Be My Strength

This is odd

This is odd


Lyle frowned as he looked up at his father's balcony. He was sure that he saw someone there. By the looks of it, it was definitely a woman. 1

"This is odd."

He took out his phone and messaged his brother.

[ Dumbass. I saw someone at Dad's balcony. Want to check it out together? I'm sure it's a woman.]

Less than a minute later, a message came in.

[U r the dumbass! :face_with_steam_from_nose::face_with_steam_from_nose::face_with_steam_from_nose: Obv! Meet u @ stairs in 1 min]

Lyle took a last look at the balcony before jogging back into the house. He saw his brother waiting at the stairs and jogged up.

When their eyes met, Lyle turned away. He was still a little angry at the little traitor over the incident at their grandmother's house.

For some reason, their grandmother decided to cancel all of their previously arranged playdates for this month and rearranged them.

When she told them the new plans over breakfast, Lyle had vehemently opposed to it but Jack agreed to it because their new playdates were girls instead of boys!

Lyle who were often emotionless had almost yelled at his brother when the latter agreed to their grandmother's arbitrary decision, "Girls! THEY ARE GIRLS!"

The traitor took a bite from his toast before saying unapologetically, "I like girls."

Their grandmother suddenly reached out to hug Jack before clapping her palms together and prayed, "THANK GOD AT LEAST ONE DOES!"

The twins exchanged glances and thought, "What is wrong with her today?"

Lyle shrunk back against the table when she glared at him and said, "I don't care. You are going to the playdates with your brother."

Lyle refused to be bullied by his grandmother so he glared back, "I want to go for karate practice with the boys!"

Old Madam Du shook her head and took a sip from her tea calmly before answering, "Unless there are girls there, you can forget about it."

Lyle groaned out loud. Then he recalled something. "Alex would be there! Alex is a girl!"

Old Madam Du wrinkled her nose at the mention of the tomboyish girl that Lyle hung out with, "No. She's only half a girl. Until she starts to behave more like a lady, I would not agree to it."

The boy gritted and stomped out of the dining area.

When they were back in their room, he called Jack a traitor and they had a huge argument about their playdates arrangement and since then, they had been ignoring each other.

So, when he saw his brother at the stairs, Lyle merely nodded in acknowledgement before they both jogged towards their father's room.


Kai Xin finally made up her mind. She glanced up at DX, "Fine. I'll meet them, but only as K for now. Lyle's too much like you. He'd know."

DX agreed, "Up to you."

He took out his phones and sent Old Mo a message.

[ Bring me a few sets of casual clothes for man now. ]

Once he was done, he carried Kai Xin up and brought her to the bathroom.

Along the way, he turned up the heater for the bathroom so that they would not fall sick from the cold. After all, they were covered with sweat from top to bottom.

He placed her down on the steps leading up to the marble bathtub before filling up the tub.

DX reached over into the bathroom closet and took out a towel to cover himself and a new set of bathrobe to drape over Kai Xin.

When he heard the bell, he kissed her on the forehead before leaving, "Be good. Stay here and wait for me."

She nodded obediently.


DX answered the door expecting to see his butler there but he was pushed aside by two overeager pre-teens. He sighed and blamed himself for their lack of proper decorum.

"Where is she?" Jack asked, as he ran in to check under the bed.

DX stood in front of the bathroom with his hands folded and asked nonchalantly, "Who?"

"Lyle said he saw a woman at your balcony!" Jack yelled from underneath the bed. "Is it that woman? You actually brought her home?"

Lyle checked the walk-in closet but when he found nothing, he walked out with a disappointed look.

"There's no woman here in my bedroom. Get out."

Old Mo suddenly appeared with two maids behind him holding four different sets of casual clothing.

Lyle narrowed his eyes at his father as he thought, "Is she in the bathroom?"

As if he heard Lyle, DX glared at his son and using his eyes, he warned him not to say anything.

Jack stomped over and puffed up his cheeks, "I can't find anyone."

"She's in-"

DX quickly covered Lyle's mouth and dragged both him and Jack out of the room before they can do anything else.

He then glared at the maids who quickly left the clothes with Old Mo before tending to their young masters.

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