Mark of the destiny

Nothing can justify

Nothing can justify

1[Careful. I won't save your ass if he hears you. It's already surprising he answered your first question. Just follow his instruction, it's our golden chance to get her to our side.]       3

Sean, [But I doubt she will go extreme to destroy Wangs. She's adores that little boy and will never do anything to hurt him.]     

[What option would she have when that boy who she adores will lose his life and the blame will fall on the first lady of our country? Suyin will go berserk and blame Wangs. And our dear President couple will blame Suyin. The two will stand against each other.]      

[WHAT? When it was plan--]     

Wu Sangui's ugly laughter followed, [Why do you think I joined hands with Alpha? He had everything under his control. He had Suyin under his control.]     

The words left Suyin shocked, confused, and with countless questions. A shiver ran down her spine like a bolt of electricity. These people were talking about killing Honey? Honey!!! And they have some connection with the stolen heart? Why and how Wang Shi was involved in everything?      

Wait! Why did Alpha sounded as if he knows Suyin very well? What thing does she have that will lead her to the truth? No. The question should be what truth were they talking about?     

It seems everything depends on Suyin actions for their plans to succeed. She had to be careful, can't let them take advantage of her.      

She replayed the conversation, the words 'she has something that will lead her to the truth' strike her hard. The pen-drive! She had the pen-drive! And a moment before she had seen something disturbing in it. But the pen-drive was given to Suyin by her trusted people in the forensics. They can't betray her. Can they?      

She checked the pen with the magnifying glass. It was relatively new and shiny, however, if it was found in Gilbert'd pocket why doesn't it have any burn marks on it? The acid used to kill Gilbert was strong and it should have had damaged the pen's body.      

To strike out a certain doubt she went through the video of the press conference again, only to see another shocking truth laid bare. The pen-drive in the form of a pen which was supposedly found in Gilbert's clothes was not his. In fact he was not even carrying it during the conference. There were only two pens in his front pocket, none of them matches with the one in her hand. What were the odds that the pen was in his trousers? Very less.     

She checked the file left by Wu Sean on her table. It was the list of the people vanished from the NGO run by the Wang family. Two of the names coincidently matched with the names in the pen-drive.     

Coincidently? Naah! She doesn't think that.     

It was planned. Everything was planned! Maybe even the photograph in the pen-drive. Maybe photograph was morphed to make her believe Wang Shi did it. Maybe Evan put the pen-drive in Gilbert's pocket before fleeing from there. Maybe this Alpha was the real mastermind.     

Many maybes~ but nothing to confirm.     

But what gives these people the confidence that she'd stand against the Wangs and get to their side? Unless Wang Shi was really involved in the death of her baby. Unless the photograph was true and not morphed. Unless it's Honey who really had her son's heart and Wang Shi got it for him.      

What about the locket with Zena? Was it also planned?      


She had to meet Zena after work.      

Don't know how Suyin managed to finish work amidst countless questions. Later she picked her car from the club and went to meet Zena first. She peeked inside her cell from the small glass window. Zena was sitting on the chair, talking to the doll in her hand.     

Standing outside the ward, she felt like a betrayer. She was hiding everything from the man who had taken a bullet for her and had saved her life? Should she really be here, questioning Zena? Does she really thinks Zena would tell the truth?     

Two hospital nurses came, "She's violent. We will tie her to the chair so that she doesn't harm you." one of them said. They opened the door, and Suyin looked as Zena struggled, yelled, kicked, while being tied to the chair.     

Her nose scrunched at the weird smell coming from the room. She noticed Zena was exceptionally energetic and strong that even the two sturdy nurses were having a tough time tying her to the chair.      


Bloodshot eyes, slurred speech, pale skin~ Zena was still taking drugs. She was getting her continuous supply even in the mental asylum. Suyin turned on her heels and left the place. Whatever Zena was going to tell her was planned, meant to instigate.      

No way.     

There's no way Suyin was going to give that chance to Zena and let her instigate. She'd rather ask Wang Shi everything. Including the photograph and her doubts about Honey's heart. Just hoped she'd be able to keep her calm.....     

Just remain calm and hear the man out...     


Calm. That just remained a hollow word when Wang Shi accepted his involvement in everything. He knew it from the beginning yet he toyed with her.      

Now what? He wants her to hear him out? But he already lost the chance. It's because of the people like him the organ trafficking industry was worth billions of dollars. Yes, he was suffering; he was hopeless, desperate, but no explanation will work to a woman who lost her only child.     

"Yes, it's true Tang Sui and Hui Chouming had already planned to kill my baby. But that does not justify your action to buy a heart. Even if my baby was bound to meet his death, it does not makes your wrong right."     

"What Shifu said is also true..... this pain can only be understood by the one suffering from it and the decision is subject to person to person. You might be feeling guilty that an innocent child lost his life, but you are definitely not sorry that the heart saved your own son."     

A tear rolled down from the corner of her eyes. The one who suffered the maximum loss was her. Not only she lost her baby but the man with whom she really wanted to spend her life with. And now, she wants to fight for the child that belongs to that man. Fight for her little fairy which she already know the result. Defeat.      

"Sometimes it's good to cry.You gotta let that suffocation and resentment dissipate through the tears." Suyin woke up with a startle and found a woman standing at a distance. "Looks like I scared you, girl."     

Suyin frowned, "Girl? Are you talking to me?"      

"Can you see any other girl other than you?"     


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