Mark of the destiny

Epilogue - Family 2

Epilogue - Family 2

0"Ducky," Honey cooed, placing his head at the bathroom door, hearing the sound of water. "What are you doing?"      2

No reply.     

"You know, what I said on the plane was a lie. Just forget it.  I-I did it for dad. That's it. The truth is I love you more than anybody in this world. You are my favorite. My cute quaking ducky."     

No reply.     

He knocked softly. "Mommy! My sweetest, intelligent, most beautiful, gorgeous, lovely, charming-- aii--" the door opened, and he fell facedown at her feet. Looking up and made a cheekiest face. "Mommy--"     

"Excuse me, Mr. Wang Qiang." Nose high in the air, Suyin tightened her bathrobe, striding to the lounge. Muttering curses at Wang Shi for not giving her clothes.      

Honey ran before her to access the cupboard before her. He pointed at the first dress. "This one?"     

No reply.     

He pulled the hem of the second dress. "This one?"     

No reply. Suyin sat down to apply lotion, taking Honey's action from the corner of her eyes.     

"I think this green dress. Mommy will look cute-cumber."      

Suyin pulled her cheeks in. Where on earth did he found this cheesy line? Like father, like son.     

That action didn't go unnoticed from Honey's eyes and yanked the dress from its hanger. "I know this--CRK--CRK--" His hands froze. Gulped. His gaze slowly moved up, horrified to see a gaping hole under the arm where the stitches meet. "Nope. Not this one. Yellow suits you better. Let's get this one--"     

"Please spare that." Suyin stood to get herself a dress before another one gets sacrificed. Her mouth twitched at the sight of a hole in cute-cumber dress.     

"I-I will buy you two--no three. I have--" he counted on his fingers, "--five hundred eighty-five yuan in my piggy bank. Remaining amount Aunty Han will discount for me. After all, I'd be her grandson."     

Suyin "..." 'Cunning'      

"Why are you here? Go to your dad. Don't you love him a little more than me? I'm nothing to you." Suyin went back to the bathroom to change, and he followed her like a lost puppy, wagging his tail. Honey bumped into her when she stopped at the door abruptly. "I shall change my clothes inside. Do you want to join me?"     

Honey shook his head, face as red as a tomato. Suyin itched to kiss those cheeks bathed in the most perfect shade of red.     

When she came out, the little one was sitting on the floor. He stood and followed her to the dressing as she sat down facing the mirror to dry her hair. "Ducky. I know you can't stay angry with me. Please.... let's be friends again." His hands started kneading the knots in her shoulders.     

No reply.     

He rubbed his soft cheek against her, and she swallowed, catching him grinning at her from the reflection.      

"Aww... Someone's trying to control. C'mon, why try when you can't? I know you want to kiss me. Look look- my soft chubby red cheeks."      

Only Suyin knows how much patience she was using to keep herself in check. And the worst- he was glued to her like a little seductress, enchanting her with his baby fragrance and cute antics.      

"Ten little fingers, ten little toes, two little ears, and one little nose. Two little eyes that shine so bright and one little mouth to KISSSS. Kiss ducky kiss...."     

She stood but he wrapped his little fingers around hers. Eyes pooling with tears. "When God created mothers, all as lovely as can be. He made one extra special and saved her just for me." he held his ears. "Sorry."     

Suyin kneeled. That was where her anger ends. No matter what, it's not in her capacity to stay angry with him for long. And that was where Honey wrapped his arm around her neck, and gave her a forehead kiss, melting her anger away.      

A forehead kiss!     

He had never shied from showing his affection for her. But this was definitely the first time he gave her a forehead kiss. And it means a lot.      


"Like mommy like son."     


"You are smiling."     


"Yet you love me."     

Suyin opened her mouth but closed it. No matter what, Honey would come up with a befitting reply. He kissed her nose. "Are you still angry?"     

"What do you think?"     

He poked his cheeks with fingers, grinning ear to ear. "Prove it."     

And the next second, she smothered him with countless kisses. "Naughty."      

Giggles echoed in the room. "Ahhh... no no no not tickles.... no please... hahaha...ha ha ha..."     

"Seriously, Suyin!" Suyin stopped tickling. She and Honey looked up to find everyone staring at them. Wang Shi glanced at his watch. "I expected better. Not even thirty minutes! Did you forget how he tortured you for two weeks?"     

Honey bolted up and hugged Suyin protectively. "Hey, you are flaming the fire I just put off. Must you be so jealous of our love?"     

"Love? Excuse me? She's my wife."     

"WIFE?" Everyone in sync. Wang Shi pursed his lips. In that instant Suyin's cheeks were rosy, and she could feel everyone's gaze moving between her and Wang Shi.     

Wang Huang leaned to whisper, "It was right of me to tell you our love story. Ah, but I was a step ahead. I expected better." Liu Jeilan pulled him to her side.     

"W-Would be." Wang Shi cleared his throat. "M-my would-be wife."     

"Ooooo.... so brother is proposing?" Junjie's hand went across Suyin's shoulder. "Sister, do you accept the proposal? Just remember, three brothers come complimentary with him."     

Honey raised his hand, "And a son."     

It was sugar-sweet. But Suyin just wished to hide her blushing face from this teasing. Impossible they were.      

"Enough now. No one will tease my daughter-in-law--"     

Everyone, "DAUGHTER IN LAW?" This time Honey joined as well.     

Liu Jeilan closed her mouth.      

Jin laughed. "This was the highlight."     

Junjie, "And the scariest. Daughter-in-law! Pfft--"     

"Oh Shut up with the teasing now." Liu Jeilan strolled to take Suyin's hand in hers. "Let's go. Elder Wang must be waiting for you."     

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