Mark of the destiny

They just love kissing me, just like you.

They just love kissing me, just like you.

3"Then why? Even if you did it for your brothers, why not leave her when they grew old? Why didn't you take any legal action? Was it guilt?"     

"Guilt? Never." Luo said. Suyin saw his one hand clutched into Amara's as she caressed his head lovingly. "Initially, it was for my brothers.... then it was for myself."     

"What do you mean?"     

"Zeke, Zeke, LuLu said he will take me to see mountains! Rivers! Beaches! And we will take a ride on the giant iron bird that flies in the sky! Zooooom! Aeroplane, aeroplane, it is called. But first, we will go to the zoo. I want to see an elephant. Lulu can we take little devil also? He's cute!"      

Luo smiled, and for the first time, it reached his eyes. But the way he looked at Amara was something else, something much more. It's the same how Wang Shi looks at her. With love.     

"You two--" She stopped, feeling a squeeze on her hand.      

"I need a favor. Actually two. Please."     


"I know I won't survive long. But before that, I want to fulfill my promise to her. Only you can help me do that."     



By the time Suyin came out of the room, Evan and James were waiting for her outside. Her gaze moved around the empty corridor but seems like Ma Roma had left already. No, wait. There she was, sitting on the balcony, eating the leftover food.     

Evan waved his hand in asking.     

"Not good," Suyin answered. " Cardiac tamponade, fluid is surrounding his heart. The worst, the bullet had embedded through the endocardium into the deep myocardium--" she stopped seeing their confused expression, "I mean-- the bullet is at an unreachable place inside the heart and would require extensive cardiac dissection. There's no way getting it out."     

Evan pointed at Suyin.     

"Me? No ways. Even Shifu won't be able to that. We are not Gods," she said and turned to James, beckoning him to bend towards her. "Truth is out. Whatever decision is yours, see me standing with you. But-- I definitely dislike 'her'. Tell Evan to keep her out of my sight, I bet Shishi will save me if I murder someone."      

She left them behind and turned to leave, stopping at a distance.     

She looked over her shoulder and saw James lifting Evan's chin.      

"Do you love me?"     

Evan nodded without a second's delay.     

"Do you want to be with me?"     


"Will you ever think of leaving me again?"     

Evan shook his head.     

"Will you let me top you?"     




"Then go to hell. I'll find someone else." Just when James turns, Evan shoved a hand in James's hair and pulled him to him. His lips catching James'.     

Suyin got her answer. Maybe she knew it already.      

"Damn you, Evan!" She heard James's voice as he wiped his lips with the back of his hand, a smile coming to her own. "You better go through your last answer again. I won't let you top me forever." and with that he ran to Suyin's side, blushing furiously.     

She felt a kiss on her bald head, and him whispering, "You know you are best, don't you?"      

"Of course I know."     

"Huh, narcissistic."     

"How can I be if I truly know I'm better than everyone else?"     



Don't know whose fault it was. Who lost and who won.  Neither she cares. All she knows was James and Evan love each other and want to be together. Above that, all that matters to her was Jamie's happiness. If that's what he wants, she will support him unconditionally. Just how he does.      

As far as Luo, she'll get him what he had asked from her. Everything....     

Even her revenge...     


  The next day Honey had arranged for breakfast for everyone without letting anyone know. Though Suyin doubts this was Wang Shi's idea and Honey was just covering for him. How to tell this was unnecessary? She doesn't mind eating meals together. Now that they will be raising Honey together, these things will become common.      

She took careful note of not putting pressure on her right leg now that Colton had advised her to walk, though using a walking stick to prevent a fall. She had expected Honey had arranged for breakfast in a canteen, but this was a ward where beds were removed to accommodate a dining table and six chairs around it.     

Her mouth twitched. Now that's what you call exploitation.     

"Ducky?" Honey poked his head from under the table. "Why are you here?"     

"Um, breakfast. Remember, you left me a message?"     

"But aren't you early? It's still fifteen minutes to go."     

"But I thought to help you." She placed a hand on his head, extending a hand to him. "Now will you come out or should I send a mattress and a pillow?"     

"One minute. Just making some-- some last-minute arrangements," saying he vanished under the table.      

"Oh, ok. Do you need any help?"     

"Just step away from the table. And if please cover your ears. Your eyes as well."     

Suyin "..."     

"What exactly are you-- AHH!" Her foot snapped straight in the chair, hand at heart, as Honey jumped out without a warning. "You scared me!"     

Honey showed a row of white teeth; a smile that only comes when you have done something naughty or hiding something. "Sorry." he tugged the corner of the table cover until it touched the floor, "Daddy will be here any minute. Einstein took him to examine--Ow ow, ow--"     

She pinched his ear. "That's Dr. Colton or Grandpa Colton for you."     

"Ok fine, now let me go. Hurting!"  He scooted away as soon as she let him go. Walking, he holds out a chair for her.      

"Aww... my little gentleman--"     

Just when she was about to sit, "NO. DON'T SIT HERE!"     

She jumped, "Why?"     

Honey shuffles on his foot, kicking something under the table, muttering something that she couldn't understand. "That one is better." he pointed at the chair across, but didn't move from his place. "It's near the window, you will get to see a beautiful view and complimentary fresh air. Go sit."     

Suyin "..."     

"Why do I feel something is fishy?" Her gaze narrowed.     

"Fish? Of course, I will ask them to cook for you. Which one would you like to---oww--"     

"What happen?"     

He scratched his foot, "Mosquitoes. They just love kissing me, just like you."     

Suyin "..."     

Suyin watched him sitting on the chair which he had pulled for her, his fingers fidgeting, eyes set on her. They spend another five minutes in silence, watching each other, but curiosity gets the best of her. Abruptly, she pulled the tablecloth up. "What are you hiding there?"     

"NO!" Honey let out a shrill, squeezing his chubby cheeks between palms.      

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