Mark of the destiny

End of arc-4

End of arc-4

0This is not any chapter but a request from me. These past days my entire family is fighting against corona. And the situation in India is such it can't be put in words.      1

Since last two days I have called all the multi specialty hospitals in Gurgaon and Delhi for ICU ventilator bed for my father. Either my calls went unanswered, or they put me on the waiting list of 1k+     

I request if anyone can help me get a bed in DELHI OR GURGAON. PLEASE. I BEG OF YOU.     

If you can't then please pray for my father. Include him in your prayers and pray for his well-being. I have a readers base of thousands. And thousands of prayers have lots of power. Please. :folded_hands: Ask your family and friends to pray for him as well.      









Every inch of her blazed. "SHISHI, THEIRS A TRAP IN THE TUNNRL . RUN!" Suyin pulls the safety pin and threw the grenade at the glass wall. Instantly ducking in the corner, curling in a fetus position, hands at head.     

The explosion rent the air. Shattering and ripping everything with it. Black smoke filled the room.      

Suyin coughed, lungs itched with hot smoke and dust as she raised her head up. Her vision hazy, watery. She covered her ears, "Wang Shi? Wang Shi are you okay? Hello? Someone there?" None replied.      

She was sure the tech spiders were just a lump of metal by now. Don't know in which corner they were lying dead.     

Suyin patted her hands at the door, feeling it. As expected, it was locked. Slowly she made her way where the glass wall was, hearing pieces crush under her feet. Smoke bothered her, contact lenses hurting her eyes more. But without them, she's useless.      

Feeling the sharp edges of the wall that once hold the glass wall, she felt around it and stepped in. Since it's the room where the man was sitting, there should be an exit door too. She knocked on the wall. To her luck, she found the wooden door. Feeling it with her hands, she turned the doorknob and let the air cleaned.     

It came as a relief.     

Her head snapped to where the chair was lying on the floor. A man strapped to it. No! It was a wheelchair. She crouched to inspect the man's face.     



A breathing tube hooked to his throat. Limbs reduced to bone. Monitor lying broken beside him.      

She stood up, taking a look at the things sprawled at the table. A dead monkey with a collar, wires, and a few things that look straight out of physics lab. She picked the half burned paper that looks like blueprints.     

Her eyes widened.....     

She ran at a lightening speed, calling for Wang Shi. A futile try.     

She had barely stepped out when the ground trembled beneath her feet. It felt like an earthquake. She bend her knees to keep balance, and made her way towards the prison, recalling Evan's instructions.     

Guards ran towards the exit, frantically yelling to vacant the building. It was about to explode any minute. Suyin scrambled out of their way, running in the opposite direction from where the prison was, unafraid of the falling building. She has her people in the prison. Her best friend. Brother. Honey's father.     

Stones stared to fall from above, crushing anyone that comes in its way. Stench of blood occupied the air. Screams echoed. People were unable to get out. The doors were locked by someone.     

She heard something blast in the building but kept making her way towards the prison.      


 In the prison,     

Wang Shi wrapped a cloth around his mouth to facilitate breathing amidst the heavy dust. "Get Evan and James out. I will go find Suyin. Hurry, this place is crumbling."     

Because of his doubt on Evan, Wang Shi remained vigilant, and double checked everything before blindly following him. According to Evan, he had built the tunnel over years and no one knew about it. But he noticed footprints at the mouth of the tunnel.      

His suspicion peeked upon hearing Alpha and Suyin's interactions.     

To double check, he let one of the remote controlled spiders into the tunnel. Half way through, a series of blasts happened, and the entire tunnel came down. Had they gone inside, they wouldn't had made out alive. If not landmines, they'd crushed under the debris or died because of lack of oxygen.     

The only way left was to force their way inside. A do or die situation.     

It was then he received a message that Feng Jin had reached with the military.      

A breather it was.      

Revon and Jin took charge with their armies, covering North and East sides. What followed was the collision between the two sides. A slaughter against a humankind. A choreographed dance of destruction.....     

Making way through Alpha's militias would have taken time and efforts. And time was something they were running against. Wang Shi hoped on to his vehicle, and launched it like a maniac, forgetting it was equipped with a thing called brakes.     

The prison was in the North-West corridor, made of steel walls. "Jin, air cover from the West." He ordered. Following the coordinates of his position, a fighter plane came flying above him.     

 It was no looking back from there.     

Under the firing of rocket launchers by Luo, and Evan from the car, and the plane covering them from above, people scurried out of way like ants running away from fire.      

[Stop.] Evan gestured with his hand in emergency. Immediately he scribbled a line, pointing at the wall ahead, [Prison is built with three layers of walls. This should be the first.]      

'Should?' Wang Shi had scowled at the use of that word but anyway pulled the car away and ordered the fighter pilot to blow it up. It exploded with a loud roar. Dust settling in the air.      

They got down, weapons pointed ahead. To their shock, people came running out from the blown up wall. Kicking. Pushing. They were Alpha's men. Instead of fighting, they were running away from them. Ignoring. As if none saw them.     

A portion of the building blew up just then. Clouds of black smoke filled the air.     

Realisation struck. Suyin was still inside and the building was crumbling. He could either save James-Zeng or the love of his life.      

The love wins. He's selfish and won't leave her to die. Not alone, at least.     

He looked at the two.      

It was then when he passed the responsibility to them. It's a war, and they'll save their own people first.      

He knew they'd do it. Evan would do it for his love.      


"Suyin? Suyin, come in?" none replied. Wang Shi pressed his ear to concentrate, but not even a tiny voice came from her.      

Suddenly a guard attacked from his left. He dodged, and shoot him on head. "Save your lives, idiots."     

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