Mark of the destiny

Common Enemy

Common Enemy

0It was surprising to see a doctor talking about it so normally. "So you know about them?"      1

"Everyone here. Revon might seem to be cold, inhuman, but he had been fighting against this for over a decade. Do you have any idea how many 'traders of human life' he had killed over the years?"     

"Then why is he still failing? Why are people still--"     

"He can ask people not to fall into this trap, but eventually the decision is theirs. Sadly, the circumstances and their need force them to choose the trap laced with gold wires." Suyin followed as Reis started walking, "Revon was barely twenty-five when he formed Sandrios Brigade, and became one of the first militia groups to stand against our then ruling President/ dictator Tamis Nieden. Tamis died, but the country never recovered from the aftermaths."     

"There has been a mysterious power uprising over the last few years that resulted to our current condition. I'm helping Revon by secretly passing information to him. Whoever is behind this, he is very smart and knows how to take advantage of the people in need. We are afraid he has some ulterior motives, and this is just one of his way to accumulate money and weaken us. He's powerful and brutal while Revon has zero power, has a duty to protect his people. From him, and the other militia groups who meant harm."     

"So.... whoever behind this mysterious power is, he's running the trafficking group?"     


"Can you lead me to one such broker?" Reis paused, his eyes looking into hers curiously, "Don't look surprised. I have my own reasons."     

"Is it why you dressed as a woman and entered this country, risking your life?" Now it was Suyin's turn to look at Reis curiously. She turned her head to Luo's direction, standing far.     

"No. He didn't. When I placed the stethoscope on your chest to hear your heartbeat, I found the truth," Suyin hugged the coat tightly, "Rest assured, I won't tell anyone. But I'm definitely curious why a capable doctor like you has entered this chaos and is looking for that mysterious power?"     


She paused when Revon rushed out of the room and ordered his men to mobilise, "Take the best weapons. We will attack Blaska Bolts tonight."     

"Tsk.... he's being consumed by rage again. The last time when that happened he lost many of his capable men," Reis talked to himself. "You know it's really weird that both his kids died similarly."     

Her brain stuttered for a moment, "What do you mean?"     

"Around fifteen years back. It was my first time meeting Revon when he came to the hospital holding a bleeding kid of barely three. The kid had a bullet hole in his stomach. My senior doctor performed the surgery successfully, but the boy never woke up."     

"You mean to say he died of brain anoxic injury?"     

"That's the most probable cause-- HEY." Before he could complete Suyin sprinted. She pushed Revon from the way, running past him.      

"STOP. NO ONE WILL TOUCH HIM." The nurses paused and stepped away from the ventilator. She put on a pair of gloves and made cotton ball between her fingers.     

Marina raised her head up, "What are you doing?"     

Suyin peeled open the boy's eyes and gently rubbed the cotton ball on the cornea. The boy flinched and shut his eyes.     

Marina gasped. "T-This.... what does this mean?"      

"This means he's not brain dead. He will be just fine." She prepared an injection and gave it to the boy, "It was a side-effect of the medicine. He will wake up by tomorrow morning." Marina was skeptical, "He will." Suyin stepped out of the room before Marina give her a hug and find her secret. Her eyes met with Revon's shocked; ignoring him, she walked into the balcony, looking over the armed man in Revon's command.     

Reis, "You treated the boy by giving him multivitamin injection? Enlighten me."      

"I gave him mivacurium as anaesthesia during surgery. The boy has Pseudocholinesterase deficiency which makes it impossible for his body to break down the substance. Technically the boy was still under anaesthesia and just needed time." Suyin said. "I used multivitamin to--"     

"--to prevent the parents from the guilt that their eldest son was very much alive and falsely declared brain dead when they pulled him off the ventilator?"      

Such an annoying pest! He was making her angry, "Lead me to the brokers but before that help me access the database. I need information about a few of your citizens. Since you are Revon's informer since years, I'm sure you can do this easily." She changed the subject.     

"Guilt is perhaps the most painful companion. And you just prevented Revon and Marina from lifetime of guilt of killing their own son by mistake. A mistake done in ignorance is forever called a mistake. It should not define the very existence of someone. You took the right decision."      

Duh! One more, and she qould kick him right in the crotch. Her lips twitched, "Give me the names of the brokers killed by Revon as well. Did you guys confiscated anything from them? Phones, laptops--"     

That's it! He's dead.      

Reis took a step back sensing something.     

"Running from a conversation, ha, Perhaps it reminds you of something? I won't bother you with it anymore, sorry." He didn't say another word least the angry bird hit him. But his experience and her expression says he had somewhat hit the weak spot.      


Suyin and everyone stayed awake the entire night, waiting for Erin to wake up. Surprisingly, Revon had put the idea of attacking Blaska Bolts on hold. At least for the night. Marina was the first to notice Erin opening his eyes, bringing a needed relief to the distressed parents.     

"Thankyou, thankyou very much. I'm indebted to you," Marina said while squeezing her son in her arms. Suyin gave a faint smile, noticing Reis taking Revon to a corner. Whatever Reis was telling to Revon, it made him look at Suyin.     

After a moment, Revon ordered everyone to leave for their rooms and take rest. After everyone left, he left Erin in Marina's care and took Suyin and Lou to his chamber. Reis following along.     

Without a word, he takes out his laptop from the locker and started doing something on it. Ten minutes later he turned the laptop to her, "This contains all the information I have gathered from the brokers so far. The next tab is the El Sandrios people's data. Check if you want anything else."     

Suyin's confusion turned into a shock. How was she supposed to comprehend the Hulk's polite behaviour? Or does the man suffering from bipolar disorder.      

Maybe he caught the questions in her eyes. "Don't be shocked. I don't have any reason not to trust you. Whatever reasons you have to want this information, I owe you this much help. Besides Reis had told me you are after the trafficker boss. Looks like we share a common enemy."     


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