Mark of the destiny

She has seen a similar locket on **** as well. 

She has seen a similar locket on **** as well. 

0Suyin along with her interns spend the entire day searching Gilbert's house and office. They confiscated his phone, laptop, and hard-drives and sent them to the IT department though she doubts she'd get anything useful from them.       2

Gilbert was not dumb to keep things at such obvious places. But he was not stupid not to keep any bargaining chip in hand.     

She expected to find a similar locket as that of Evan, but couldn't find any. Which was surprising.      

Desperate to get something useful, she searched at the weirdest of places- beneath the desk and chair, inside the vase, behind the wall paintings, air vent, electrical outlet, inside the pens on the pen stand....      

Alas, it's only the disappointment she got. Just when she had called the day off and was on her way to the People's Hospital, she received a call from the forensic department asking her for a visit. She's on good terms with the doctors of the forensic department and had asked them to keep her updated. In fact, she's the first person who they always inform. Working for Zhao Suyin had its own perks. The best part was she's honest and never betrays.     

They gave her a pen which was not a pen but a pen-drive found in Gilbert's clothes.      

Suyin didn't delay a second to check the contents of it, however, found it secured with a password. For the first time she wished she has had studied IT instead of medicine, least she was left handicapped in this situation.     

Now the only person who can help her unlock it was Daiyu and Xiu Mei.     

But won't that mean whatever the information was inside it, be passed on to them as well?Eventually reaching Wang Shi.     

Wang Shi! For some reason she doesn't like the idea.     

Her phone rang; it was a message from Honey, [Ducky, waiting for you at dinner :heart_suit:]      

Lie! Honey would never send her a heart in a message. It was Wang Shi behind it.      

She messaged back, [Won't make it. You enjoy.] Next, she called Dr. Colton, who took a long to answer the call.      

However, just when the call was answered, Suyin hung up, watching Colton calling back but she choose not to answer it.     

Suddenly she doesn't want to trust anyone. Not until she clear this doubt haunting her for two days.      

The exhaustion comes to her both physical and mental. Her body needs rest, yet her mind needs to keep working to burn the anxiety right out.      

The locket!     

She has seen a similar locket on Zena as well.      

Zena! The woman who birthed Honey!     

What does that mean? Is Zena also a part of the organ trafficking gang?      

Zena, Wang Shi, Honey.....     

Had Zena helped Wang Shi in getting a donor heart for Honey?     

If yes, whose heart? What means she had used?     

Sitting in her car with her Laptop on her lap, she opened the calendar dates five years back, staring at the cursed month. December.      

Isn't it the same month she and Wang Shi both lost their kids? The last time when she had visited her son's grave, Honey had told her the other one belongs to his twin sister. Suyin remembers every word written at the tomb; both babies died a week apart.     

So, technically, it should be the same month as Honey's surgery.      

Though she doesn't know what was the exact date of Honey's surgery, she couldn't help but notice~ one baby lost a heart, while the other one found a heart.     

One lost.     

One found.     

"AHHHHHH," She tugged her hair, fighting against her own thoughts. "You are overthinking. OVERTHINKING. OVERTHINKING. Don't forget what Zena did with Wang Shi. Don't let your trust be shaken just because of a measly locket. Trust your man. Trust his love. Don't let your mind wander in the wrong direction."     

Suyin was desperately seeking a way to meet Zena once. But other than Wang Shi, no one knows where Zena was. However, Suyin can't ask Wang Shi about it, can she?     

Looking for a break from everything, and to give a much needed distraction from her stray and harmful thoughts, she switched off her phone and threw herself into a pub which she and James often handouts at.     

The place was safe for women, and the entry was subject to membership.     


"She's not coming," Honey said, peeling his eyes away from the phone. He blew the candle at the dinner table and strode to his room. Though the idea of sending a message was Wang Shi's idea, it was Honey who put lots of thoughts to write a short and sweet message. Upon knowing Suyin was feeling down since morning, he even included the heart to cheer her up but she....     


Wang Shi followed Honey to the lounge. "It's okay. She's busy. Let's not bother her." Honey didn't move a finger and kept himself curled up inside the blanket, "Come, let's eat something. It's your favorite dishes!"     

"Not hungry," Wang Shi heard Honey's muffled voice, "I won't talk to her. I won't even let her kiss me. She promised to join us at dinner. How can she back off at the last minute?" the disappointment was more as the father-son duo had made efforts to plan a candlelight dinner in the balcony. And then finish the night with a movie together.     

"You can scold her when she returns. At least eat something first." Honey didn't reply, "These days are difficult for her. We should understand and try to help her instead of being demanding. Come, she won't like it if she saw you sleeping hungry stomach."     

Honey peeked out of the blanket, "We will wait a little more. Maybe she change her decision."     


Suyin flashed her membership card at the security, and the security let her pass with a respectful bow. The card was given to her by an acquaintance with whom she had worked on a few projects. Speaking of that acquaintance, he had even proposed to her thrice but got rejected every time.     

Surprisingly she had turned down every proposal that came in her way, accepting only Wang Shi's. Isn't it obvious, none of them had a cute little fairy like Honey with them?     

The club was electric tonight, the sound of BTS's sensational song dynamite welcomed her as she stepped in, taking in the wild crowd as everyone feeding off the drinks, smiles, and dancing.     

"May I help you, mam?"     

"To the bar,"      

A gorgeous waitress nodded taking a look at Suyin's card and led her to the VIP bar on the first floor overlooking the dance floor below. Suyin ditched sitting on the couch, and took her favorite seat~ at the bar, not forgetting to tip the waitress.     

The handsome man at the bar gave a salute to Suyin, recognizing her. "Paloma or something new?"     

"Paloma, please. Make it double."     

"Ooooo....I better inform the security then. We have a special woman in the house who can't handle her alcohol and she's....." he looked around, "Alone?"     

"Alone. Now give it fast."      

"Who said she's alone?" a warm hand squeezed her shoulder and settled at the stool beside her. "The lady is with me."     

Suyin blinked, "Sean?"     

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