Mark of the destiny



4In the hospital, late night....     

"Sir, please, it's against the rules," Nurse Mia pleaded in her soft voice, her hand holding the phone trembled, "If Dr. Wang--"     

"I'll take care of him. You don't have to worry. Just show me once,"      

Her heart sank. The person over the phone was stubborn, hell-bent to get his way. Pressing her footsteps against the marble floor, trying to muffle the sound as much as possible she stealthily moved towards the VIP room, cursing her ill-luck for answering the call of this man. Damn, why didn't she put it on silent? That's what happens when you break hospital rules!     

Slowly she pushed the glass door, biting her tongue when the curtain made a noise as she pushed them. She craned her neck to make sure the woman on the bed was sleeping. Her face was the other way. She walked around the bed and turned on the video of the phone to let the man see her.     

A minute passed by, but she heard nothing in the hands-free. Bringing the mic near her mouth she whispered, "S-Sir?"     

"Is she in pain?"     

"No. She's on pain meds. The doctor will discharge her tomorrow morning. It's just a sprained ankle."     

"Stupid, idiot, dumb...."     



"I'm not talking to you but the Medusa lying on the bed. There's a strand of hair on her cheek irritating her. Remove it,"     


Nurse Mia looked down. Cursing herself the hundredth time she hesitatingly brushed the non-existent strand.      

"Now tuck her."     


"Sir, I might just place a goodnight kiss as well?"     

"You dare."     

"Fine," she did as he said and followed her way out the way she entered. After reaching the nurse's station, she checked her surroundings and then lifted the phone up, "Anything else?"     

"No. Just take care of her."      

And he hung up.     

Nurse Mia's stared at the blank screen, and then at the closed dark room where Fei Hong was sleeping. 'Master Junjie's personality might be easygoing, jovial, but when such men fall for someone, they do it by heart. It's the rare love that God only give to his special ones. Hope this love story meets its destiny one day, and if not--" she clutched the cross pendant in her fist and looked up, "Let him find his special one soon,"     

Inside the room, Fei Hong slowly opened her eyes when she heard the click of the door closing. Her hand slide under the pillow to get her phone. The photo gallery of her and Junjie's countless pictures was still open.      


The next day Suyin woke up the Queens wake. Snuggled in the soft blanket and the arms of her man, hugging her protectively. It's a feeling that she can never put in words. Her eyes were still shut as she soaked in the warmth of his body, feeling a little stiff under his protective grip.     

She rubbed the sleep off of her eyes, and gaze at the vivid light penetrating the curtains, illuminating the room with the correct amount of light.      

She looked at Wang Shi's face, and stole a morning kiss, giggling at her achievement. She really wants to take a bite, but thinking about how he took care of her until late night, she let it go.      

With the thought of checking on Zeng she lifted herself but found herself tucked in his arms. Great! She couldn't even get out of here till he's sleeping.      

Ah, what else to do? It's boring!     

She better find something before she starts taking advantage of the handsome man looking as delicious as a mango.      

The phone!     

The phone kept on the side table was irresistible! Inviting her to check it out!     

Without a delay, she picked it and pulled the blanket on her head. Wait! The phone's locked!     

She pulled down the blanket back and gave a look to him. After great efforts, she managed to get into the position where she could get his finger to touch the lock pad.     

Success! She shamelessly dived into the blanket and started scrolling. The first thing that she opened was the photo gallery, curious to see what type of photos he has.     

Her mouth curving into an O when there were thousands of her pictures. Most of them were taken without letting her know. It even had some videos of her and Honey's bickering. He had specifically named the folder as 'Tom and Jerry'.      

She smiled. He was building memories with her.      


Interested in what she looks like from his eyes, she started scrolling through them. Every candid was beautiful, capturing the essence. It's nothing new she's beautiful in his eyes, but to him, she's Honey's mother first and then his woman. The way he had captured her and Honey's moments were the mirror to his eyes. Speechless.      

Subconsciously, her hand went to coax her wildly beating heart. 'Stop doing this. Otherwise, I might just confess how much I like.... nah huh! I love you! You just managed to convert a ten-year-old crush into love. Thank you, for giving me this beautiful second chance.'     

She smiled. He adores her. He loves her. He sees her as Honey's mother.      

A mother!      

