Mark of the destiny

He was not needed.

He was not needed.

0Don't know what time of the day it was, or how many days had passed, Suyin blinked her eyes open. Subtle golden glow filtered through the window, and she could taste salt in the air. Salt? That's unusual.     

However, to her surprise she smelled something unusual too. A pleasantly soothing fragrance of baby products. Not just any baby products but the one Honey smelled of. How can she not recognise this yummy fragrance?      

Subconsciously she hugged the pillow, taking in more of the fragrance. It felt like a beautiful dream.      

The noise that came out of her wasn't surprising as the horror reality hit when the pillow moved and hugged her back. The supposed pillow said in a cute and cheerful voice. "So finally you wake up, ducky. Good morning!"      

Suyin's screams echoed as she jumped away from the bed and fell on the floor. Her nails screeching the floor, her eyes blindly focused on the 'speaking pillow'.      

Where are her glasses?      

Honey sniffed, "Bad ducky. I won't talk to you. First you left me alone, and now you jumped away from me after seeing me. Don't you love me anymore? Did you find another fairy for yourself?" he get down from the bed, and cupped her face in his small hands. Possessive much.      

Confused Suyin struggled to grasp the situation, battling if it's a dream or reality. "You'" just than Honey slide her glasses on her nose.     

"You you what? Who else were you expecting? Who else dare to sleep with you? I'm warning you, you are not allowed to get another fairy."      

Suyin stared at the fairy like face owlishly. Had she died and her soul was in heaven? Only heaven can be this beautiful and peaceful. With shivery hands she reached to touch Honey's face, down to his body, his hands. Tears rolling down...     

"You-- you--"     

"Did you hit your head somewhere? Don't you recognise me anymore?" Honey ran his hands on her bald head looking for any signs of injury. "I'm your little fairy," and then he did the unexpected. Peppering Suyin's face with his sweet kisses. "Remember, you used to trouble me for kisses? We even had a deal of hundred kisses. Now do you remember me--"     

Suyin pulled him in her embrace, squeezing in arms. Her hug was stronger than she had ever hugged Honey as if just hugging him wasn't enough. And Honey did the same. The little human put all his strength in the hug silently letting her know his feelings, and how much he had missed her.     

It was the yearning of a butterfly for the cocoon's warmth and to be safe within its walls. Protected.     

And in that moment Honey lost his composure and broke down in Suyin's embrace. It was the hug he had ever wanted. "I hate-- I hate you.... you are bad, you left me alone....." In his crying he shed away any pretence or cold demeanour, and let her see the real six-year-old child.     

"Yes, I'm bad. I'm sorry... I'm sorry...."     

"NO. You are very, very, very bad. You are a lier as well. You don't love me."     

"I love you. I love my fairy the most."     


"I love my fairy more than my life. Trust me."     

"Then why did you leave me? I hate you,"     

"I left you because you said the same three words."     

She felt him hitting her back with his fist. Don't know if he was coaxing, or hitting in complaint, but they were gentlest of punches. "But wasn't it you who said one should not take child's words to heart? How can you? Do you know how much worried I was? You are terrible. I hate you. I hate you."      

"Okay, okay, sorry, stop crying now. Should I hold my ear and kowtow?"      

"No. Promise me you would never leave me again,"      

"You also promise you will live with me and never say the hate word again,"     

Honey broke the hug and looked at her, stirring her heart. Looking adorable with wet red face, and lips jutted out. "Promise. I love you, ducky."     

"Aww.... and I love you, my fairy. I love you--" Suyin spread her arms like a starfish, "--this much." Honey spread his arms like a spoilt kid, and Suyin again embraced him, peppering kisses wherever she could.      

Standing inconspicuously at the door, Wang Shi let the tears flow. The two persons were his life, his strength and weakness. His emotions stir like ocean currents. Wish he could enter inside the room and join them, hug them, cry with them.      

But no. He was left out.      

He was not needed.     

But he successfully managed to capture the beautiful union of mother-son. Now he can watch it on loop and live the moment with them again. Just differently.     

"One day you will be part of it," Jianyu pressed on Wang Shi's shoulder.      

"One day," Wang Shi said, "When will that day would come?"     

Jianyu didn't have the answer to that, he held his silence, and just stood by Wang Shi's side.      

"Is Zeke awake? Let me see him,"     

"You can't keep us from meeting him. Not anymore."     

Wang Shi frowned. Luo and Revon had been such a pain all this while. Not only these two, but an army of over God knows how many people who had forcefully campaigned alongside Wang Shi, Xion, and Jianyu's temporary camp.     

"How did you two--" Jianyu stopped. He already got the answer how did the two know Suyin woke up.     

"I told them! I told them! Zeke woke up! ZEKE. ZEKE. ZEKE." A disheveled woman jumped on her toes, clapping like kids. She had smudges of dried mud on her face, clothes and hair. She was wearing trousers and a tank top larger her size. She scratched her frizzy hair with nails and peeked inside the tent. "ZEKE! AMARA IS HERE! Bad uncles and little devil tried to stop me, but I was peeking from the window."     

Suyin's head snapped at the door, "Amara, Luo, Revon, come inside."      

Honey placed himself between Suyin and others. "Prepare for your end if you dare come near her. She's mine and dad's. You cannot take her."     

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