Mark of the destiny

Press conference-4

Press conference-4






Standing behind the glass wall, Suyin's clasped her hands together as she cast an anxious glance at the moving lines on the monitor attached to Xeumo. Right below, Wang Shi was performing an emergency surgery to save Xeumo's life.     

"T-this..... How?"     

Suyin turned to face Gilbert, "What question is that? Isn't your daughter a fighter by birth? See.... she's alive. But Mr. Gilbert, why does it seem you are not happy? Or are you really not happy?"     

Gilbert snapped out from his shocked state, and controlled himself. His eyes take in the presence of the twenty media representatives Suyin had brought with her to the room from where interns watch live surgery. "Rubbish. Why would I be not happy? She's my daughter. I-I wonder what happened that she's so badly injured."     

"Oh! Looks like I took your sweating for something else. My bad." Suyin didn't let go of any chance to throw hints at the media representatives and kept on poking anxious Gilbert. These media representatives were not fool to not notice it, especially when she had already said a lot in the conference hall. "Anyways, let's wait outside gentlemen. Soon we will hear the truth when Miss. Ling wakes up. I'm curious to know what happened to her exactly."     

"I'm not going anywhere. She's my daughter, don't know which quack is preforming surgery on her. He's doing it wrong. That's not the correct way. I'm sure this quack was planted by you to kill my daughter. I'm going down; I will myself do the surgery."     

"Mr. Gilbert, I know you are worried for your daughter. But please use you brain; Miss. Zhao will be at maximum loss if I something happened to your daughter." A senior reporter spoke up. He had been covering news on Suyin since the day she took charge of her position in the ministry, and by his experience he understands her very well. "Besides, you are not in a condition to perform a surgery. Better let the doctor do it."     

"Thankyou, sir," Suyin said to the reporter, "But let me introduce you to the 'quake' who is in the OT. This will curb down Mr. Gilbert's anxiousness, or maybe shoots it...." she pressed the intercom connected to the OT, and spoke, "Doctor, may I ask for a second of yours? If you could please take off your mask and let everyone know your identity. Because according to Mr. Gilbert you are a 'quack' who is doing the surgery incorrectly."     

"Miss. Zhao is this a joke?" Wang Shi paused for a second, gesturing a nurse to pull off his mask and looked up, getting a priceless reaction from everyone. "Mr. Gilbert, any suggestions are welcome. Please enlighten me."     

Reporter 1, "That's Dr. Wang Shi!"     

Reporter 2, "Dr. Wang Shi!"     

Gikbert gulped; that's the God of surgery himself he called a Quack. "I-I...I don't understand why you have opened her chest when there isn't any source of bleed there. Shouldn't you stop the internal bleeding in her abdomen first?"     

"I'm surprised that you know there was an internal bleeding in the abdomen when I have clamped it already. " Gilbert bit his tongue at Wang shi's reply. "There's a concave deformity in the left atrium of the heart, manifesting a pericardial effusion. Blood is leaking behind the heart, restricting the heart's ability to expand and fill, reducing its efficiency. Do I need to explain more why I have cracked open her chest?"      

"N-No. I'm sorry Dr. Wang."     

Suyin smirked. 'QUACK'     



"I request you all to please stay here until we get an update." As soon as Suyin came out, she politely requested the media representatives. "I know I'm asking a lot, but please understand, I have been trying very hard to find out who are behind my baby's death. You all have heard Tang Sui, and Gilbert were involved. But someone is trying to portray 'himself' as a victim and I won't let that happen."      

"Miss. Zhao, we don't have problem in staying, but are you sure Miss. Ling knows something?" A reporter asked.     

"She does. My team found something written on Xeumo's right arm when doctors cut off her clothes to check injuries. She's a leftie. We doubt she was trying to tell something. As of now, I won't tell what that was, let her wake up first."     

Suyin looked sharply at Gilbert, fearlessly accusing him, "The story doesn't end here. We will get to hear more. I promise to look into this mater unbiased, and bring out every culprit's name into the media."     

"Y-YOU ARE ACCUSING ME." Gilbert points his shaking finger. The tension in the room retched up.     

"Yes I am. And trust me, once you are in police custody, I will make sure you spurt out each and every name of your masters." Suyin played her master stroke by scaring Gilbert. Why not? If you play a game nervous, you make mistake. "Dad, cam you please ask cops to secure the floor. Make sure no one leaves and enters. Mom, take four of my volunteer interns and lock Mrs. Tang and Hui in a room. Jamie, Zeng, please help me arrange refreshments for everyone."     

"James, "Sure. Chef at service!"     

