Mark of the destiny

Press conference-2

Press conference-2

1Somewhere on the other side, in a luxurious mansion surrounded by lush greenery, a little boy was sitting in the comfort of his bedroom. Since morning he hadn't come out of his bedroom and even called for breakfast to his room with the excuse of doing homework.       1

However, his eyes were glued to the laptop screen watching the live-action happening in the Ace Hospital. Staying in the president's house comes with a benefit you get all resources at the lift of a finger. The perks multiply if you are the precious treasure of the President couple. Though a little tricky, Honey managed to get the IT team to set the live coverage for him to see.     

The moment he heard Tang Sui's words, subconsciously his gaze locked at Suyin's face. There was something in her angry yet numb eyes that made Honey reach to rub where his heart beats. Had he been there, he'd have definitely given her a warm hug.      

"Aunty Suyin...."     


"ARE YOU HAPPY NOW? Now give me the antidote of the poison you and your boyfriend have forced into me."     

"And release my husband from your captivity." Hui Chouming broke her silence. "Don't know what have you done to him."      

Since it's the end of Tang Sui and Hui Chouming, hr mother-daughter duo didn't let go of the opportunity to tarnish Suyin's image in the eyes of the people. "Did you see everyone, she's no saint either. You cannot blame it was my fault entirely." Tang Sui said.     

The door to the conference hall was opened once again, bringing everyone's attention to a disheveled Ling Gilbert as he walked in with the help of his assistant. Wrinkled and dirty clothes, unpolished shoes, sagged backbone, and tired face- he had the appearance as if life had been challenging for him recently. His eyes were so heavily lidded and weighed down with folds it was like he hadn't slept for days.     

Suyin frowned when the assistant helped Gilbert to the stage and seated him. "It's okay, Suyin. Let's hear what he has to say." she heard Wang Shi's voice from the Bluetooth connected to her ear.     

It stunned Suyin when Gilbert gave her a sinister look. What was he up to?      

"Y-You are saying I did everything, but why don't you tell everyone what you did to me?" Gilbert started speaking in a trembling voice, his body shook, or more like he was a pro in acting. "I-I did everything as you said. I followed every order you gave me. I worked for you like a dog, yet you.... yet you killed her."     

The words confused everyone.     

Killed her?     


Gilbert glanced at the reporters, "I will tell you the reality behind her allegations. The truth! Yes, I worked with this woman and let a free pass to the man into the NICU, but I was forced to obey her command. She had snippers planted around my daughter and had threatened me to help her in that crime. But God knows, I never wanted the innocent child dead. I immediately rushed into his room to save him as soon as the man went away. Alas, the child was deprived of oxygen for too long and I failed. I failed as a doctor."     

"LIE, I never threatened you, you did everything for money."     

"Says the one who had hypnotized Zhao Zeng for his money. If this is a lie, then tell me where Xeumo is? Where have you kept her? What have you done to her?"     

"Mom had been in the hospital for almost a week now. How can she kidnap your daughter? And don't forget, we have given you our Ace's shares when you blackmailed mom."      

The assistant step up, "Those shares were received months back against full payment along with ten percent premium. Master was worried about the hospital's future after Dr. Gong Li's death and borrowed a huge chunk of money from the market to buy the stake in your hands. It was done in cash." he presented the proof, again shocking Tang Sui and Chouming.      

The evidence was irrefutable. Signed by the mother-daughter duo.     

Tang Sui and Chouming looked at each other. The said money on papers was just numbers; they received nothing in reality. In order to dupe authorities, they showed it as a profitable business deal which was in talks for months and finalised soon after Gong Li's death.      

The papers were definitely real, and Gilbert was using it to his advantage. Had they denied now, who will believe them?      

"Tell me where my daughter is?" Gilbert cried. "My Xeumo..... Bring my daughter...."     

Suyin whispered, "Shishi,"     

Wang Shi, "I know. This old coot is trying to kill two birds with one stone. Beware, if I'm not wrong he's going to come after you."     

