Mark of the destiny

The press conference -1

The press conference -1

3"Mom," Chouming broke down as soon as she walked into Tang Sui's room in the hospital. She held her mother's hands-- No matter how many efforts she put or how many people she had approached for help, they shut every door she knocked. Even her own distant relatives and Tang family cousins whom she and her husband had provided resources many times didn't step up to help.      

Everyone knows some mysterious power was pulling down the Qi enterprises and the people associated with them. No one wants to be dragged into their mess.     

Her husband was missing, their bank accounts and properties were sealed, and now they just have enough money to pay for Tang Sui's medical expenses for the next two days at max. To save money she had already requested the hospital to shift Tang Sui to the normal ward instead of the VIP.     

"Why? Why is this happening to us? Just a few months back we were living a life that people can only dream of, and now all this suddenly....." shattered, disappointed, broke, helpless, defeated, Chouming dropped her head on the bed. "That Suyin-- she's heartless. She snatched everything from us.... God will never let her live in peace."     

Chouming cried as if her entire being was shredded from inside. Emotional pain flew out of her every pore, and she could only curse one person for her misery-- Suyin. From the room came the most hysterical crying, but none bothered to pay a look. It's a hospital; people working here have heard worse than this. And they knew what kind of person was occupying the bed in there.     

"D-Did you talk to Suyin?" Tang Sui pulled down her oxygen mask and asked with difficulty. Since the last two days she had been feeling her lungs would give up anytime. Had it not been for her condition she'd have definitely come up with something; the money she stole from Zeng was still in her secret account that no one knows about. But again, will Suyin let her do that? That woman was literally on a rampage.     

"She asked me to tell you to confess and she might consider letting us go." Chouming looked up with teary eyes, "I wish we had killed her along with that bastard child. Why is she making such a fuss about it? And that Gilbert allied with us too, but he's not affected at all."     

"Gilbert? Did you speak to him?"     

"Yeah," Chouming takes out something from her pocket. Hundred dollar note. "This. I got this from him as help. And if I need more, he asked me to come to his home. MOM!" Chouming panicked when Tang Sui started coughing uncontrollably. "Mom please... don't strain yourself. No matter what, I won't go to him. But Gilbert--"     

Tang Sui squeezed her daughter's hand, understanding her thoughts. If this was their end, they will drag every person with them. Including Gilbert. Including Suyin. "C-Call media. Everyone will pay."     

Outside the door, a ward-boy heard everything and sprinted to give the news to his master. Gilbert!     


The next morning, Suyin received the news Tang Sui was holding a press conference and had invited every media representative to hear her out. Already their family was so much in the news thanks to the latest chaos in the business circle, everyone was eager to hear her out and get spicy news out of her.     

The people around Suyin were more excited than her and joined. They knew something more was going to happen; Suyin had greater plans. Even Zeng who could not leave the hospital threw a huge tantrum and adamantly joined his family on their way to the venue. The Ace hospital!     

"Where the hell are you since last night? You left without a message, and now your phone is unreachable. Call me as soon as you receive the message." James typed a message for Evan. Last night when he woke up to use the washroom, he found the other side of the bed empty. Upon not finding Evan anywhere in the house, James called him, but his calls went answered. This was the second time in a month Evan did this.     

Sigh... "Only God knows what you are up to. Just come back, I'll throw a huge tantrum until you tell me everything." he lightly punched the photo frame at the bedside, "Just you wait, your wifey will punish you hubby."     

He picked the keys, wallet, and a small container of ham sandwiches he made for Suyin and left to support his best friend. He was beyond excited for her.     


The press conference was scheduled for ten in the Ace Hospital's spacious conference hall. To prevent Gilbert from stopping Tang Sui from holding the press meet in the hospital, Tang Sui had already stated her poor health as the reason to hold the conference there.      

Suyin played a minor role; taking advantage of her position in the ministry she made sure no one can stop Tang Sui from holding the press conference. She even sent doctors from People's hospital just in case the doctors' at Ace hospital don't cooperate.     

But Gilbert's calmness all this while surprised Suyin. This leads her to conclude Gilbert was up to something.     

