Mark of the destiny

Crush on me

Crush on me

4Suyin bathed and changed into casual clothes, feeling relaxed getting out of those clothes and makeup. She twirled in front of the mirror, praising her man's awesome choice of clothes. Trousers in blue, which Wang Shi bought for her, and a knitted sweater in cream, stolen from his cupboard. Sadly, he never objects it; wish he would fight or at least say something when she does that. Sigh.... she made a mental note to ask him to fight with her.      3

Whatever, it's happiness at a different level when you wear your boyfriend's clothes and look better than him.      

She checked on a certain fairy who had occupied his father's chair in his absence and was browsing something on the computer. Her eyes squinted seeing the picture on the screen. A tick!!     

No! It's the same Australian tick Suyin used on Tang Sui!     

Can't believe Honey would be so interested that he'd look for more information on the internet.      

"What are you doing?"     

"Do you know there are forty such types of ticks that can cause tick paralysis? Also, the toxin cause symptoms within 2-7 days. And once the tick is removed, symptoms usually diminish rapidly." Suddenly Honey laughed, "Cruella is badly ticked!" As he turned to Suyin, his jaw dropped. She was looking beautiful.     

"Thank you for the info, but you should not pay attention to this." she took control of the touchpad and shut down the computer, ignoring Honey's awe-struck eyes at her. She picked his jaw, "Wanna marry me? I'm ready. Let's run away."     


"WHAT?" His hands went to cover his non-existent bosoms, bringing a smile to Suyin's lips. "Y-You are toooooo old for me. I'm not into oldies. You are good enough for my dad only." As he said, his already pink cheeks turned red.     

"Thank you," Suyin said out of blue, feeling like she needed to have this conversation. She can't even imagine the level of trust he must have put in her while saying yes to their relationship. Especially when the experience with his own birth mother was horrible. She kissed Honey's nose while he was still pondering over Suyin's thank you. "You will be my forever first love. I love you, fairy."     


Honey was never good with touching words or reciprocating his feelings openly. The situation had been worse when the person was anyone other than Wang Shi. "I-I... Whatever." he wanted to hide somewhere. Embarrassing. Argh, he'd any day prefer bickering over this.     

In the next second Honey's body molded to Suyin's as she settled him on her lap, giving her motherly love as if it's not two months but years of bonding between them. "How did you know that I know you accepted me?" She changed the topic to save the little one from feeling awkward. But this question was troubling her for a long.     

"Hmpf, do you think I'm a kid? Go see your face in the mirror. When you saw me in the mall, your happiness was dripping all over." Suyin touched her cheeks, wondering if she really was that bad at hiding her emotions with kids. "Even the bickering was no bickering, but you were teasing me. I understood there and then that dad told you everything."     

What more, Wang Shi failed to control his emotions and leaned to take a kiss in front of Honey. Obviously, the little man caught everything.      

"And.... there's something more. But I can't tell you that." Honey sulked recalling the naked pictures. His father had made a thorough preparation to handle his blackmailing.      


'So what, if you have a trump card in your hand, I'm working on multiple trump cards to get back to you. Just wait!'      

"Please, tell me.... please...."     


"Pretty please,"     

"I said no." A knock at the door disturbed the moment. Honey jumped from Suyin's lap before someone catch him like this. "Come in,"     

It was his bodyguard Lee, ready to take him back to the President's house. Both Suyin and Honey's face fell.      

"Got to go. Bye," Honey had barely taken a half step when Suyin pulled him and peppered kisses on his face and Honey just let her be. Though he won't say, he wanted to stay here.      

Here- where his weirdo duck and father reside.      

Suyin forced herself away from him. She looked up at bodyguard Lee, "I think I left a shopping bag in the car. Did you see it?"      

"The blue one. I gave it to Assistant Daiyu to give it to you. Let me get it from him." He returned within a minute with the shopping bag.     

"Are you trying to bribe me with this?" Honey wiggled his brows, gesturing Lee to wait for him in the parking.     

"Don't flatter yourself," Suyin stuffed the shopping bag in Honey's arms, "When I saw this on the shelf it reminded me of you. You will look perrrrfect in this!" she purred.     

Honey peeked inside the bag; erupting like a volcano the next moment. "DUCKY!!!" Suyin instantly stole a kiss of Honey's lips and pushed him out of the door, shutting it at his face.      


