Mark of the destiny



2"Hey hey hey.... At least listen to me," Suyin chased after Wang Shi and his little version as they speed-walked to the lounge, ignoring her completely. She knew this was just the beginning, the worst would come when she'd enter the lion's den. In her case, the cub was more ferocious than the father.      3

He was literally the tiny firecracker that everybody ignores because of its short size, but when it burst~ it shakes the entire house. Honey had already braced himself to narrate the entire story with some added spices.     

"You can't do this with me. This is unfair,"     

"Later later. I will explain everything first," With quick steps Honey ran inside the room, kicking his shoes en route. Using Wang Shi's swivel chair as steps, he climbed onto his table as if a leader ready to address his people from the stage. "So....The story goes like.... Aunty....oops, Uncle Suyin....."     

Ignoring the chatterbox narrating his story from the podium, Suyin grabbed Wang Shi's hand, "Hey, you are angry,"     

"Suyin," Suyin pursed her lips when she heard his voice, "It was a reckless step, taken on impulse. Do you know how worried I was? I was in the middle of the surgery and hated myself when I was forced to choose between the patient and--"     

"You took the right decision."     

"And you?"      

[Then Cruella started laughing loudly, hahaha..... ] Honey continued his commentary in the background. He nicknamed Tang Sui as Cruella, probably influenced by the Disney series- 101 Dalmatians.     

Suyin looked as Wang Shi shot a helpless look at Honey. He takes off his white coat and threw it on the couch, leaving the old wrinkled scrubs which he had not changed after surgery. "I already told you before, if it comes to my baby, I won't think twice," she said.     

He shot her an incredulous look, "Yeah? But you also said you will take a decision keeping Honey and me in your thoughts."     

"Maybe that's I was a lot controlled today. Trust me, the old me would have had sone something worse." When things have come to this extent, how can she not take keep them into her thoughts? It's the question of her present and future after all!     

Taking a step back he looked Suyin from top to bottom. With a swipe of a finger on her cheek he showed her the amount of makeup on her face, "You call this controlled? And for God's sake, take off these lenses that are covering your natural grey eyes."     

[Then weirdo filled her cheeks with water and kissed Cruella. Watery kiss it was! ]     

Wang Shi "..."     

Suyin "..."     

She yanked the hat and threw it on Honey, "SHUT UP." Her throw was so poor that it dropped halfway through.     

Honey, "Oppps.... You missed it."     


"Please ignore that kiss, I can explain," Suyin extended her hand to drag the chatterbox down from the podium, but he coiled himself into a tight ball.      

"Hey, eighty percent of the story is still left." He said, "Though Cruella showed as if she disliked it, her cheeks turned red. Then Aunty.... uncle Suyin took out a knife, licked her lips as if ready to butcher Cruella and eat her up. Yuk. And as Cruella was about to yell for help, ducky poked the knife at Cruella's neck. Oh my, you should have seen Ducky's face at that time. She was looking like a villain from a Hollywood movie."     


"Duh, keep singing, I'll get back to you for this," Suyin shrugged out of the jacket, letting it drop on to the floor. Jogging around the table, she grabbed the lens case and solution from the top drawer and went to the bathroom with Wang Shi following her.      

Honey "..."     

At first Honey thought of following them, but he was too shy to follow the duo to the bathroom. Feeling disappointed, he plopped onto the table, dangling his legs, waiting for the couple to come out so he could start his narration again. Why not? It's a rare opportunity to annoy weirdo ducky.     

Plus, its fun!     

"Tang Sui is also the mastermind behind Ge's hypnotism. I guessed it based on the findings at Xion's place when Dr. Colton told me the man was hypnotised." She said while taking off a lens, her eyes stinging. It was obvious for her to conclude that. This couldn't have been the coincidence that both were hypnotised for personal gains. Obviously, the one behind it was one person. And when she confronted Tang Sui, her reaction was a complete give away.     

"That I already understood. Xion told me. But what's with the kiss?"     

"Duh, why are you stuck on that disgusting kiss? Just the thought of it is making me nauseous? I promise I'll brush my teeth twice before kissing you or Honey. Ok fine, I'll bathe."     

[James had once talked about celebrating his one-year anniversary with Evan. Which place they had planned to go? (Which obviously didn't happen because of Evan's behavior towards Suyin)]     

"I'm not stuck on a kiss, but wants to know the reason behind it." He snapped. Suyin closed the lens case with a loud sound and glared at him, "Fine, I am bothered that you kissed someone else, even though it's a woman. Can't help, I'm a possessive person when it comes to you."     