Her interest piqued. She scrolled more and found some files locked. Since she didn't have the password to unlock them, she moved ahead, finally stumbling into the WhatsApp chat between him and Honey.     

Her eyes narrowed.     

It's all about Honey complaining about her, and Wang Shi either coaxing or sending a smile emoji as a reply.      

She checked Honey's profile status, first appreciating how adorable Honey looks when he pouts. It was a picture of him with Yuyu and Lan. The status reads [Mission Possible]     

Suyin "..."     

Hoping he'd come online, she sent him a message, [Good morning, Little Fairy :face_blowing_a_kiss: ]     


Meanwhile, a particular Little Fairy had just finished his morning exercise and ran to take a seat beside his grandfather in the garden. Liu Jeilan following him, huffing, puffing, trying to catch her breath.     

Liu Jeilan plopped on the couch under the canopy, fanning her sweating face with her hand, "Get me something to drink," she ordered the servant     

"Good morning, grandpa!"     

"Good morning, Honey," Wang Huang patted the seat beside him, whispering, "I told her not to do, she isn't young anymore. But am just a poor husband in the house. Who listens to me!?"     

"What are you saying? You are the President of the nation,"     

"Oh yeah? Save it. I'll get back to you once you get a wife for yourself."     

Honey "...."     

"Why? Is getting a wife that dangerous?" Honey asked loudly, keeping his gaze glued to his grandmother. "Are you dangerous, grandma? How? Do you have horns, devil's tail, or vampire's teeth?"     

Wang Huang "..."      

Liu Jeilan, "What are you teaching him? Is that how I look in your eyes?"     

Wang Huang shook his head, "Absolutely not. Ignore him, he's making up stories." he pinched Honey secretively, and Honey caught the hint.     

"Oh yes, Grandpa didn't said all that. I mistook his words when he praised you for completing the exercise routine and lapses with me. Good Job!" Honey saw Jeilan sat straight with a haughty expression and picked the teacup elegantly.     

"Thank you, sweetheart. It's all about maintaining health and remaining active in old age." She took a whiff of tea, "By the way, Wang Shi taught you very good breathing exercises. They are actually working for me as well. I'm feeling relaxed."     

Yes! This was what Honey had been waiting for, "It's not dad, but Aunty Suyin who taught me these breathing exercises."     

Pfft.... cough...     

"Are you okay, grandma?"     

Liu Jeilan wiped the remnants of tea from her mouth, humming a yes in reply.     

"Good. So where was I? Ah! Aunty Suyin--" Honey continued his 'Mission possible' "She saw I couldn't take part in school sports day and later told me it's not because of my heart but the muscles surrounding it. With proper breathing exercises, I can strengthen them and participate just like everyone. See, it's working. Isn't it good?" he wasn't lying, over the time when he chased Suyin for her forgiveness, she taught him this. And it's helping him! He had started running three lapses comfortably, whereas earlier he could barely finish one.     

"Really? What else your Aunty Suyin taught you?" Wang Huang asked. He could understand what Honey was trying to do, but at the same time, Honey's changed personality didn't go unnoticed from his experienced eyes. It's a positive sign!     


"One minute Grandpa," Honey picked his phone kept on the table, his brows furrowed at the weird greeting and the kiss emote. Had it been sent by Suyin he'd have understood, but his father!???      

[What's wrong with you? Don't call me that?]     

Suyin, [ Why? Don't you love it when Suyin calls you that, Little Fairy?]     

[:pouting_face: Argh, that weirdo ducky never listens to me. Annoying she is. I don't have any other option but bear her. But you.... you cannot call me that. Otherwise....]     

[Otherwise? :thinking_face: ]     

[:smirking_face: Looks like you forgot that Ducky loves me more than you. Beware, I can do many bad things by tricking our ducky. Anyway, you know how she's wrapped around my pinky. :smiling_face_with_horns: ] he sent a picture of his pinky finger after that.     

Dived under the blanket Suyin growled at his teasing. Will she accept the defeat? No. Never.     

Honey waited for some time and smirked in victory when no reply came. No one can win against him. 'Muahhhhhh... hahhhhh'     


"WHAT?" The next second he jumped on the couch, looking left-right, and then covering the screen with his palm. His cheeks turned deep red.      

Wang Huang and Liu Jeilan looked at the little kangaroo. "What happened?"     

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