Everyone split duties to take care of the media representatives while they waited for Wang Shi to finish the surgery, James noticed something was off about Zeng. He was nervous, sweating, trembling, unable to concentrate on the task in hand and his attention kept riveting to Suyin     

James walked to Zeng, "Hey, is everything okay?"     

"You got a problem, dude? Just mind your business." Zeng dismissed James' rudely and sat down away from everyone but James followed.      

"You are the problem. Just tell me what are you hiding. Don't add onto my Susu's problems."     

"You--" Zeng took into his surroundings and pulled James to a vacant room. "I am her real brother. Don't step out of your boundaries."     

"Look...." James stopped Zeng from leaving the room by placing a hand on his chest but Zeng yanked it. "I and Susu share every problem with each other. I'm not stepping my boundaries, but just concerned for you because it will affect her eventually."     

Zeng pushed James harshly, and shoved his hand into his hair. He took a step back and hit the wall, making James believe that Zeng was once again hypnotised and was in someone's control. Which was not!     

"I think you should stay here," James was about to lock the door when Zeng lunged at him with his full force.      

"Idiot. What makes you think you can do that?"      

James threw Zeng off and blocked his punch. Then he shifted sideways to stop the incoming blow to his face. "Wake up, Zeng!" James tried to push Zeng off of him but later's strength was too much to handle. "Zeng, think of Suyin. Please, wake up!"      


James was ready to receive the punch, he even heard the sound, but pain?? He peeked open his eyes and saw Zeng lying in the corner, rubbing his jaw.      

"You dare touch him,"      

"Evan!" James bolted up to stop Evan before he lands another kick on Zeng. "No no no... Please. Don't hurt him, he's hypnotised."     

"WHAT?" Zeng shouted. "Bloody hell, get your brain treated first. You are overthinking." James narrowed his eyes, "Get over me, dude. You already have a boyfriend."     

The situation turned odd. James misunderstood Zeng. He wanted to apologise, but before that Zeng left the room.      

Evan, "You okay?"     

"Yeah, though he's strong," James exhaled, "But what are you doing here? No wait! I should ask how did you know I'm here, and how did you get in?"     

"Isn't it obvious you would be here to support your bestie? Suyin asked the cops to let me in." Evan said, "Looks like situation is serious here. I have seen a lot in news. Was worried for you so came here to check."     

"Yeah, we are waiting for Ling Xeumo to wake up from surgery and tell us."     

Evan leaned against the wall, "hm, reporters are giving every update. It's the most discussed topic outside. Where is she?"     

"Don't know." James pulled Evan by his elbow, "Let's go out. I'm helping Suyin in managing everything."     


Eighteen hours passed by....      

And the person who was most worried all this while was Ling Gilbert. He was like the trapped fly in a spider's web, waiting for his death. His heart hammered against his chest, yet he has to keep his gait calm with no hint of nervousness. They can't know about happened to Xeumo, and definitely not about Alpha and Beta. Was she awake at that time?     

Neither he could run away nor he could ask ask for help from someone.     

Wang Shi and Suyin stood outside the glass wall, looking at the woman hooked to various contraptions. Beside them Zeng was sweating, fidgeting with his fingers.     

"Ge, will you stop doing that? You are catching attention!"     

Zeng, "How can you both be so calm? I'm worried. If the plan fails, you both will land up into a big trouble."     

Wang Shi glanced at his wrist watch, "I think it's time--" he pushed open the door to Xeumo's room.     


At time, the reporters were made to sit in the conference room to watch everything through the projector due to the security reasons.     

Gilbert stood in the corridor with Suyin's family and friends, watching as Wang Shi was in the room with his team of doctors. Suyin stood near the glass window, she had a walkie-talkie in hands. "Dr. Wang, I have only on question for her. In know she can't speak because of the tubes in her throat, but can you ask her if she knows who did this to her?"     

Wang Shi turned to see Suyin through the glass, replying Xeumo's answer with the nod of his head.     

"According to Gilbert it was me, but I think.... it's Mr. Gilbert himself. Right now, we both are standing. Can she points her finger to the real culprit?"      

"NO NO NO... SHE'S LYING. IT'S NOT ME," Gilbert let out a hysteric shout when. Xeumo lifted her shaky hand to him. He barge into the room, but the cops nabbed him on time before he get closer to the patient's bed.     

Suyin stepped into the room , "I know it was you. You are a horrible person who even tried to kill his own daughter. Xeumo, tell everyone what does the letters on your arm says. Who is that person. for whom your father is working? Give her a pen and paper, let her write,"     

However, Gilbert went berserk, and snatched the police officer's gun tugged at his waist. He shot thrice towards Xeumo, and sprinted to take Suyin on gun point.     



Suyin, "SHISHI!"     

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