Mark of the destiny

You owe him a gift.

You owe him a gift.

1A second passed     0

Two seconds passed     

Suyin opened her eyes when someone nudged at her arm. She looked up, confused. Disoriented. The pain from closing of collar crushing her neck- the one she had witnessed on the baby monkey--- It never came. Or did it?     

"Hey, don't space out. Help me." The man's tone rose. She looked down at his hands where he was pressing on Wang Shi's chest. "He's bleeding,"     

His lips quivered.     

"Pick the phone and call the first dialled number. Ask them to get medics ASAP," her eyes stayed glued to Wang Shi. At his rising chest, to be precise. "ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME, DUMB WOMAN?"     

She jumped, shifting her eyes to him and then at Wang Shi. She placed her hands on the sides of his chest.      

"His chest is moving paradoxically." she bent down to hear his heart and lungs. Lifting a second later. "I don't hear much on left side, his left lung is in distress," Her eyes searched around for something-- anything-- to help the man breathe. She patted Wang Shi's pockets. Maybe something useful come up.      

A pen.     

God knows why he was carrying a pen even in this situation, but it was the one thing she needed most.      

"Do you have a Swiss knife?"     


"You people always carry a Swiss knife, don't you? Give it to me." She snatched it as Jin takes it out from his waist belt. She has nothing to sterilise it, but that's least of her concern. She dismantled the pen, keeping the part open from both ends.     

A swift one inch cut two ribs down, and as she pushed the hollow part in, Wang Shi sucked in a deep breath. His chest rose to maximum. She closed the open end of pen with her finger; lifting it and closing it, following his breathing pattern.     

"I will take from here," She pushed Jin and took his position. "Call help. FAST," She noticed Wang Shi's eyelids flutter, and reached to touch his cheek; her face hovering over his. "Hey, stay with me. Nothing will happen. I won't let anything happen to you. Honey is waiting for us."     

A drop of tear fell on his face. He opened his eyes. A pained smile. How helpless he was, can't even wipe her tears. Treacherous hands refused to cooperate.     

"For honey, Shishi. Please. For our son. Remember, it's his birthday today? You owe him a gift." It's already past twelve. A new day. A new beginning. Their son had turned six.     

He blinked. Wishing to the heavens if he could say some words to her. Tell her not to cry. Tell her he trusts her. Tell her he's not scared. Tell her he's not giving up. Tell her, how much she means to her. And everything.....     

The sound of giant metal birds filled the air, bringing the much needed aid.     



The helicopter had a military doctor and a nurse. She saw as the doctor hang IV, hooked him to monitor and started giving first aid. Unsatisfied she was. He had big pneumothorax. They better first remove the pen she had inserted and replace it with one-way valve.     

"Mam, can you please sit properly? You are bleeding. Let me--"     

She pushed the nurse, "Touch me again, and first I will throw you out of the chopper, and then this doctor." She snapped at the doctor, "Use Heimlich valve."     

The doctor looked at Jin, hoping for help, but the latter frowned at him, "We-We only have chest tubes at the moment."     

"Then use the tubes, and IV bottle, and make one for yourself," She unbuckled the straps on her, and crouched near Wang Shi. "Gloves, scalpel, tubes, tape and an IV bottle. YOU--" She tossed the bottle at Jin, "Make an opening big enough to insert two tubes. Ask the pilot not to take us to camp but to the hospital in central City. Call your brother to get the location. He needs CT scan, Chest X-Ray, and an emergency surgery. The hospital has necessary machines."      

She was referring to Reis' hospital. It had all the machines they needed. After eliminating Blaska bolts, the hospital was under Revon's control, now used to provide medical facilities to civilians, and in emergency.     


In the hospital,     

When any member of a royal family falls ill, the best medical facilities were rushed for them. The best doctors. The best hospitals. Wang Shi was no less than a royal. Born with a silver spoon, he had always received best.     

But today, when he direly needed those best facilities, he was deprived. Opposite to his world class multi-speciality hospital, equipped with latest machines and best brains working hard for their patients, he was brought here to this half damaged hospital with machines as old as time.     

Wang Shi's face looked pale. Lying on the bed was just a frail man, as if lost his vitality she knew him for.     

"Give him a femoral line," She said, standing a little away from him.     

She looked as the doctors stood on edge, helping him in the best of their capabilities. No matter how much she tried not to judge them, she knew none of them had that capability.      

"Don't touch the bullet. He could have a massive haemorrhage. Give him seven more blood and plasma, eight platelets typed and crossed,"     

Forget about expecting an excellent treatment from them, she wouldn't even trust the ones Wang Shi had brought along with him. Wish Dr. Colton was here to help.     

"He needs CT scan. I have a doubt his bronchial artery is involved. Do the ECHO too." all this while, her fingers never stopped dancing in the air as if she was making some drawings, or doing calculations.      

"Sister," Jin called. At his gesture, she walked a little away but stopped at the threshold of the door, keeping Wang Shi in her line of sight.     

Jin showed her the blood stained bullet proof jacket that was cut off from Wang Shi a minute ago. He lifts her hand to place it on the sharp bumps over it. She frowned.      

"It was a .357 caliber bullet shot from close range that passed through and through this jacket. The bullet is specially designed to split into five the moment it hit target."     

Shock registered. She counted the number of bumps. Three.     

"Two fragments are still inside." He folded his hands. The military officer who commands the most dangerous squad, the youngest General the country had ever seen, one of the Feng brothers--one who carries his pride on his uniform and never bows in front of anyone-- was folding hands in front of her. Begging.      

  "I know theirs a disagreement between you and brother Shishi over Honey, and you don't like him. But please---please help him for now." Wang Shi was one of the world's best doctor, and has saved thousands of lives no matter enemy or friends, "Just like him you are a capable doctor. Let him have a fair chance at life. Please...."     

He waited.... waited....     

She turned without a word, her fingers resumed dancing in the air, making patterns, lips mumbling gibberish. It shattered all his hopes.     


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