Mark of the destiny

The breakfast-2

The breakfast-2

0"Yet here we are. Together. Madly in love. Parents of two kids and the thi--- and looking forward to raising many more. So you see, destiny has the final say." that earned Xiu Mei a kiss on her cheek from Jianyu. Suyin noticed Jianyu's gaze was soft and filled with yearning for his wife.       4

Jianyu, "Exactly, destiny has its own plans and according to my experience, they are always better. Nothing can stop what's meant to be."     

Wang Shi placed a piece of waffle on Suyin's plate. "I'm holding on to that. He better has a good plan, otherwise, once I die, I'm going to beat the crap out of certain someone."     

God cast a wary look, 'Why do I think he's talking about me? Help, Suyin. Your man has started talking to me and it's not good.'     

Suyin understood where this was going. "Hope and humor, they both go really well together. And trust me, if God dares do anything funny with my life now, it will be me giving him a beating."     

'I'm out! Somebody pack my luggage. Look what's happening on Earth! They are planning my murder.' God stood from his throne and dashed to his room. Maybe looking for his Wifey.     

Away from everyone, Honey leisurely enjoyed the Honey drizzled pancakes and fresh fruit juice, stroking Cleopatra's fur all the time. Sometimes it's bliss when your mother doesn't pay attention to you.      

"Hey, sorry I'm late." Lu Xion joined them on the table, occupying the only empty chair beside Suyin.      

Up this close, hit with all that masculinity at eye level, Suyin couldn't help but notice him. Breathtaking face. A neatly trimmed beard defining his jaw structure that any artist would kill to sculpt him. Sharp features, full lips, and long voluminous hair braided perfectly, ending on his broad shoulders. And why she never noticed he owns the most gorgeous pair of blue eyes? So worldlier.      

Definitely the God was in the mood when he made him. She doesn't shy from accepting that this one was one notch higher than Wang Shi and Jianyu. A fine specimen.      

"Cough cough." Xion snapped his fingers. "Miss Zhao, pay some attention to your left. I might get stabbed otherwise."     

Instinctively she averted her gaze, her cheeks burning hot. She was too preoccupied with scanning the man's looks that she didn't notice she was staring all this while. And the man to her right was sulking, crackling jealousy pouring from him.     

Instead of adding maple syrup to Suyin's plate, Wang Shi ended up emptying half the bottle of Tabasco. Does he even know how cute he looks when jealous?      

"Swap your seat with me." Wang Shi said.      

"If jealousy is a disease, two men are definitely going to die a slow miserable death." Xion looked at the two men from the rim of the milk glass before taking a slow sip, as if enjoying a drink.      

"I'm not jealous. I'm just a man that would love to punch every man whom my wife and girls pay a second look." Jianyu sneered.     

Wang Shi's nose wrinkled. "Me? Jealous of you? Bless your little delusional heart. Whenever I look at you, the only thought that crosses my mind--Really? That's the sperm that won?"      

Honey, "What is sperm?"     

Xion, "Oh that! Wang Shi, your son is asking something. Help the little curious mind."     

Everyone, "SHUTUP!"     

Suyin pointed at Honey's barely touched plate. "Concentrate on your pancake. Finish all that." Next, she looked at Wang Shi, "And you--Watch what you say."     

"That's the result of your company, my sarcasm queen." Wang Shi shrugged. "Now swap your seat with me."     

"No. I have something very important to talk to him."     

Honey stood, "I want to sit with mummy."     

Xion's brows rose. "Ah, baby bear on the mission to help daddy? But tell me, does your mum knows of your little pet fox?"     

"FOX!" Suyin's head snapped in Honey's direction,     

Honey sat down, "I don't want to sit with mummy."     

"And you knew it?" Suyin jabbed an elbow into Wang Shi's waist,     

Wang Shi opened his mouth, then thought of diverting the topic, "What was that you want to talk to Xion?"      

"Don't fool me. I'm not letting a pet fox in my house."     

"That's between you and Honey. I'm out of this."     

"It's decided then. He's not keeping it."     

"But you said having a pet is good for my growth." Honey whined from his seat.     

Wang Shi, "He has a point. What were your words again?"     

"A cat and dog are called a pet. Not a Fox! For God's sake, you can't bring a wild animal inside our house."     

Honey pointed his chubby finger at Xion. "He owns five black panthers as pets. Two adults and three cubs. Scold him too." Suyin's gaze shifted to Xion, revealing a scorching force of an angry momma bear. So this was the traitor spoiling her baby. "And he gave two cubs to Yuyu and Lan as well."      

"YOU GAVE WHAT?" Now it was Xiu Mei's turn to bare her fangs. Jianyu secured his wife's hand, calming her down. "PANTHER? SERIOUSLY? Jianyu you heard that? Somebody give me a knife, I'll stab this idiot right away."     

Honey instantly pushed a butter knife towards her.      

Xion shuffled away from his chair, growling at Honey who busted him and now providing a weapon for his murder. "Little devil, why don't you show your momma the third one? The one hidden inside the basket under your seat?"     

"WHAT? A PANTHER?" Infuriated, Suyin looked at Wang Shi. "Are you going to open a zoo next?"     

"Before you kill me, let me tell you, I was not aware of the panther." Wang Shi turned to Honey, "Say something to your mom."     

Honey tucked the baby fox under the armpit and grabbed the basket, bolting towards the door. "I'm not giving my pets!"      


And silence ensued....     

Wang Shi gulped.      

Once again, he was left alone to handle the angry momma bear.     

The atmosphere turned dangerous in the presence of two seething women, both looking to first kill a certain blue-eyed monster and then their respective partners.      

But the way Xion and Jianyu were holding Xiu Mei alarmed Suyin. Jianyu's one hand was at her stomach and the other rubbing her back, while Xion grabbed the towel and dabbed on her sweaty face.      

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