Mark of the destiny

The revenge

The revenge

4"No. I don't want to go. It's scary. It's bad. Please don't take me. Badman. Badman. I'll complain to Zeke about you. Lulu, why are you not saying anything? I don't want to go! I DON'T WANT TO GO!"     

Amara wiggled under James and Zeng's grip on her arms, grabbing whatever thing that came in her way to stop them from taking her to the dock, her feet making a line on the floor. Luo following her in a wheelchair hooked to many contraptions, Evan taking care of him despite the former's disapproval.     

"Lulu-- stop them. I don't want to go!"     

Luo was not in a condition to say a word of console because of the oxygen mask. He gestured to Amara with a hand moment..... a faint attempt to calm her frantic self.     

James and Zeng stopped seeing Suyin, their grip on Amara loosened.     

"ZEKE!" Amara dashed into Suyin's embrace. "Look what they are doing. They hurt me." she showed the red marks on her arms. "I don't want to be here. Water is bad. We cannot breathe there, and it swallows everything. It is very bad. It has my babies in its belly. I don't want--"     

"Shhh--" Suyin cupped Amara's face. Her eyes looking into hers. "Don't you always wanted to punish the man who caused your kids' and husband's death?"     

Tears of pain rolled down Amara's cheeks. She pointed an accusing finger at the ocean. "It gobbled Susan, Shin, and Timmy. May babies! I saw it swallowing them." She screamed at the water, "SPIT IT OUT! GIVE THEM BACK! I WILL SET YOU ON FIRE. BURN YOU."     

With a loud thud, two men dropped a large wooden crate on the floor, causing Amara to turn on the boom.      

Suyin walked around the closed crate, her fingers tracing its rough edges, her grey orbs like that of a viper's. Feeling a presence, the man inside the crate grunted and writhed against the sealed walls.      

To kill a predator, you need to become a predator.      

She is the predator.     

Everyone watched as she picked the chisel and tucked it beneath the edge of the lid, lifting it upward. The wood popped open and slide to the floor.     

Amara looked frozen, tears gleaming her cheeks.     

"Not this water, not this ocean.....He is responsible for your family's death." Gong Tuan peered at Suyin with wide eyes, his mouth brutally stitched with metal wires, bleeding. "It is him who stole your husband's organs and traded them in the black market. It is him who had brought the country where it is today that your son couldn't receive a medical facility. It is him who forced you to leave your own home and look for shelter in another country. It is him who put you on that boat and killed your boys. It is him. It was always him."     

Amara peered down in the crate, her angry eyes were the gathering of the clouds ready for a storm.      

Luo pulled his oxygen mask against the doctor's instruction, his muscles strained while making efforts to get oxygen. "D-din't I said I will bring him to you one day? It's him, Amu..... A-and he's yours. Do whatever you want to punish him." Seeing him wheezing, Evan had to pull the mask back on.     

Suyin stepped back. On her cue, two men brought a plank and put it on the floor. Then they turned the crate to its side, causing Gong Tuan to roll out. His effort to squeal in pain muffled by the metal wires, bleeding more when he moved his lips.     

They dragged him to the wooden plank. Suyin drew in a deep breath and picked the hammer and a six-inch nail from the table.      

Everyone watched her in silence.     

Without a change in expression, or getting a frown line, she nailed Gong Tuan's ankle to the plank, repeating the action for another. The man let out a heart-wrenching grunt, the zig-zag line around his mouth pulled by a millimeter.     

For the third nail, she paused and looked at Amara, her hand stretching out.     

Amara looked between Suyin and Gong Tuan, her hands unclenching before she took two fast strides. Picking the nail from Suyin's hand, she hammered it on Gong Tuan's palm, then to another.     

But it seems this was not enough for her. As the plank was raised in the air, Amara snatched the control of the pulley and pulled the joystick downward. The plank lowered into the water in slow motions, stopping until Gong Tuan's calf was immersed.      

Gong Tuan grunted, shivered, writhed at the sight of sharks. His dripping blood in the water arousing their hunger.     


It was the scream of mouth and lungs renting the air. Several stitches pulled open. She pushed the joystick forward after five seconds that lifted the man up in the air.     

Deadly bite marks, and chunks of missing flesh. Pain would be a small word to describe.      


Once more, the plank was lowered, bringing in more pain than one could ever take.      

When it was again brought up, animals were still fighting for food. One of them held its grip tight on a leg.      


The shark wiggled violently and fell into the water, bringing along a piece of leg, leaving only the ankle dangling on the nail.     

Gong Tuan looked at Suyin in horror. By now he should have fainted or better died. Why was it not happening?     

Suyin rotated the empty vial of adrenaline tartrate between her fingers and clutched Wang Shi's hand with the other.      


A dangerous smile came to her lips as she lifted Wang Shi's chin. Her gaze shifted to Gong Tuan's as if telling him to remember this forever. And the next second she bent forward to take his lips. Wang Shi stilled, his heartbeat breaking unevenly. It was the most unexpected kiss of his life.      

All the voices fell silent. It was only her and him. He opened his mouth, his hand reaching for her hair, only to slide at her bald head. But before he could pull her closer, everything disappeared the way it came. She had pulled back, her eyes looking into his, and then it shifted it to Gong Tuan provocatively.     

He created this human weapon, and now this deadly weapon became his doom.     



Amara continued toying with Gong Tuan for hours, even after he was dead, and only the chunks of his limbs were left nailed to the plank. None moved until it was over, and the wind picked back up.     


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