Mark of the destiny

Bundle of naughtiness

Bundle of naughtiness

3Planning this hijack turned out to be Tamis' biggest mistake. He trusted the ones he shouldn't. Once the hijackers's demand was fulfilled, they flee away, leaving a bomb behind.      3


"He was really something. So many people died because of him," Suyin muttered, and she turned to her side, reaching to pat Honey who stirred in sleep.     

"Much worse," a cool breath tingled her skin near the ear.     

Suyin screamed and turned to her side. In her fear she miscalculated the momentum, and rolled down the bed, landing in someone's strong arms.     

Her eyes shut, face scrunched. Surely the fall will reopen her wounds.      

When the pain didn't come, she peeked open her one eye.     

"Awww.... You could have told me you were dying to come in my arms. Me too. I love you, my ducky." and the man hugged her close to his heart, making sure not to put pressure lest her wounds reopen.     

Suyin "..."     

Her body electrocuted when she felt the touch of his lips on her neck. He kissed her. A long kiss. A tingling kiss. A familiar kiss that used to share. Suyin tried to pull herself away from Wang Shi's arms when she heard a soft voice.     

"Are you two wrestling?" Honey rubbed his eyes. Suyin's scream had woken him from his slumber. Suyin froze.     

"No. I'm hugging your mummy. She was again careless and was about to fall from the bed. You know she got stitches don't you?"     

"WHAT?" Honey stood on the bed, "Ducky, how can you? Now you will sleep between me and daddy. Sometimes I don't understand who is the baby in this family." Wang Shi grinned, putting Suyin in the middle of the small bed.     

Wang Shi squeezing himself in, "Don't worry. We two will take care of her..... forever,"      

"But what if she declines to be taken care of?"     

"She won't," Honey looked into Suyin's eyes, "You won't, right?" Suyin opened her mouth and Honey kissed her cheek, "See, she said no. That's like my good mummy!"     

Suyin "..."     

"But would it be alright? Your mummy like being independent,"     

"But we are the men of the house, and she's our ducky. We have to have to take care of her." Honey threw his arm around Suyin's neck and kissed her bald head. What's with all the kissing? He was getting so good at coaxing.     

"Bratty, don't say like that. Our ducky is no less than us. Didn't you see how bravely she fought?"     

"I did. But mummy--" Honey forced Suyin to look at him, "--I don't like it when you are hurt. Can you please make sure one of is with you so that we can punch the bad guys? Can you promise me that?"     

Wang Shi squeezed Honey's non existent biceps, "Are you sure about the punching?"     

Honey grunted, covering himself instantly with the bedsheet. "Just you wait, they will be better than yours," Suyin alternated her head between the two. Did they even realise they were talking about her, in front of her, yet acting as if she's invisible?     

Suyin, "Do you two realise--"     

Honey placed his little finger on Suyin's lips, coaxing her with a kiss again, "Shh... Dad provoked me just now. Let me take care of this." He looked at Wang Shi, "On a second thought, I am glad you have better biceps."     

Wang Shi smirked, "Thankyou, bratty. It's good to accept the truth--"     

"If the bad guy starts chasing after ducky, you'll face them first. I'm little, and will take the opportunity to run away with mummy. And if by chance you end up beaten up, we will take that as a warning, and won't go near the bad guy again. Your sacrifice will be appreciated, daddy. I promise, we won't miss you."     

"Honey!" Wang Shi sneered.     

Honey dived into Suyin's embrace to save his ass.      

Suyin smiled and hugged the bundle of naughtiness. She patted his bum. "Since when did you become a chatterbox, fairy?"     

"Since I found my ducky is my mummy," Honey looked up from Suyin's chest, smiling through his eyes. He placed his fingers at the corner of Suyin's lips, "Since when did you stop smiling? I prefer the old smile over this one. It doesn't have douch-- dough--duche--"     

"Duchenne Marker,"     

"Duchenne marker,"     

Suyin and Wang Shi glance at each other.     

Honey exclaimed, resting his head on Suyin's chest, "Yes, that's the word! Duch marker. I like it when your cheeks lift up, and eyes wrinkle at the corners. That's the smile--" He yawned, voice starting to doze off. Suyin's continuous pats and warmth was doing magic. "--a smile with duch duch--"     

Wang Shi pulled the bedsheet to cover Honey. Barely a silence of a few minutes and the little one was back into dreamland. Suyin remained motionless.     

"Move back," she ordered.     

"I can't." Wang Shi pointed at his clothes for Suyin to look down. Honey had them in his little fist, clenched tightly.     

Suyin tried to open Honey's fist gently. It stirred him in sleep, moaning. "Dad, mum.... stay," Suyin sighed, making space for Wang Shi. The bed was not the king-size, like the one Wang Shi had in his lounge. It was just enough for two people to sleep, but they were three. To worse, Suyin wanted to maintain a distance from the man.      

Wang Shi lie down beside her. He looked at the ceiling, an inadvertent smile on his lips. They were so close that Suyin's shoulder was touching his. He could smell her soothing fragrance. Her breathing.     

"Now that we won't be able to sleep, tell me about Tamis." She broke the silence.      

"You should take rest,"     

"I will rest once this is over and we go our separate ways. So, you were saying something about Tamis--"     

Wang Shi turned to the side, and supported his head on palm, making her uneasy, "You can go your separate way, I won't stop. But my way is only where you are going. Can't help, I am a stubborn man. Deal with it..... For your entire life--" Suyin snapped at him only to see the same mischievous smile that once used to make her heart skip a beat. Not anymore. Yes, surely not anymore. "So, Tamis....."     

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