Mark of the destiny

You think I didn't come prepared?

You think I didn't come prepared?

3Merry Christmas everyone!!      



There are some people in this world the sight of whom you cannot digest and want to puke out your guts on their face. Qi Wren was one of them. Every time Suyin see him, it reminds her of something, giving an irresistible urge to stab him to death.     

With a morose and irritated face, Suyin left for Hotel Zeus soon after she got off work. If it was not for Wang Shi's insistence she'd never had said yes to the meeting. Not even in this lifetime!      

Just when she reached the hotel, the hotel manager himself was present to greet her. Then he guided her to the open dining hall with only a handful of people occupying the seats.     

Her seat was booked facing the beautiful night view of the city. Sigh, if only this was a dinner date with Wang Shi and Honey, it would have been a perfect setup. Just then she noticed a red envelope on the table and looked questionably, but he just smiled and left.     

She opened it; a smile bloomed on her face. It was a message in Wang Shi's beautiful handwriting with a wink emote.     

[ :winking_face: Keep smiling.... It makes people wonder what are you up to.]     

Just then a server came with a cup of coffee and a smilie drawn over it. It had a message along.     

She opened the message, [Look right.]     

Her head snapped at a lightning speed, searching for the one. There! He was sitting at the other corner, with a cup of coffee on the table. When their eyes met, he raised the cup and gave a toast.     

She smiled and returned the toast.     

Her mood lightened up instantly.      

"H-Hey, Suyin," Qi Wren came in shortly. His eyes glued at Suyin for a short while, waiting for her to give a reaction or say something, but the woman just gave a briefest glance and resumed drinking coffee. Damn, he had made sure to look good for the meeting, but she seems to be more interested in the coffee. "You look beautiful, Suyin," He settled across her. No matter how much he try, he couldn't take off of his eyes from Suyin's beautiful face and attractive bosoms.     

"It's Secretary-General Zhao Suyin, and talk looking at my face. My breasts don't talk." She corrected sharply, "Come to the point. I don't have time." Anymore he started at her breast, she might pour this hot coffee at his face.     

Cough.... Qi wren cleared his throat awkwardly. "How about we order first? I can't let you starve. Besides this hotel serves some amazing seafood. You like seafood, right?"     


"I'm allergic to seafood. And to you too." She sipped her coffee, noticing from her peripheral vision Wang Shi did the same. "And if you are so interested to eat seafood, get it packed. Btw, are you sure you can afford this hotel? I mean your company.... It's just a matter of time it declares bankruptcy."     

Qi Wren's expression darkened. He gulped down the bitter insult. "Suyin, I know you are angry about how things turned up between us. But you used to love me once, and we had a child together, must you be this hateful to me?"     

"Aww.... bless your delusional little brain of yours. Sigh... medical science doesn't have a treatment for it." Her nose wrinkled. The casualness of his reply as if whatever he said was a matter of fact, made her ill. "Look, if you are here seeking medical advice for your non-treatable brain, I'll get going." Saying, Suyin picked her handbag.     

Qi Wren immediately stood up, "I want you to leave me and my company alone for the sake of our old relationship. For our baby. If you are using your boyfriend against me to get the shares you gave me, I'm willing to pay the price with interest."     

"Hahaha... you really think I'm after all those things? Sooner or later they are bound to be mine. I want something else...."She dropped the purse again, "But since you are ready to return everything, I won't let you down--"     

"Wait," he interrupted her, "What do you mean you want something else?"      

"Revenge," Suyin ordered another coffee, and sat down, her eyes burning with suppressed anger, "I'm going to destroy everyone who took my baby's life. This includes you, your wife, your mother-in-law, and every person associated with them. Innocent. or guilty."     

Qi Wren froze. Suyin's words were shocking and unbelievable. For the last three days, his people investigated every information they could find about the child.      

The end conclusion was~ he died of natural causes. In their search, they couldn't find any link between the child's death and Hui Chouming, and Tang Sui, much to Qi Wren's relief.     

He concluded Suyin was doing everything under the influence of her boyfriend and just trying to get back to them for the old grudges. But since, she'd never come out for a meeting with him, he used the baby's name.     

"He died of natural causes,"     

"Why don't you ask this to your wife, or maybe your mother-in-law? Speaking of which, howz she holding up? It's been three days, half-paralyzed or full?"     

Qi Wren's was out of words. It's real Tang Sui's condition was worsening day by day. If Suyin was telling the truth, which he think she was.... Suyin won't sit quietly. With Tang Sui's fall, the merger would also fail.      

No! He has to stop Suyin. If she didn't listen to him politely, he had another way to force her.      

"First, I-I have nothing to do with his death. I may not have any feelings for the child, but I didn't kill him," he cleared his stance first. " Second, I think you are mistaken. Mingming and I were in the Maldives at that time, and mom was in the ancestral house in seclusion. Someone from your family, maybe your aunt, your cousin, or anyone might do this."     

"Oh! Don't worry, you will get to know soon."     

"Stop," he stood with her, "You have to stop whatever you have planned and give me the antidote." he hissed under his breath but Suyin's didn't buzz from her place. She noticed the people present at the nearby tables have moved slightly as if taking positions. "Past is in the past. Anyhow, just now you have said you never loved me, so the child was just the byproduct of your conjugal duty towards your husband. Why bother about him so much? I'll give you the equal money I took from you five years back as compensation and we will drop the matter forever."     

Fuming in anger, she picked the hot coffee cup and splashed it on his face, wishing the coffee was not just slightly hot but scalding hot.      

"You--" Qi Wren paused seeing a couple sitting at the nearest table move. He forced a smile, "It's nothing. My wife is a little mad because I forgot the anniversary. Right, dear?"     

'Looks like I have to use the trump card.' he thought.     

"Get lo--"     

He scooted near Suyin and stepped on Suyin's toe. Opening the suit jacket, he pretended to take out a handkerchief from the inner pocket but takes out something that had Suyin's eyes and mind frozen. "Behave my love. If you don't want to become the talk of the country tomorrow, you better do as I say," he whispered. "You think I didn't come prepared? This picture is just a trailer, I have the entire video of that beautiful night. One wrong word from your mouth and the next second the Secretary-General Zhao Suyin will grace the porn sites of the country with her presence--"     


One second Qi Wren was threatening her, the other second he was thrown over the table with a scream. Wang Shi placed himself between Suyin and Qi Wren, taking a worried glance at her from top to bottom.      

Anger hissed through him, like a volcano erupting, demanding a release in the form of violence. She had never seen him this angry that for a moment even she was afraid of getting close to him.     

On the ground, Qi Wren was howling, bleeding from the nose and mouth.      

The presence of people around worried Suyin. What if the news gets leaked, this would affect Wang Shi's reputation? But to her surprise, every individual present in the dining hall, including the staff, left their tables and formed a barrier around them.      

Three men pinned Qi Wren down with all their weight. A woman from the team moved to get the thing from Qi Wren's pocket and passed it to Wang Shi's without taking a glance at it.     

"Send him to X's base. Tell him not to touch him, unless I come there." Wang Shi commanded in a serious voice, still vibrating with suppressed rage. He secured Suyin to his side with a steel grip and led her to the Presidential suite of the hotel.     

On the way he pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed Xiu Mei's number, "I want you to delete every file, every data, and everything from Qi Wren's phone right away. Check if he had put any file on the timer before coming here and stop it from releasing out."     

"What happened," Xiu Mei asked     

"Just do as I say. My team is on its way. They will bring you his phone. And don't let anyone see those files....not even Jianyu."     


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