With her head pressed at the door, she heard Honey yell, stomp in anger, say a few words, and left. She giggled.     

Since he loves calling her weirdo ducky, she gave him the light purple jumpsuit with daisy duck printed on it. The three words written on it, 'Crush on me'.     


"Find it what poison is this. Get me the antidote. FAST, "     

"Mom, please calm down. Let the doctor examine you."      

"HOW CAN I CALM DOWN?" Tang Sui yelled, getting impatient, angry. irritated. In the last two hours over five doctors have examined her, only to say she's perfectly fine. There's no sign of poison in her system. How can these idiot doctors not diagnose her? "Bring the bucket,"     

A nurse instantly brought over a small bucket at Tang Sui's mouth while the old cranky woman shoved her two fingers inside her throat, forcing herself to vomit the contents. It's the third time she's doing this.      

Tang Sui's stomach contracted, she let out a retching sound, forcing everything up and out. But after three attempts, throwing out all the partially digested chicken, nothing much was left.     

"See... did you see this, why it's yellow?"     

"It's the stomach acid and bile, mam." The doctor answered, gesturing the nurse to take a sample of it and send it to the lab. "Reports will come within a few hours. But all your stats are showing normal.... I think someone has played a dirty joke on you. There's nothing wrong."     

"I agree with the doctor, " Hui Chouming sat beside her mother, "Maybe his intentions were just to scare you and get the confession."      

Tang Sui was found in a dazed state inside the mall. The mall authorities bring her to the hospital and informed the family. Since then, the old woman had been paranoid and talking about a man who had poisoned her, and soon she'd die.     

"What did that man say again?" Qi Wren asked, annoyed. He was in the middle of an important meeting when he and his wife had to rush over here only to find his mother-in-law yelling at the hospital staff.      

"He said he was Suyin's boyfriend and wanted revenge for all that we had done to Suyin. He wants me to confess everything in media."     

That confused Qi Wren, "What confession?"     

"That--" Tang Sui paused feeling a press at her hand and composed herself before she blurts out everything. She squeezed back Hui Chouming's hand, "I-I don't know. Maybe he thinks we did something wrong to Suyin and her baby. He didn't elaborate it."     

"Her baby? Didn't he die because of some illness?"     

"Wren, why are you questioning mom? Are you doubting us because of a random man's words? Who knows what his intentions were? Maybe Suyin sent him after mom. You know how bitchy she is." Hui Chouming saved the situation before it blows out of proportion, "How can you not notice mom is so stressed? She had helped us by merging Tang and Hui companies with ours. For all the favors we have received, perhaps we can as well comfort her rather than tormenting her."     

Having heard such a tone from his docile wife, Qi Wren's fingers curled. Since the time his company started falling, and Hui and Tang enterprises have stepped up to help, Chouming's behavior had taken a sharp turn. She was treating him like a slave, living off of her mercy.     

But what more bothered him was the secret communication between the mother-daughter duo. It seems there's something he doesn't know about the past.      

Speaking of which, he had been living a comfortable life for the last five years. Suyin never cared about him all this while. Then why was she launching attacks on him and his family out of blue?     

And what was that? Boyfriend? Isn't Wang Shi her boyfriend? He had secretly enquired about them, she and living in City Spire, the same place where Wang Shi lives.      

[At what place Wang Shi proposed Suyin?]     

He googled Wang Shi's picture online and raised it to Tang Sui, "Was he this man?"     

Tang Sui, "No. I know he's Dr. Wang Shi, President's son. Suyin's way below his standards. That man was weird, handsome yet feminine features. Even the voice was not that manly. Psycho he was... Cough.... God knows what he did," she scrunched her face, feeling a wave of nausea hit as she recalled the incident.     

Qi Wren left them alone in the room and stepped out. He dialed Suyin's number, but as always his number was not reachable. How can he forget Suyin had blocked his number?     

He has to talk to her.     

Influenced by his wife, earlier he thought Suyin was just trying to grab his attention. Which was definitely not true. The past incidents, the falling of his company, and now his wife and mother-in-law's reaction point to a different story.     

Inside the room, Hui Chouming scolded her mother, "Mom, Wren doesn't know anything about the baby. Must you--"     

"Im sorry. I was so stressed that it slipped from my mouth. Thank God you were here."     


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