Flowers Bloom from Battlefield

A Foolish Lady

A Foolish Lady

4Soujin looked at his people who are coming towards him.      3

"Reporting to General, there were some people in the forest but they have been cleared out."     

"Good work. Rest for tonight."     

Soujin's eyes swept the forest looking for any clues. He wanted to know, what is the purpose of leading them inside their territory? He already left some of his soldiers on the way to keep him updated if something were to happen on their way back. Getting trapped inside the enemy territory is not a trivial thing and he would never dare to make such a foolish mistake.     

He noticed some movements from the hill quite far from them and he could faintly see some smoke. There are people there and the number is not small. This area is going to be their battlefield tomorrow.     

"Moa, you send people down there! Inspect the surroundings and give me the details," Soujin's eyes never stopped watching the area. He wanted to see, how they can run away from his grasp.     

The next day, Jun Min approached the still sitting Soujin. He looked towards the next hill and could faintly see some people there from the dust. But his vision was unclear and he could only make some guesses.     

"The enemies are there?"     

"Yes, their number is almost on par with us," Soujin answered without looking back. His eyes are still watching the movements of the enemies carefully.     

"I will look around first."     

Soujin nodded his head without looking at the other party. Jun Min returned to his tent and this time, he took a bath. After wearing the face mask for days, it needed to be changed.     

"Yamin, look around the area with Yasha. I want you to inspect the whole area and give me a detailed report later."     

Although he did tell Soujin that he wanted to take a look at the area, he hadn't finished the map he was making. Because of that, he sent the two of them away first while he finished working on the map and strategy based on what he knows so far.     

"Yes, Young Master."     

Jun Min didn't hurry to use his face mask again as his skin has already become too dry from wearing one for so long. There was no one around and he needed to review the maps he made and use it to make some new strategies. The enemy's position is advantageous and they will most likely turn back again and lure the soldiers even deeper. If that was the case, it will be hard to counter-attack them.     

Picking up his brush, Jun Min started to draw the enemy's location and the possible movements on their side. To make them want to fight back, there must be something they can to do. Will slipping inside their ranks and killing some of them do? If that was required, he is quite proficient in doing sneak attacks and his body is flexible. Wait… he's a general and that should be the job of an assassin.     

Jun Min started thinking again, the areas around here are mostly forests with some slightly higher ground which made the hill like the one they are standing on. Trying to gain advantage from the height in the forest is almost impossible. At most, they can only try to have a battle in the forest using a special method. He had soldiers he specifically trained to battle in the forest, but can they be compared with the soldiers from here?     

"Jun Min? Who are you?"     

A deep voice suddenly woke her up from her trance. Jun Hua hasn't worn her mask and her face as a girl was exposed. Hearing that voice from behind her, she tried to escape to the side, but he was quicker and caught her hand. Before Jun Hua could evade, she was already face to face with the handsome Soujin.     

Soujin only wanted to get some rest from looking non-stop towards the hill. He never expected to sense a person inside Jun Min's tent when the other person told him that he was going to look around. At first, he thought the other party had returned, but the one he saw inside was a girl holding a brush with a map in front of her.     

Out of impulse, he wanted to know who she is. But upon seeing her face, he was stunned. The clear eyes of this girl are telling him that the person before him is Jun Hua, Jun Min's sister. What was more unbelievable is how pretty she was after unveiling herself. With her glossy lips and partially messy hair, it made her look even more charming.     

"Jun Hua…?"     

"General Soujin," Jun Hua wanted to cry. She forgot that this person is someone capable of hiding his presence so perfectly that she couldn't detect him unless he got really close to her. If she knew that this person was going to see her, she would've kept that mask on no matter how uncomfortable it was.     

Now, what is she going to do? How can she explain her presence here? Although this is Jun Min's tent, there is no way a man would normally bring a girl to war. Especially in the case of a rising general like Jun Min, why would he bring his useless sister to the battlefield? Facing the sharp Soujin in front of her, she truly wished to dig a hole to hide.     

"What are you doing here…?" his voice paused when he noticed the stack of paper on the table. There was some painting equipment on the side and on the table are some neat pictures of the places they passed by on the way here. The painting was truly exceptional and the maps he usually used cannot be compared to it in the slightest.     

Seeing that the gaze of Soujin had landed on her painting, Jun Hua felt that she needed to dig that hole even faster. What should she say now?     

"Did you paint them?"     

"… Yes."     

In a single glance, it was clear that the paint hasn't dried yet on some parts which she had just marked. Even if she wanted to lie, she needed to make a better lie, so she cannot say that it's not her drawing. Besides, didn't he already see her holding a brush?     

"Jun Hua, are you a strategist?"     

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