Mark of the destiny

Daddy please

Daddy please

3"Cough.... cough.... cough...." Tang Sui plopped on her knees, coughing wildly. Feeling disgusted and confused both. Just a second before the man was talking bullshit, and another second he kissed her, emptying the content of his mouth into hers. "W-What have you done? Cough..." her cheeks turned red as her gaze met with the handsome man.      2

A smirk grew over Suyin's face like a check mark as she wiped her wet lips with the sleeves of his shirt. "Looks like you didn't take my words seriously when I said 'I'm your end'. Now do you believe I can do many bad things without worrying about the consequences?" Suyin took out a sharp knife from the pocket of her coat, her eyes popping out a little wider, her tongue shot out to lick her thin lips.      

Tang Sui curled herself in the corner, the man sounded to her like a psycho. A killer, maybe. "Y-you can't scare me. I-I-- HEL--" the last letter stuck inside her throat at the feeling of something sharp pressing against her throat, followed by an eerie giggle slip from the man's(Suyin) mouth.      

"Help help help, an old shrew is about to get butchered. Help." Suyin mimicked in a kiddish voice portraying herself as a maniac, alarming Tang Sui. Least the poor woman knew, Suyin was breaking her psychologically. From now on, Tang Sui will forever be haunted by this man's (Suyin) face in her dreams. "No one will come to save you, this includes your bulky driver. I handled him already." Yes, he was sleeping peacefully in the car after Suyin hit him on the neck.     

"W-Who send you? Suyin? Gilbert? Who? I-I promise to give you double— no, t-ten times the money. Just let me go."     

"Oh, money!?"     

"Yes, lot of money,"     

"But I want something more,"     

Tang Sui's eyes shone, she found a ray of hope, "Yes, tell me. I'll give you everything."     

"I want the baby back. The little baby you killed." Suyin pushed the knife deeper inside Tang Sui's neck, "Give me that bay, his heart you stole, and the lost time Suyin spend without her child."     

"I-I... Just who are you? Why are you doing this?" Tang Sui asked, crying. "Ju--"     

"Shhhh... enough." Scooting close to the old woman, Suyin put her finger on Tang Sui's lips. Had Wang Shi or Honey witness this side of Suyin they'd probably change their decision about bringing her home. Psycho. "I'm bored now. Let me answer you. I'm Suyin's boyfriend." Tang Sui's eyes widened, "Yeah, her lover. Now you understand why I'm here. REVENGE! I'm here to take revenge on behalf of my sweetheart. You disgusting people, you made her cry?"     


"Any more word, and I'll slit open your stomach, and yank out your intestines. Should I show you how it's done?" Tang Sui shook her head like a rattle drum, her hands went to cover her stomach. "Good. Now that I have given you my amazing intro, let's come to your next question. 'What have I done?' The answer is.... Nothing much. I just gave you a slow poison."      

"P-Poison?" Tang Sui's face paled. She asked looking into the man's blue eyes. It's unnerving to see the eyes of a snake glaring from a human head, one bereft of love, devoid of conscience.     

" Cool, isn't it? Two days from now it will start showing its effects. It will begin with weakness and tingling in both legs. You will experience muscle pain, feel tired, irritated, and start walking in an off way as your body start getting into paralysis. From there it will ascend to the arms, chest, neck, and head. Once it reaches your diaphragm and lungs, it will become hard to breathe and you will be pushed to the ventilator. Speaking of Ventilator.... You hypnotize that man to turn off the oxygen of the ventilator, right? I can see the karma hitting.... Only I have the antidote."     

Suyin then grinned. As she did so, the temperature of the room fell suddenly. Tang Sui trembled under the Cheshire grin. It was so wide as if she was about to be eaten alive.     

As Suyin turned to leave, Tang Sui held her leg."What do you want? I will give you anything for the antidote. Just spare my life,"     

"Wow, I thought it will take me a few days to convince you there's really poison in your system. But here you are.... already begging for your life. Gosh, you rich people value your life so much but don't give a damn about others. Funny." Suyin said, "I don't have any big demands.... All I want is confession. Confess all your crimes in the media. That's it. Simple. Easy."     

"No, please... Listen to me.... I-"     

"Ah.... and don't forget to hand over the money you stole from Zhao Zeng with an added interest of thousand percent."     

"Won't I be killing myself if I do it?"     

"Are you asking for options? Get lost," Suyin kicked Tang Sui on her shoulder, hearing a sound of dislocation of the bone. "The sooner you do it, the better chances you have to survive. And yes, if I don't get to hear it from you.... next I'll come after your precious daughter."     


