Mark of the destiny



3In the dark of the night, upon the dried leaves, Suyin sat near the tombstone of her son. Her hands swiped the dirt until the two tiny feet stamped in marble come to her vision. She lied down over it, embracing the one sleeping in the arms of mother nature.     

"I knew you would be here,"     

She heard a voice but didn't bother to look up or sit down.      

"Lie. He sent you here."     

Dr. Colton sat down near her, "Yes. He messaged me. He was worried."     

"Are you sure he was worried about me and not the consequences he is about to face?" Her voice came cold, full of hatred.      

"You know the answer better than anyone. Do you think his concern and love for you--"     

"Love?" Suyin had to interrupt, "I will definitely go through the definition again. I'm pretty sure what he did was anything but love. Dr. Colton, you may go and tell him that to his utter disappointment I'm very much alive and sane."      

Her rudeness shocked Colton. It was the first time she had called him by name. Anger and rage really bring out the worst of a person. "Suyin, remember we talked about this topic before? I promised you to interrogate the buyer personally and trust me child~ in my finding Wang Shi's biggest crime was paying the money to get the heart. But that's it. He was not even aware it was stolen--"     

"You said you have interrogated him? Does this mean you were aware of it?" She cut him off.     

Colton froze, "Don't misunderstand me. It was in your best interest that he tells you everything. So I--"     

"So you joined him and choose to make a fool out of me!" she shouted, standing.     

"Stop being unreasonable," he used the tone parents use when kids don't listen to them. "Child, I was not in your bad. You both love each other--"     

"STOP CALLING THAT BULLSHIT LOVE." She took an aggressive step. "J-Just stop it. Please, Just stop it. You all are liars and I have no place for any of you in my life. Forget you ever had a student named Suyin, and I will forget I had a teacher like you." she walked away from him.     

Colton wanted to call her back, but everything blurred in front of his eyes. World spun and he fell down unconscious between the blanket of white smoke.     

Behind him, a man appeared out of woods and paused near Colton. He took off his hat and tucked it under the armpit, revealing the salt and pepper grey, and a mask on his face. "Let her sear Colton. The greater her rage, the more beneficial she is to us. Her anger is our biggest weapon."     

"For a second I get scared when she turned away outside Zena's room and didn't go in to meet her." another man added.     

"Alpha was right, sometimes she's unpredictable. That's why he asked you to bug her. Good job, Sean."      

"Thanks, Dad," Wu Sean flicked his wrist. At cue, the blanket of white smoke vanished. His gaze narrowed at the direction Suyin had gone. In the club, he had bugged Suyin's handbag to keep track of her whereabouts and her dialogue with people around her.      

How satisfying it was to hear her and Wang Shi's fight. An eerily satisfying smile lifted Sean's lips upwards. It's a thrill unexplainable. From the school to the university to the woman he likes, Wang Shi had always beaten him. Who enjoys being second every time?     

Things turn worse when Wang Shi became Wu Sean's biggest competitor and a threat of taking over the position of the next President of the nation. Even though Wang Shi had shown no interest in politics, he had been people's favorite and the next preferential candidate which didn't go well with Wu Sean.      

'Until you are people's favorite, no one will ever take a look at me. You better be chucked out from way to success.' Wu Sean looked down at Colton, "What to do with him?"     

"We can't kill him. He is Lu Xion's one of the most important men. Just let him be here. He could never come up it's the white smoke that knocked him out." The effects will wear out in 24 hours. "You better follow her. She is vulnerable at the moment, the best time to lend her a shoulder. The effects of smoke won't let her go far."     

"SHIT! How can I forget she inhaled it too? It's unsafe--"     

"Sean!" Wu Sangui called, "Don't forget she's just a weapon for us to reach our goal. One doesn't fall in love with a weapon, but uses it and dispose it for a better one. There is no place for emotions and love in your life. Focus."     


Two days passed.....     

"Do you remember anything else? Anything! Did you see someone following you? Or notice anything off?"     

"No, I didn't! One second I was talking to her and another I lost my consciousness. What does the blood report say?" Since the time Colton had woken up his brain was like a flat battery, and the night in the cemetery a mystery. To his horror, he woke up in the hospital and Wang Shi popped at his face, announcing Suyin's missing status.     

"Blood reports come clear, but we found traces of sedatives in your urine. Can you recall how that happened?"     

"STOP QUESTIONING ME." There's a buzzing in Colton's brain, his heart in chaos, and together they were running a marathon looking for a solution.      

"YOU THINK I'M ENJOYING THIS?" in one fell swoop the content on the table fell down. "Suyin is missing for the last two days. Neither she went home, nor she contacted any of her family or friends. A distance away from the cemetery we found her handbag, cellphone, a sandal, and some blood which matches with her. My, Xion, and Jianyu's men are rummaging the entire city for her but have only returned empty-handed. So you see~ I'm not frying my brain with a grumpy old man because of a liking, but because I don't have any other option. You are the last person to see her."     

Colton looked at the scattered photographs on the floor, recognizing the things that belong to Suyin. His gaze locked on the photograph on the floor with dark tire screeching marks. "CCTV?"     

Wang Shi let out an exhausting breath, "There are multiple roads that lead to the cemetery and not everyone is installed with the CCTV. And my major concern is the involvement of the sedatives which means she was being followed and might be in danger. These people are up to no good--" he paused to check the message received on phone and stood up to leave.      

Colton stood up too, "I'm going to the cemetery."     

"Do whatever you want. All I care is to get her back safely and talk to her once."     


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