Mark of the destiny

The owner of the voice

The owner of the voice

1Now the only bargaining chip in hand was the bald woman. According to Suyin Alpha has some use from her, maybe he gets another chance. But before that he had to get rid of the pests following him.     

"Strip her. This bitch must be hiding a tracker in her body."     

A man grabbed the collar and yanked her coat open, forcing it out of her body. Despite the danger approaching, excitement evident. Three others joined him to help.      

But before they could shrug her out of it, two of them fell unconsciousness, confusing the remaining two. Before they could think of something, Suyin charged at a lightening speed, and stabbed them on chest with a syringe.      


"They are driving towards the forest, don't let them escape," Revon commanded. He pushed his rifle out the window and aimed at rear vehicle of Reis' convoy. There were five.      

However, it was an armoured vehicle. A bullet or two won't do any harm to the tyres. Luo aimed the rocket launcher and fired at the one in which he was sure Suyin was not.     

The vehicle lost balance and smashed into a tree. "Team A, get them. We need as many we can to interrogate." Luo said.     

Revon, "This is insane,"     

Luo, "All of this would be in vain if we don't catch them alive."     

"But Zeke--"     

"We are there for that. His life monitor is still showing he's alive. So make sure not to kill Reis. He's the one we need most."     

Revon grunted, but he agrees with Luo's words.      

Soon they noticed another convoy of armoured vehicles joining them. And this one seems more organised, containing uncountable vehicles.      

"Who are--" Luo paused. The sound of helicopters whirling over head suppressed every noise. Every one of them following the SUV in which Suyin was.     


"Mei," Wang Shi asked over the walkie talkie. He was driving one of the armoured vehicle, chasing the one in which Suyin was. Sitting beside him, Jianyu was leading the team on ground while Xion was leading the one in the air.     

Xiu Mei was at one of the helicopters, Honey sitting with her, looking down from the window. Love manifests worry, and he was never this worried in his entire life. He placed a hand at his heart and gently coaxed it. "She will be fine. She will be fine."     

"You are very close to her. She's in the vehicle ahead. Hurry, her vital stats on the tracker is fluctuating," Xiu Mei said. Thanks to captain Voodoo, they got to know Suyin had bought a tracker from him. It was just a cake walk for Xiu Mei to hack Suyin's tracker.     

Wang Shi pressed the accelerator maximum. It overjoyed him as well as worried. Finally, they have found her.     

"Why is it swaying so much?" Jianyu asked, frowning at the vehicle in front.     

"Mei said Suyin's vital stats are fluctuating. If I am not wrong, she's fighting in there." Wang Shi said, "Ca't take any risk. Hold tight, I am going to slam." a second later he crashed into Suyin's SUV.     


"Bitch," While balancing the car with one hand, Reis hit her with the back of the rifle. Suyin had done something to his men that they were lying unresponsive. Don't know if dead or alive. She had a long syringe in her hand.     

Suyin's breathed from mouth. Her body was already giving up, only she knows how she was keeping herself conscious. By injecting herself with adrenaline.      

But there's a limit to it as well.      

Blood dripped from her nose, she wiped it with her sleeves. Her eyes searching for the last benzodiazepine injection. Finding it stabbed in the leather seat just a few inches away from Reis. She missed the target.     

She collected herself and shrugged out of her coat. Though there were weapons in the car, she wanted Reis alive. And threatening him was a vain when he already knew she won't kill him.      

Just than a car crashed in to theirs, giving the perfect opportunity to her.     

With all her remaining strength, she charged again. Reis was trying to control the car, believing he had knocked out Suyin. The very next second everything turned dark in front of his eyes.     

Suyin pressed her coat at his face, pressing maximum at nose with her palm, targeting the weak point. Reis struggled, scratched her. She grabbed the sleeves from the other side with her right hand, and pulled another sleeve with her mouth, pulling it until it reached within right hand's grip. And then she pulled it with all her might.     

The whole thing was freaky as if a pillow smothering you.      

The car lost control and swayed towards the marsh.     

Suyin was unprepared for this. Just than something crashed into her vehicle. The impact was so strong that rattled her teeth. Tires screeched. It was either a dead end or her team was helping her. She wished for the later.      

The car slammed into a tree and came to a halt.     

Her heart became heavy like it wants a break, she snapped herself out of it. Reis had freed himself and had opened the door to get out. Suyin didn't budge. She can hear the voice of people approaching, cars screeching to a halt, and just than someone nabbed Reis.     

"Suyin!" The door to the side opened from outside and she heard a familiar voice. Her dropping eyelids tried to remain open to see the owner of this voice. A voice that feels so warm that despite her brain telling to go away, her heart and body opposed. "Thank God, I found you, my love." the touch! it was everything she ever wished for, yet something was stopping her.      

"Reis--" Before she could say, her unconsciousness took over.     



All she heard was two voices screaming for her and something soft embracing her.      


Author's note--     

Finally they are together! Time to celebrate. And I'm looking forward to write their scenes together. Yayyy!     

The separation is over but not the sad part :(     

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