Mark of the destiny

Honey in trouble

Honey in trouble

2"He was desperately looking for a heart to save his child. After losing his daughter to the same disease, he had called that woman for help. He knew his actions would hurt the mother who had lost her son a moment before, but he also knew that was his only chance. He begged. He cried. He prayed to her. He offered his entire wealth. He offered his life...."       2

"And... the woman said no. NO. She cursed him. She yelled at him. That insolent bastard was asking for her son's heart. She won't. Never. And she hung up on him."     

Silence continued..... None respond. It was only Suyin's voice echoing around....     

"Two hours passed, but the man never stopped calling her. Never stopped dropping messages. One such message was his son's photograph. Sick. Hooked to a ventilator. Weak pulse displaying on the monitor." She had indeed seen Honey's pictures when he was sick, though it was when she came into a relationship.     

"They were sharing the same pain that day. She had lost her son, and he was about to. Time was running against him. At the four-hour mark, heart's cells function began to fail and the likelihood that it will malfunction in its recipient rises dramatically. It's the most feared complication." She ran a hand over Honey's head, "For me it was a tragedy, but for that father, my one action could become a beautiful light and can give life to someone. A chance for my son's heart to beat again. I did what I feel correct at that time. I changed the ending of someone's story."     

She smiled, "Least I knew, it will change my life as well and would give my son back to me."      

Honey hugged her. "Yes. I'm mom's."     

She looked at Wang Shi, "And least I knew the father begging to me was president's son and the owner of People's group."     

"And what about the hundred million dollars?" someone asked.     

"When I met him, I asked him to make a donation to an orphanage. You guys can crosscheck that." Though later it was transferred to a private account, she was sure Xiu Mei would easily tamper with the data and present it as a piece of evidence.     

"LIE---" Wu Sean's voice lost as he was dragged out from the venue, along with his father. Nobody was interested in him anymore.      

"But right after you left the country. How did you two--" the reporter stopped, scared of Suyin. "Miss. Zhao, a question please?"     

"We became friends," Suyin answered, "Honey was the driving factor."     


Wang Shi's face dropped, his grip on Suyin's hand loosened. The rush of delight he felt a moment ago lost.     

Just friends?     

Even Honey didn't like the word. He looked between Wang Shi and Suyin. Not liking even a bit how everything was turning. Suyin's actions hurt and confused him.      

His eyes watered, feeling horribly vulnerable. He averted his gaze and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand, not noticing that Wang Shi noticed his action.      

Fine! He will see who among them was more stubborn. Honey gritted his teeth and stood on his knees on the chair, and leaned towards Suyin to reach the mic. "And, and, soon mom and dad will become couples just like uncle and aunty!" He rose his hand. "See, see, we are engaged! Dad, show them yours."      

Wang Shi "..."     

Suyin, "..."     

Before Wang Shi could react, Honey stepped on the table and crawled to his side, and raised his hand to let everyone see the ring. "Mom proposed us! We are a forever family!"     

Honey was unstoppable. He wanted to grab the opportunity and announce Suyin to the entire world. It was a child's way of seeking a sense of security that his mother will stay by his side and never leave him.     

Suyin glared and Honey flashed a smile, though knowing he was in big trouble now.      

He was the naughty child who always misbehaves in front of guests, knowing parents could just give death glares and do nothing. But later....     

"Ahh, I remember something from Fei Hong's radio show. Wasn't that the first time when Dr. Wang had stepped in Miss. Zhao's support in public?"     

"Exactly! Their chemistry was audible! We should have understood it before."     

"And didn't Miss. Zhao had said that he has someone in heart? She literally announced, but none of us caught the hint."     

"And many time they were spotted together like a couple."     

Suyin was rendered speechless, caught in an impossible position. Neither she could say no, nor she wanted to see them making assumptions about them.     

"Exactly," Honey once again chimed. Suyin's heart dropped to the bottom of her stomach. What else would he say now? Duh, how desperately she wanted to stitch this cheeky monkey's mouth or maybe smack him hard.     

"Do you think this handsome man would let someone else be his mom? It can only be my mom. My sweetest. My best-est. World's best! Most beautiful! The one who steals my kisses, and plays video games with me!" he reached to kiss her cheeks, gulping at the sight of her angry face. "Please, don't beat me in front of everyone. It will be shameful. You are my good ducky na? After this, I will let you have as many kisses as you want. No limits, okay?" he whispered.     

Suyin continued glaring daggers, scaring the little one. She didn't even budge when he pecked her lips voluntarily.      

Wang Shi himself was speechless, more scared of the outcome. Suyin was definitely going to give them a hard time for this. He touched Suyin's shoulder to get her attention and whispered, "We'll talk about it later. Your silence is scaring him."     

"Thank you for the interview, mam, sir. Any last words?"     

Suyin cocked her head to answer, ignoring Honey clinging to her. "Don't think of organ donation as giving up part of yourself to keep a total stranger alive. It's really a total stranger giving up almost all of themselves to keep a part of you alive. Pass the gift of life. Trust me, these organ trafficking mafia's business is booming because of us. Only we can stop it."     

"And sir, would you like to say something for Miss. Zhao?" the reporter asked. However, Wang Shi was looking at Suyin and Honey's faces. "Sir? SIR?"     

Wang Shi's attention broke. "Yeah.... um, I'm forever grateful, forever humbled, and forever blessed to get you in life. To the real hero. Thank you for yesterday, today, and tomorrow."     

As soon as the screen was turned blank, Suyin pushed away from the desk and called for Zeng to help her to the wheelchair. Her face pulled in anger. Honey clutched her dress in his fist before she could go away from him.      



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