"I'm waiting." She covered her mouth, whispering, "But you have to find Xeumo fast. She must be in Gilbert's captivity or maybe he has done something to her. In any case, she's important for us."     

"Where could she be? Do you suspect anything?"     

"Not really. If I was Gilbert, I'd hide Xeumo somewhere where the blame could come directly on me. My house, my properties..... But other than my house at City Spire I don't own any other place. Wait! The properties I acquired from Zhao Feiyan, and Song Xianxi. Maybe...." she heard Wang Shi order his men to search all the properties including the one her parent's own.     

"I'm getting them checked."     

A reporter stood up, "Can you tell us since when your daughter is missing? Why do you think it's Mrs. Tang and Mrs. Hui behind this?"     

"I last saw her when she returned home after attending a friend's party seven days back. Later that day she left home for the hospital but never reached here. She had the emergency surgery scheduled, and there's no way she'd be careless towards her patients. Upon knowing, I called her many times, but her phone was switched off. Then--- I received a letter written in blood on my car's windshield, she's kidnapped. The person had threatened me not to call cops if I want to see her alive. For the last six days, I'm waiting for a ransom call that never came. But---"     

Amidst his narration Gilbert broke down suddenly. Once more the loyal assistant played his role perfectly and stepped up. Suyin swore to get this annoying assistant punished too. Duh, now she hates assistants after learning what Zeng's assistant did to him. Should she be wary of Assistant Long?!? Naah!     

The assistant, "Last night master received a photograph that shattered all his hopes." He showed Xeumo's photograph on a projector. Everyone was taken aback, the woman had bruises all over, and was bleeding badly. Though her face was swollen, with her facial features Suyin easily guessed she was Xeumo. Don't know if she was even alive or dead. But if she's alive, she needs immediate medical attention.     

It was hard to believe Gilbert would do this to his own daughter. Suyin's mind sent reeling, unable to comprehend how to a father be this cruel to his daughter. The same daughter for whom he destroyed Suyin's career!      


Her phone vibrated, followed by Wang Shi's voice.     

Wang Shi, "Suyin, take a look at the message. You will get the answer." She peeked at the message' it was old hospital records of a lesser-known hospital in Guanzo province. Gilbert had his wife abort her fetus many times after determining their sex. Another report was from a hospital in the USA where Gilbert had been seeking treatment for impotency for years, but all in vain.     

Suyin understood everything. He never loved his daughter but used her a means. And even today he was doing the same.     

Horrible monster!     


Suyin check. Assistant Long was calling her. She put Wang Shi on the conference, and answered it, "Mam, I think it was the hoax call. It's a deserted place near the forests with no signs of human activity." this morning Suyin received a call from a woman in distress, begging to be saved from her in laws before they do something to her. Apparently, it was a dowry case.     

Suyin, "Did you check properly?"     

"Yes, mam. We are certain. The location is this only." two of the male interns were with Assistant Long.     

[Sir, I found the phone.] Suyin heard the voice of one of her interns. [It's the one with which the woman called.]     

"Oh, shit."     


Something clicked in Suyin and Wang Shi's mind simultaneously.     

"Assistant Long, check your car properly," Assistant Long felt confused hearing this male voice but followed the order. They had barely moved when the wailing of emergency sirens was heard, a declaration that it was what they had been looking for.      

She looked up, her eyes meeting with Gilbert.     

"Assistant Long, don't panic, but there's a body in the car booty. Cooperate with cops, someone will come to you shortly for help. I won't let anything happen to you or interns." Though nervous, assistant Long hummed in reply. "Now be good, and check the woman in the car's booty. Hold two fingers on either side of her neck and tell me if you feel anything. I'm holding."     

Amidst the heavy breathing sound, she heard Assistant Long reply. "N-Nothing."     


Announcement- Don't forget to read the author's note. It's important and most of you don't read and later complaints.      

Important note- There are two winners of the giveaway who have not contacted me on discord to claim the prizes. If you didn't claim it within a week, I'd forfeit it.     

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.