At the scheduled time, Chouming brought Tang Sui to the stage in a wheelchair with contraptions and a monitor attached to her. The ever so poise Tang Sui looked entirely different. Patched lips, unhealthy skin color, weak body, lifeless eyes-- when Si Han saw her in this state she didn't feel even a tinge of sympathy. She had seen Suyin in a state worse than this.      

Suddenly two warm hands pressed on hers, and she looked. It was her son and husband. She slipped her hand under her husband's and placed it on Zeng's. Zeng gave a kiss on her temple, gesturing her to concentrate on the monitor.      

Zhao Shu rubbed his hand, feeling the remnants of his wife's touch. He looked outside the window, "Have you seen where Suyin is? I can't see her car anywhere."      

"She's in that black SUV." Zeng answered.     

"Oh, I thought her car was white."     

"It's her boyfriend's."     

"Oh. Wait, what? She has a boyfriend?"      

"Dad, please. It's not time to answer that. I'll explain to you later."     

Zhao Shu grumbled.     


"Mrs. Tang, can you please tell us what happened to you?"     

"What announcement you have to make?"     

"Can you shed some light on the recent fall of your business?"     

"What is your next course of action to save your business?"     

"Where is Mr. Qi?"     

The reporters didn't wait anymore and started throwing questions like hungry vultures eager to get as many as they could.     

Tang Sui pulled down the oxygen mask from her mouth, while Chouming adjusted the mic near her mouth.      

Tang Sui, "Mr. Qi? Vanished."      

The entire room fell silent hearing the words.      

"It's everyone's favorite Zhao Suyin who is behind his disappearance. It's Zhao Suyin who pushed me to this state. It's her who destroyed our businesses. It's her who did everything."     

"F* ck!" Zeng cursed. "She's again targeting Susu. I'll kill her."      

Si Han pressed his hand, "Just watch. I have confidence in Suyin."     

A reporter stood up, "Why? Why Zhao Suyin did all that?"     

(What is James' original name?)     

"To get revenge." Tang Sui said, and started telling what Suyin ordered her to do. Condess. "T-Things started five years back when her parents killed my fiancee in an accident on the day I was about to marry him. I swore to give a worse fate to his killers and their kids. So I instigated Zhao Feiyan against her brother and used her to make things difficult for Shu and Han."     

Later, when Zhao Shu sent his eldest son overseas, she planted a man beside Zeng who assisted Tang Sui to perform hypnotism on the young boy and started using him as a money bank to boost Tang's family business to become powerful support for Chouming. This later comes in handy to lure Qi Wren later.      

When Suyin started going to college, Tang Sui started her next part of the plan. Tang Sui knew Suyin had always been a weak girl, always dependent on her brother. If she had to break Suyin, she had to break her strong support, i.e. her brother.      

Zeng's assistant kept Tang Sui informed of his meetings, whereabouts, schedule, and everything. He even kept a tap on Zeng's phone calls and messages. Whenever the siblings made a plan to meet, Tang Sui used it to her benefit.      

It worked.     

Zeng's failure to provide moral support to Suyin when she needed most became the reason not only Suyin but Si Han distanced herself too. Zeng turned out to be a disappointment in their eyes.     

"I hypnotized Suyin's brother so he could not help her when she was about to get divorced, when she was to be debarred from the medicine, and when her baby was sick. I used Zeng to my advantage for his money." Tang Sui said robotically, keeping her eyes on the floor as if that interests her more. "Later, when Suyin's baby was sick, I again hypnotized a man and send him to the hospital to kill the child. She-- she was holding Qi Wren's baby. His existence was a threat to my daughter's future. How could I have let him live?"     

The hall broke into loud whispers when the door was pushed open and in walked the person they least expected. Zhao Suyin. Camera flashes burst around her like fireworks as she walked to stand in front of the stage, facing tang Sui. Her angry eyes were the sword, ready to slaughter everyone that comes on her way.     

Tang Sui looked up, "And the one who helped me in everything is the acting chairperson of this hospital, Ling Gilbert. He let my man into your child's room. He was the one who framed you during surgery and got you debarred from medicine. He even got your mentor Gong Li killed. YOU WITCH! ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?" she yelled.     

... to be continued.....     

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