Mark of the destiny

Situational (Chapter updated)

Situational (Chapter updated)

3"Ah!" Honey pulled away from Suyin, lips jutting out in feign anger. Adorable. Suyin couldn't resist reaching to pinch those apple cheeks but Honey slapped her hand away.  "M angry,"     1

"Okay. But let me kiss them please."      

"NO!" Honey shoved both his hands in trouser pockets, copying one of Wang Shi's actions. "I don't entertain liars. You lied to me you are fine."     

"Yes, well," Suyin sat down in the wheelchair, noticing Honey's worried gaze on her injured leg, which he was trying to cover but failing. "You were already worried for Shishi, couldn't add onto it."     

"Dad, did you hear that?" he turned to Wang Shi, "She lied because she didn't want to add on to my worries. And here I thought she's my mommy and we can share everything from hereon. I thought we will be like Uncle Jianyu and mama's family. But she--"     

He stopped.     

Suyin tried to see what happened, but his back was facing her.     

Wang Shi mouthed, 'crying'.      

Suyin gestured James who was holding her wheelchair to take her to her little fairy. A second later, she hugged him, squeezing him in her arms. Honey resisted, threw soft punches on her shoulder, wiggled from her embrace..... but gave up in front of his resisting heart, screaming to hug her back.     

He buried his face in her neck, tears wetting her throat. "I will not talk to you ever," he sobbed. "This is the last time I'm letting you hug me, just so you know."     

"Yeah. I know." Suyin said, rubbing a hand on his back. "I had expected this from my fairy. Can I get a chance to apologise?"     

"No. I have decided already. If I keep on being lenient to you, you'd repeat it." though he pretended to move away from her, Suyin knew he was just acting spoiled and a demand was on its way.     

"Pretty please.... I love you the most. Don't be so brutal,"     


Suyin batted her eyelashes. "I'm your ducky na?"     

Honey sniffled, "Not working. Perhaps you should try compensating me. If I don't like your compensation, you will stop kissing me without arguing. End of the discussion."     

She could help but laugh at this ball of cuteness, and how well she knows his antics. Honey stomped his feet. "You are laughing. Bad ducky."     

Seeing the two busy bickering just as before, a smile came on Wang Shi's lips. It's a bliss watching these two fighting like this. Surely he'd never get bored in life with this 24*7 live entertainment.      

"Ah, stop being this cute. I will eat you one day," she said. "Fine. I will compensate you right way--" she extended her hands towards James and Zeng. "Give me a phone, anyone."     

Zeng gave his phone.     

Suyin did something in it, and just then Honey's phone is his pocket beeped.      

A message.     

An email id, and its password.      

Honey looked up in question, but she just winked and pulled him closer. A gently kiss on his forehead. No answers.     

Honey didn't ask either. He knew answers were in the email which he has to open with the password. "But if I don't like what it is, double the compensation without arguing."     

Suyin laughed, "Deal."     


James saw Evan peeking in from the glass and silently stepped out, failing to notice Zeng and Suyin had noticed him. She squeezed Zeng's hand, gesturing him to go after James. "I need some alone time here. Go."     

Zeng rolled her wheelchair near Wang Shi and left the three alone. Actually two. Honey was now sitting on the couch, staring at phone screen with utmost attention, arousing his father's curiosity in the process.     

"How are you?" Suyin broke the silence.     

"What did you give him?" Wang Shi asked his own question.     

"I asked first."     

"But I'm curious."     

"Things that people ask out of curiosity can have a revolutionary effect on health."      

"Is that a warning,"     

"You can take that as,"     

"Than I'm looking forward to those revolutionary effects. You better be creative. You can start from anywhere, the man and his body are yours." There was a wicked gleam in his eyes. "Braty, won't you share it with me? We are buddies, right?"     

Honey didn't look up from the screen and waved his hand dismissively, silently saying, 'SHOO SHOO,'     

Wang Shi "..."     

Suyin covered her laughter. "Poor you. It's something which will remain between us forever. Our secret." she said.     

"My bad. I'm always excluded out."      

Suyin looked up. Goosebumps swept across her skin. She doesn't have any answer to it. Maybe she does, but she just didn't want to disappoint him more.      

"But it's okay. Soon I will be your husband, and we will share everything with each other. Even these little secrets." He winked, leaving her shocked. Mouth wide agape.     

"I should have cracked open your brain instead of chest to fix you." she exhaled harshly, "Its still not late. Perhaps I should ask Dr. Colton and express my concerns."     

He smiled, "Perhaps you should recall how you behaved when I was dying," Gah, his mischievous, dashing smile, was making her uncomfortable. She mentally rolled her eyes at God. Cursing the almighty in heart.      

That--" She cleared her throat, "--that was situational. Don't believe any of that."     

"Really?" Suyin averted her eyes from his piercing his gaze. "I won't let anything happen to you.... For Honey, Shishi, for our son. He's waiting for us. Please....Whose words were these? Who was the woman crying seeing me in pain? Who prioritised my surgery instead of taking care of her own wounds? Who cried for me a moment ago? Who came here to see me the moment she woke up?"     

His last words shocked her. How did he know? And just then she noticed the monitor kept on the side table. He was watching her all this while. So that's why Dr. Colton provoked her to get a reaction, to make Shishi see her reaction. Cunning old turtle.     

Her fists clenched. "Don't assume things. I stress-- everything was situational. If my action has given you some hope, please put an end to it." she whispered the last part keeping Honey's presence in mind, "I would have done this for anyone--"     


"SHISHI!" Suyin panicked when he clutched his chest and groaned. Once again she ignored her injury and stood up to examine him. Her hands at his chest.     

He kissed her palm. "Is it still situational? Or is it the lines of worry I see on your forehead?" From the couch, Honey giggled, catching their attention.      

Honey waved his hand, "Nothing nothing. I was laughing at something else. You guys continue. I'm not watching."     




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