Mark of the destiny

Man or woman

Man or woman

3Unedited chapter**     

Xion didn't say a word in response, he knew Colton more than anyone and understood what he was trying to do. There's no way anyone he would have found out about Wang Shi. No one could. Colton was just trying to get information from Xion based on his probability.      

Or maybe he really found something. Xion waited for Colton to reveal more information.      

Suddenly Colon started laughing, it was a known Xion would never fall into his trap and say anything. "I know you won't confess. Then let me show you something...." he took out two folded papers from his pocket and place it on Xion's table.     

When Colton's men came back with zero information about the person who bought the heart, it raised Colton's suspicion. There's no way the king of the underworld wouldn't get information as small as this. It never happened before!     

Even in the worst-case scenario, it might take some extra time, but they always found something unless the one who deleted the traces was none other than the king of the underworld.      

The same night, Colton found out, the investigating team first reported to Xion before reporting to him. It's as if Xion was cautious and giving the matter his utmost priority.     

But why would a ruthless man like Xion do something like that? And for whom? In the entire world, the only people Xion cares about was his best friend Xiu Mei and her daughters. Over the years, he developed a bonding with Feng brothers and Wang Shi. But that's it.      

But none of them ever required a heart--     

Wang Shi!     

Colton didn't delay a second and checked the reports to confirm his doubt. Once Wang Shi had sent him his son's reports asking for medical advice, he could match those reports with Suyin's baby.     

Perfect match it was!     


It shocked him, Wang Shi's son received the heart during the same time Suyin's baby died. And to date, Colton doesn't know how Wang Shi arranged the heart.      

Though it's still a probability, Colton was almost certain it's the truth. Out of all the men in this country, Wang Shi was definitely someone who could get a heart for his son without letting anyone know. Also, being a surgeon and an owner of a hospital, it's just a cakewalk for him.     

And a hundred million dollars! That's just a penny in front of his enormous wealth.     

"Perfect match!" Colton said.     

"So what. It can be a coincidence." Though Xion let nothing come on his face, he knew hiding it was vain. If Colton reveals it to Suyin, she'd probe Wang Shi without a delay and things will turn bad for them. "Tell me one thing-- you have seen Honey's reports and have known Wang Shi for four years. Do you think he's the type of the man who'd kill an innocent child to save his own?"     

"He won't," Colton answered. Out of all the men in Xion's circle, only Wang Shi had the most peaceful character. "But it doesn't change the fact he was in desperate need, and people take drastic steps when they are desperate."     

"Desperate? Who can understand it better than you? Weren't you at the same place as Wang Shi once?"      

"I was. That's why I didn't go to Suyin directly and came to confront you." Colton said, his sound low and dangerous.     

Xion stood up and walked to the table that had his gun collection on display. Guns, a dangerous weapon, that kills, but if used with the good intention, it can save someone's life too. Everything depends on the person wielding it, yet the weapon was labeled as dangerous.      

Wang Shi's intention was to get a heart for his son and use money as a measure to convince a parent to donate it. Someone else took advantage of his helplessness, but eventually, Wang Shi was labeled bad.     

"Everything happened unknowingly. Shishi was not aware his step will kill an innocent baby. Had he known, he wouldn't have done that." Xion turned, "I assume this much you understand him,"     

"So I was right," Colton said and Xion narrated everything Wang Shi had told him about Honey's case, not hiding any information.      



"Suyin will be heartbroken." Colton sighed, somehow he was less angry now. "She loves him,"     

"That's why we are working hard to find the truth before telling her," Xion turned his laptop. This morning, Daiyu had sent him a video where a mysterious man in black was seen sneaking into Gilbert's villa.      

Xion paused the video at a certain time when the said man jumped down from the tall wall and landed on his foot swiftly. Something shiny popped out from his t-shirt. A locket may be, which he shoved inside his clothes quickly and went on. Before Wang Shi's men could chase him, he vanished. Martial art expert, he must be!     