As Suyin walked out of the lonely place back into the Mall lobby, she couldn't help but lean down at the fountain, retching, rubbing her lips with sleeves, spitting several times. Her mouth twisted, she felt like she had kissed a rotten fish. Yuk. Can't believe after tasting Honey and Wang Shi's yummy kisses she'd lower her standard to this extent. She made a mental note to take a thousand kisses of the father-son duo to compensate her poor lips.     

This was a horrible experience.     

Taking a breather as she turned, her eyes caught sight of a particular little human glaring daggers at her. Everything took a U-turn suddenly.     

First, her heart squealed in delight, she almost called out Little fairy but then mentally slapped herself, reminding her of her changed look. Her heart fell silent, noticing his stern eyes. "Answer me?" he roared, pulling his sunglasses to his nose.      

Controlling the irresistible urge to kiss Honey's pink cheeks, she held herself confidently and looked behind innocently. She smiled at the tall man standing near Honey, staring at her non-stop. His bodyguard/ driver, Lee. "You have a very cute son, mister. It's hard to believe this ball of cuteness has come out of you."     

Lee "...." 'And it's hard to believe Zhao Suyin is a psycho in a disguise. I better be careful from now on.'     

(Fei Hong rides a bike. What is the model and colour of it?)     

They have seen everything she had done to that other woman. Including the kiss. They got her correct location and disguise from Daiyu who had been keeping eye on her through CCTV. Thankfully, Honey saw it too. Knowing Honey's care towards his father, he'd definitely explain the incident in detail to him.     

"Weirdo duck, stop. I know it's you," Honey took fast steps when Suyin tried to sneak away. "You--" he lowered his voice taking into consideration of the public place, "You need a scolding. I'll lock you up into the storeroom. Just come home once."     

"...." 'Ah, so cute. That's how mom used to scold me when I was a kid.'     

"Mister, I think your kid is taking me for someone else. Please handle him."     

"Grrrrrr..... Ducky, behave. Don't create a scene here. Come with me. I'm here to bring you back."     

She heaved in relief. Looks like Honey didn't saw anything.      

She snorted, "Why should I come with you? Who am I to you? Aren't you the one who doesn't want to see me in your dad's life?"     

"Did I say that?"     

"Does that mean you like me?" she asked with a mischievous smile.     



"Argh, don't trick me with your words. And don't change the topic. We have to leave." As he tried to hold Suyin's hand she slapped it away.      

"Hmpf, we are not on talking terms. Go away."     

"Duh, this is the last time I'm asking you politely. Next I'll do something you will regret it."     

"Talk to my hand,"     

"WEIRDO DUCK!" the passerby's paused in their steps and turned to their direction, making Suyin gulp in nervousness. "Why are you doing this to me, daddy? I won't ask for candies and video games anymore. I'll be a good boy. Please....." he bawled.     

Suyin "..."     

Lee "..."     

"What the hell. Who is your daddy? What are you saying?"     

"Please don't leave me here alone," Honey ran and hugged Suyin's leg like a koala bear, secretly applying saliva to make fake tears. He looked up, letting everyone see his pitiful face "Don't be this cruel. I'm your cute, adorable, handsome, lovely son. I love you, daddy. Please take me home.... daddy please, daddy please. This world is cruel, how can you leave your little fairy like this?" sniff, sniff     


Suyin's nose wrinkled when Honey blew his nose loudly at her trousers. She knew what he was doing, and undoubtedly the little devil was worthy to receive an academy award. Slowly the people started whispering, calling 'her' a cruel daddy.     

She gritted her teeth and picked Honey in her arms, "Hehehe.... Naughty he is. Please carry on your work, I'm taking him home." She felt him pat her back.     

"Good girl."     



At people's hospital,     

"Suyin!" As soon as she stepped out of the car, Wang Shi pulled her in his embrace, heaving a sigh of relief upon finding her safe and sound. "You scared me,"     

After finishing the surgery in record time, he had been waiting for her in the People's hospital's parking after receiving Lee's message. Though he doesn't know what exactly happened, he was sure it was something serious. Otherwise why would Lee and Daiyu won't tell him anything?     


"Silly," He brushed the strands of hair, and leaned to take a kiss but felt a push on his stomach. Honey!     

"Don't kiss. This weirdo had kissed a woman just now. Lip to lip."     

Wang Shi "...."     

Suyin gulped.     


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