Mark of the destiny

Naughty Suyin

Naughty Suyin

3.....      1


Redeem codes- CHRISTMAS     

     and   SMILES     

For 50 coins each code. Buy my privilege and participate in giveaway.  Last two giveaway and ten codes of 100 coins to be won. I will share it on 29, 30 and 31st.     


Merry Christmas :Santa_Claus: sweet readers!!     

Ho ho ho...     



"Breathe in breathe out..... Sense the calmness of your surrounding. Feel the feeling of breath entering your lungs and slowly release it out...." Holding Zeng's hand in her warm ones, Suyin guided him the healing process through meditation. Her voice came slow and soft, reducing decibel by decibel until Zeng reached a relaxed state. "Now slowly open your eyes and look at me." she smiled.     

Zeng lets out a breath. The session was anything but calming. His head buzzed, and he hated this feeling. Wasn't it supposed to make him feel better? "How much time passed?"     

"Fifteen minutes. We'll increase the duration slowly,"     

He wiped the sweat from his forehead, "Only fifteen? It seems like an eternity."     

"Initially it will uncomfortable and you will feel tired, but slowly your mind will start taking it. Trust me, you will be more relaxed with this."     

Suyin poured him a glass of warm water and pulled the blanket up. She couldn't do the session in the morning because of the obvious reasons, so she did the small session before Zeng hits the bed. Though he seems restless, it will help him sleep peacefully tonight. Without sedatives.      

Knock Knock Knock     

Zhao Shu opened the door and peeked, "We heard you talking, this means it's over, isn't it?"     

Suyin, "Yes, today's session is over. You both may come in."     

"So, how things went?" Zhao Shu asked.      

Zeng, "Horrible."      

"Ge," Suyin used a strict tone.     

Si Han stood behind him, her nervous gaze waiting for Suyin's answer, while eye looking at his son sitting on the bed. Suyin had taken them into confidence and had already explained about Zeng's condition to ease their anxiety.     

They both were guilty and disappointed in themselves. Not only their kids suffered this much because of them, but they failed as a parent as well. First, they failed Suyin, and now it's Zeng.     

"Can't you just hypnotize me just the way Tang Sui did," as Zeng took her name his blood boiled. Can't believe that woman used him as a puppet for so long, and he hadn't even got a hunch.      

Zhao Shu, "I was wondering the same."     

"Guys, what do you think hypnotism is? As powerful as it sounds, it is equally harmful." she looked at Zeng, "You have been hypnotized so many times that your brain wouldn't be able to take the burden of another hypnosis. Not until we stabilize you first. Since hypnotism is out of question, I'm trying to strengthen your vulnerable mind, through Meditation. I'm sure you don't want to follow another order from her or do you?"     

Zeng frowned, refusing to answer.     

"ANSWER ME."     

Zeng, "I don't."     

Suyin, "Good. Next time when I ask something, don't even think of giving me a silent treatment and answer me instantly. Don't forget I'm your doct--"     

Every gaze in the room turned to her. What were they hoping for? Will she call herself a doctor again?     

"--therapist. I'll be guiding you through the process. Healing takes time. Just trust me, it's the best treatment. So you better follow me, otherwise..."     

Zeng looked up, "Otherwise?"     

Suyin smiled and shifted her attention to Si Han, "Mom, earlier I was thinking if dad and ge could shift at our place? But it seems it was a bad idea. Let me ask around and find another apartment for them."     

"No no no....."     

"No no no.... You idiot. Can't you listen to Yiny?"     

Zhao Shu and Zeng panicked and protested in unison. Zhao Shu hit the back of his son's head, later biting his tongue as if the action would cause another harm.      

Suyin giggled, "You can hit him as much you want. The problem is with thing stuffed inside; though I doubt there's anything there."     

"YOU---" Zeng paused. He noticed Si Han standing in the corner, looking at him and Suyin. "Mom, look, they are bullying me. I can stay with you, right? You will shelter your poor son? Anyhow, I can't even afford a night at a zero-star hotel now." he acted pity.     

Si Han smiled and walked to him. She ruffled his hair like she used to do it. "Of course you can stay with me. The house always belongs to my kids."      

Only a mother feels equal joy in victory and equal pain in the defeat of her child. And right now she's fuming in anger about how someone took advantage of her son, and stole his years of hard-earned money. Though Zeng didn't say a word, nor he let anything come on his face, she couldn't wait to butcher Tang Sui.      

Zeng smiled, "You see that? Don't forget I'm the favorite child."     

Suyin smirked, "If you are the favourite child, why did they have another?"     


Zeng, "Condom failed. It was a mistake."     

"I-I got an urgent call to make," Si Han didn't wait for the answer and took fast strides out of the room, leaving the other three confused and worried.      

