from his assistant, DX looked up from his work and asked impatiently, "What's wrong with you now?"     

Han Ye shook his head quickly and said, "Nothing!"     

Nodding to himself, Han Ye thought, "Yes, this is more like the President Du that I know!"     

When they were taking a break at the balcony, Han Ye asked,     

"President Du, are you going to ask Ms. Zhen about Lu ZiYan and that guy?"     

When he heard no reply from his boss, he thought that the man did not want to reply.     

He watched as his boss lighted up a cigarette and took a long puff.     

After a while, DX replied,     

"I will, when the right time comes...Han Ye, do you know that the bond between humans are actually quite fragile?"     

Han Ye frowned as he looked at his boss, "President Du?"     

"Even though we have made a lot of progress since we started, I still think that I don't really know her. I can't help but have this constant nagging feeling that I would lose her someday and that if I'm not careful, she would be forever taken away from me."     

Glancing at his assistant, DX asked wryly, "Do you think that your boss is pathetic?"     

With a smile, Han Ye shook his head, "Sir, if anything, I think you are more human now."     

"What do you mean?"     

"Before you met Ms. Zhen, all you did was work and work and work. On the rare occasion that you went out to meet other women, you'd still list them down as work-related matters."     

Han Ye leaned against the balcony before continuing, "With Ms. Zhen, you are always smiling...With the others, you are cold and mechanical. You would go to the same place, eat the same meals, do the same things. I would always be the one to buy them gifts and to remind you of your dates. Sometimes, you don't even remember their names! But with our future madam president, I don't have to do anything!"     

DX stared at his assistant. Then in a serious tone, he repeated, "Cold...and mechanical...?"     

When he saw Han Ye's nervous face, DX laughed a little.     

Han Ye relaxed when he realized that his boss was trying to scare him and he said, "See, you even joke around now. You'd never joke with any of your employees before."     

DX turned to look at the city that was lighted up brightly. From their balcony at the penthouse, they can see the entire metropolitan city.     

After he took another few puffs, he said seriously,     

"Regarding the fact that Lu ZiYan and Kara went to the same high school, keep that low for now. It might just be a coincidence. After all, the school is one of the best in the country."     

"Yes, President Du. I'd personally take a trip over and talk to someone from the school."     

"While you are at it, check and see if there's any white hair guy that was studying there when Kara was still there."     

"Sir?" asked Han Ye with a curious gaze.     

DX pressed the cigarette down on the ashtray. With his fists tightly clenched in his pockets, he said tersely,     

"You were not there. You did not see her face and how scared she was. I want to know who the hell that bastard was and what did he do to her."     

Han Ye felt a little chill coursing through his body.     

If that man really did something to the only woman President Du ever loved, Han Ye had a feeling that instead of using Callum to handle the bloody matter, his boss would act personally.     

He nodded, "I'd get to it as soon as possible."     

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