"Who is he?" Colton asked and looked up but saw Xion doing something on his phone. He had an unusual smile on his lips, no need to guess it must be something related to the two little girls staying in his house. Xiu Mei's daughters, Yuyu and Lan.     

Besides, it's a waste of time expecting an answer from Xion. It's already shocking that he spoke this much today.     

Colton picked the report sent by Daiyu. There was nothing much helpful, but it looks like their efforts of spreading the news in the black market didn't go to waste.      

This mysterious man gave a visit to Gilbert's house as soon as he returned from Country K. Since then, Gilbert had tripled the security of his villa.     

(To date Suyin had worn many of Wang Shi's clothes. What was the first piece of clothing worn by Suyin?)     

Colton smiled. In a panic, the filthy rat had sent someone to kill Gilbert.     


But the information on Gilbert's trip to Country K seems more interesting. In his three-day stay, all he did was to stay inside his room, and only come out to use the hotel facilities. It was more like a vacation, yet it was not.      

Colton took the report and a copy of the video and turned to leave. He'd study it in his office. He halted in his steps, "I won't hide this from Suyin. Tell Wang Shi he has two weeks to confess everything before I do it."     


On the other side, Suyin reached Madam Robin's salon in record time, covering the distance in record time. She called Daiyu to check if Tang Sui was still in the salon or had checked out.     

Bad luck, Tang Sui checked out ten minutes before. But to her happiness, Daiyu informed Suyin that Tang Sui had swiped her card at a luxurious clothing store in JM Emporio. Her head snapped to the right at the round dome like building opposite the salon.      

JM Emporio!     

It was a luxurious mall that attracts less footfall but to save her time she asked Daiyu to hack the CCTV and help her locate Tang Sui. In the meantime, she put on a face mask and walked into a men's clothing store.     

The salesperson came greeting and bowed respectfully. Suyin saw him frown at her clothes but chose to pay attention to the more important work for which she had come here. "May I help you with something, madam?"     

"Get me a shirt, a pair of trousers, belt, hat, gloves, and shoes," she answered, her eyes checking the clothes hanging on the shelves. "That! Give me that." she walked to a mannequin wearing everything she required other than a hat.     

"Sure. What size you want?"     

She pointed at the mannequin, "Is it the smallest size? Will it fit me?"     

"Y--- wait! Um.... are you looking for yourself? This is a men's clothing store, madam."     

"Oh, didn't know these clothes are exclusive to men. Let me show you how it's done," saying she started unbuttoning the shirt of the mannequin. Next, she undid the pant's hook without bothering to pay attention to her surroundings. The store staff was throwing a weird look at her. The sales man's ear turned red, he had already declared Suyin as a Pervert in his mind.     

In no time the mannequin's pants were pulled down, and the salesman subconsciously grabbed his own pant and took a step away as if it happened to him instead of the poor mannequin. He eyed the store manager, asking for his suggestion. The store manager walked to her, "Mam--"     

Suyin took out a card from the inner pocket of the purse, "Bill everything," she grabbed the shirt, and headed to the changing room. "Give me those damn pants," she yelled while closing the door,     

The staff and customers present "...."     

In Suyin's thirty-minute stay in the changing room, the staff kept peeking glances at the closed door while fulfilling the demands of the perverted woman. They passed her everything she asked for and even went out of the way to get stuff from other stores.      

Credit goes to the card she gave to the manager. It was no ordinary.     

As the door opened, everyone's eyes popped out in shock. They looked at the person standing before, and then curiously looked behind her, wondering where the perverted woman was gone.     

How can a pervert woman went inside the changing room and come out as a handsome man!?     

Even the word handsome would be small to describe him.... um.... her.     


Argh.... It's confusing.     

"My card," With shaky hands the manager gave the card, bill, and a bag with her clothes in it. Suyin collected her clothes, and just outside the showroom she saw a sweeper and gave the bags to him. Ignoring the poor sweeper's shocked face, she called Daiyu to know Tang Sui's location.     

Behind her, the staff and the manager ran to check the changing room in which she changed clothes.     

"Can someone tell me if she was a woman or a man?"      


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