"It's okay. Let me see what happened. Don't worry," Zhao Shu went after his wife after comforting the two. But who was he fooling?     

"Mom's blaming herself," Zeng stated.     

"I know. That's why you have a bigger responsibility and have to get well soon. Only then things will go back to normal." she said with a smile, "Btw, ge, you really shocked me by your calm reaction when I told you about your bankruptcy."     


"HAN, HAN, listen to me please,"      

"Just let go, I don't want to talk to anyone." Si Han yanked Zhao Shu's hand, but the man fast-walked and stood facing her. She let out a breath, "Don't stick around me. Let me be alone for some time."     

"Take as much time you want, but please don't question yourself as a mother. You are the best mother my kids could get. It's not your fault, none of this is...."     

"Exactly, it's not my fault but yours." she snapped, "Everything is happening because of you and your so-called family. These people- Patriarch Zhao, Zhao Feiyan, and now this Tang Sui.... where did they come from in our lives? FROM YOU. Sometimes I really imagine my life had I not married you. My kids would have been happier--"     

"Shut up! Forget about seeing your kids happier, you wouldn't even have these kids without me." The very next he lowered his voice, and pulled Si Han by her arm to the balcony, away from the prying eyes of people. "I know it's my fault; wish I got to choose people who can and cannot come in my life. Sadly, things don't go that way. But since you are so wise, why didn't you forecast everything and rejected my proposal?"     

She looked away. She doesn't have the answer to this. They loved each other madly and wanted to be together forever and forever and grow old.      

He chuckled, "Now you don't have an answer? Well.... life's unpredictable! Just like you, I too have imagined my life by subtracting and adding many ifs and buts, but none of them was without you."     

He looked away, his finger curled over the steel railing of the balcony. On this wintery night, the natural black sky shone with stars and moon, yet they cannot take the darkness away.      

She scoffed, "You'd obviously say that; you have never experienced the horror of walking into your daughter's room and see her lying on the floor in a pool of blood. And now Zeng.... Not only he lost everything, I don't even know if he'll return to his normal self or not."     

"He will. I trust my daughter." Zhai Shu said, "And you are thinking about the lost things while I'm looking at the things they have gained. Look at Suyin, what a marvelous woman she had come out to be. And Zeng? Can't you see he's already happy he got Suyin and you back? As far as money is concerned~ I know my boy very well; he'll start everything from scratch. Sportsmen are not quitters."     

"Mom, Dad, is everything okay?" Suyin came there and asked.     

"Yes, please tell us none of you are going to murder each other." Zeng butted in, rubbing his arms, shivering in cold. He scooted beside Si Han's side, and wrapped his hand around her shoulder, "It's just money, mom; I still have my talent. And to treat me, you have no other option but believe in this blockhead's talent."     

"Dad!" Suyin complained     

Zhao Shu, "ZENG!"     

[Suyin is scared of which reptile?]     

"And he also called me a mistake. He said...your condom failed!" Suyin complained.     

Zhao Shu, "You were definitely not a condom failure, but he was."     

Si Han's cheeks turned red. A smile threatened to break on her lips.     

"Hey hey, mom is covering her smile,"     

"I won't let that happen." saying, Zeng turned his mother and wiggled his brows, "Proof them wrong. Tell the truth."     

"You guys...." Si Han slapped Zeng on chest and hide her reddened face in the crook of his arms.     


At night Wang Shi and Suyin made dinner together in the kitchen. She made the soup, and he made the spicy chicken and grilled vegetables. From time to time his gaze kept on falling on Suyin as she hummed to herself while stirring the soup.     

"Glad you are happy. I thought you wouldn't be in a good mood when I return."     

"Won't lie, I was disturbed in the morning. But my other half of the day was a lot happier. I spent some quality time with Honey by annoying him, and then with family.... again by annoying Zeng."     

He burst into a peal of laughter, "Looks like your favorite thing to do is to annoy everyone." He forked a piece of chicken, letting her taste it to check seasoning. She relished the flavor first and then frowned.      

"It's less spicy."     

"Really?" Just as he placed a chicken piece on his tongue, Suyin moved in to squeeze his cheeks, stopping him from chewing it, and the next moment she stole it from his mouth, giving a lingering kiss and sharing a part of the food.     

She winked at the man looking at her dumbfounded, "Now it's spicy,"     

Wang Shi placed a piece of grilled broccoli between his lips, gesturing with his fingers to check the seasoning of this as well.     

Suyin poked his stomach, the piece popped out, "Greedy,"     


"AA.... haha.... what are you doing...."     

"Don't run. Come here."     




Redsem codes- CHRISTMAS     

     and   SMILES     

For 50 coins each code. Buy my privilege and participate in giveaway     

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