He put the lens case aside and tilted her chin back to help her wipe the thick base of makeup on her face. "So... you were telling me about the reason behind your action.... Honey said something about watery--"     

"Don't say. I might puke," her face wrinkled. "I forced the water from my mouth into Tang Sui's to make her believe she's poisoned, whereas it was just plain water and nothing else."     

"This means she's not poisoned."      

"She is."     

Wang Shi paused, the cotton pad dropped from his hand. He stared at her long and hard and then hauled her onto the sink top. Checking her eyes and mouth for the signs of poison.     

Suyin smiled, noticing his worried face. The man's too adorable for his on good. "I think you haven't paid attention to my words. I said Tang Sui is poisoned, not me."     

That made him frown, "So you took the antidote?"     


"Suyin! Can you stop dragging me in circles and come to the point."     

"Hold on!" She jumped off the sink-top and squeezed an exorbitant amount of Wang Shi's ace wash on her palm. He wanted to remind her it's a men's product, but what can he say when she was dressed like a man from top to bottom.     

He waited by her side and passed the towel as soon as she's done. There was still foam sticking in her hair, and she wiped it off with a towel. "Let me show you something,"      


"HONEY!" Suyin dashed at lightning speed seeing Honey was about to open a glass container. She slapped his hand. The containers flew and crashed into the wall, breaking into pieces.     

She instantly scooped Honey in her arms and moved away from the glass pieces.      

She shook Honey so wildly that even Wang Shi could feel Honey's teeth rattle. "Stupid, silly, idiot. Why did you touch it without my permission? Do you have any idea what dangerous things there could have been inside it? It could put your life at risk. If you are so eager to kill me, then there are better ways to do it, why harm yourself. Damn, I shouldn't be too indulgent towards you. You are getting naughtier day by day--"     

Suddenly she was pulled into a warm squishy hug. A hug that was definitely not tight which she always prefers, but a warm one that leaves space to breathe and makes you feel as if wrapped in a soft blanket.     

"Calm down. You mistook my action, I was just checking the content without opening it. I know it contains something dangerous, I saw you pouring it over Cruella's hair when you kissed her." The softness in his voice was at another level, and the gentle pats which he gave her~ Oh my, that could put anyone to a peaceful sleep.     

But before anything else.... she really needed this hug. Even Wang Shi forgot to give her a soothing hug, and comfort her in his arms.     

Instantly her anger melted, and she wrapped Honey in her arms. A smile lit her face.     

"Are you still angry?"     


"Good. Now stop taking advantage and let me go." Honey shook himself from her hug, and dusted his clothes, embracing his usual haughty expression, leaving Suyin dumbfounded and Wang Shi trying to suppress his laughter. Savage. "Tell me what was in that container. I'm curious."      

Suyin shot an incredulous look between Wang Shi and Honey.      

"Oh my God, it's walking. Are they some kind of poisonous bugs?"      

Wang Shi followed Honey's eyes and looked closely. He went around his table to get a pair of tweezers and picked one with it. "Ticks?"     

"All the way from Australia. Ixodes Holocyclus, commonly known as Australian paralysis tick. " Suyin explained, "Tang--- Cruella thinks that I poisoned her orally, whereas I poured this on her hair. Now they will attach on her scalp and release toxins from their salivary glands." She had prepared two containers, one as a backup or in case Hui Chouming was there as well but ends up using only one.     

"Which will cause her tick paralysis. The case is difficult to diagnose without a lead. As the ticks are found in Australia, no one will be able to think the root cause of her problem was these tiny ticks sucking blood from her scalp." there was a hint of amazement in Wang Shi's voice. Only Suyin could come up with something like this to take down her enemies.      

"Yes, and as the paralysis will progress in her body, she'd panic assuming it's the poison doing its job. She's severely asthmatic, these ticks will give her a good taste of feeling breathless." She nodded feeling Wang Shi brush his knuckles at her back, "I know her very well, people like her are cowards, they'd do anything to keep their life. Just wait, we are going to have a good confession."      

In the worst case the person may die; as if she cares.      

Honey, "So this is treatable?"     

Suyin, "Yes. All you have to do is pull them out. Antibiotics are compulsory for two to four weeks." If the paralysis has already started spreading, the patient has to stay in the ICU as a precautionary measure as the toxin will keep moving in the body until neutralized.      

Honey, "Then, can I have one of these?"     

"Is it a toy to play with?"     

"But it's a good thing to scare someone."     

Wang Shi, "HONEY!"     

"Ok fine, bad idea."     


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