Mark of the destiny

I wish you all the best for your life ahead.

I wish you all the best for your life ahead.


Silence is the most dangerous thing. Call it a two-sided sword. Sometimes it can save a relationship, sometimes it can even destroy it. All that we know is- silence isn't empty, but it's full of answers.     

But right now, with every passing second, Wang Shi's silence was cutting through Suyin's heart. She knew he's a master of words, and her heart desperately wanted to hear the words that could comfort it. But when he doesn't, her mind forced her to think otherwise. It challenged her beliefs in the man she's crushing over for the last ten years.     

'Hold me, hug me, kiss me, love me, and do everything that you do. Save this relationship, don't let it break apart. I want to be with you and Honey'      

Without blinking she just looked into his eyes. Don't know what she was looking for, but she wanted to face this bravely and not like a desperate woman seeking a man's support in her life.      

Her lips pursed in disappointment when he didn't utter a single word but just stood rooted. So he was disappointed by her.     

She gets down from the sink top, and smiled, "It's alright, Dr. Wang Shi. I wish you all the best for your life ahead."     

"I-I was sexually abused by Zena." Suyin had just reached the threshold of the door when she paused. She turned in shock to see if she had really heard those words. No! That can't be!     

He was still standing at his place, his back facing her, but she could see his reflection in the mirror. He rose his head to meet her eyes in the reflection.     

"I was at a conference abroad when she drugged me and did the most horrible thing one could ever imagine. Yeah, I know.... it's funny! It's funny and shameful! Even being a 'MAN'--" he air quoted the word man, "-- a grown-up man of 30+, I let myself be sexually abused. Doesn't it question my masculinity? I think it does. How can a tall muscular man like me call himself a victim? Nope. I don't have any right to call myself that. I should feel privileged that a woman spend a night with me. So what if it was not consensual?"     

She stared at him. Every word from his mouth was cutting through her heart. His eyes were lifeless as he opened up to the most traumatizing experience of his life.      

She's working with social services for years and had saved many young boys who were being sexually abused. This doe happens! And the sad reality was society doesn't talk about it. It's as if it's exclusive to women.     

No, it's not!     


He smiled at her, "Embarrassed?"     

"Rubbish," she took two fast strides and hugged him from the back. "I'd never be embarrassed or question you when you are genuinely speaking about your most traumatic experience. Especially when my experience is no different from yours." He tried to pull her to the front, but she tightened her grip and cried.      

"I won't go into the details. But it was scary. I was in a condition where I couldn't talk to anyone or express how I was feeling from inside. It was suffocating. I was suffocating. I developed excessive bulimia and lost lots of weight. On one side it was the side-effects of the drug, while on the other it was a mental struggle. The reason I didn't tell you about it~ because-- because I--"     

"It doesn't matter." She turned him, vibrating with anger, "Listen to me. IT DOESN'T MATTER. Sexual abuse knows no gender. It was not your fault but that woman's. I will kill that bit*ch. Besides, how can you think so lowly of me? Do you think this will lower your value in my eyes? Never. You are the most amazingly marvelous and precious thing that ever happen in my life. Okay, your position is a point lower than Honey. But even so.... My Shishi is worth it. The entire world may just go to hell."     

Wang Shi broke into goosebumps. Everything was in her eyes, her voice, her face. She was like a fireball, ready to write each and every spoken word on to the surface of the Earth.      

He yanked her closer, "Then how can you think lowly of me? How can you think your past will impact your attractiveness in my eyes? Stupid girl, I was silent, because a lot of things were going on inside my brain. You just dropped a bomb on me and didn't even let me process it."     

She lowered her head.     

"Don't look down, my eyes are on my face." he pinched her chin up, "I was trying to come with words to talk to you about it, but then..... what could have been better than talking about my experience? We are sailing in the same boat. And just you wait, I'll make sure Qi Wren ends up in Xion's torture chamber."     


"Don't interrupt. I'm yet to complete." he went on, and placed a kiss in her hair, "Trust me, love, out of all the thoughts I had, none of them was to let you go from my life. You are bound to me forever. That assh*le Qi Wren's disgusting act doesn't define your present, or future. Neither will it change my decision. And if you ever think of leaving me again----" she shivered under his penetrating gaze, "---I'll break your legs, and lock you up."     

"Um...don't forget to lock Honey with me."     

"Yeah? I've seen what havoc Tom and Jerry create in the house when they fight. In one particular episode, the entire house was floating in the space."     

Suyin chuckled. Her insecurities that had haunted her for don't know how long melted into nothing. The tension was gone. Her face was the sweet surrender to the soul. Relaxed.      

The same goes with Wang Shi as he squeezed her tight in his embrace. His worries were useless. Only God knows he had prepared himself for the worst of the worst outcome, but the adorable woman punctured his pent-up thoughts with ease.     

"My decision would have been the same even if I had not experienced all that with Zena."     

"Don't explain yourself." She looked up and tapped his nose, "I'm feeling stupid all of a sudden,"     

"Me too. I wish we had talked about it before." Now the only thing that's left between them was the dark secret of Honey's heart. And it's something he dreads most. Certainly she wouldn't take it this easily.      

He better found out the truth and give her her right over Honey. But before that, he has to find out who instigated everything. Under whose orders Gilbert had been working? But that's for the later part of the story. He's already satisfied their relationship had reached this far. Let him cherish this time.     

"She's still not saying it," he mumbled under his breath.      


"Don't you think it's the perfect time to say those three precious words,"     

"Actually right, I forgot."      

His heart skipped a beat. She's going to say it! Omg! Shit! Phone! How can he not be prepared for this precious moment? He pondered if he should excuse himself for a second and get the phone, or just stay here. Naah! Better stay here! What if she change her mind?     

"Help me bathe,"     

"Right,... wait! What?"     

She tiptoed and pulled his cheeks, "The three precious words- HELP, ME, BATHE! Actually, my body is addicted to the godly massage you gave me last night. Give me once more. No! Give me daily from now on."     



Wang Shi's office,     

"Are you sure about it?"      

"Yes, sir. I have double-checked Mr. Zeng's bank statements and property details. Over the last three days, he had transferred every penny from his account to multiple unknown accounts. The day before last night, he made the biggest transaction, emptying everything. He barely has a few hundred dollars in his account at the moment. And this suspicious money transfer had been happening for years. It started around the time when madam went to the medical school." Daiyu put the bank statement on Wang Shi's table.     

So this was the reason why Zeng was hypnotized, and his assistant ran away. They were finally done with sucking him, and they knew had they continue any longer, they might be caught. "What about the properties?"     

"Sold. Not so surprisingly, Mr. Zeng had made quite a wealth. However, each of his property was put on the black market a week back at a discounted price. No wonder, the premium properties were sold off within an hour." Daiyu added another paper to the pile of documents, "Even the house at City Spire is sold. I'm afraid he'd have to vacant it soon."     

"What's the update on the assistant?"      

"Dead. When our team reached the hotel he was staying at, they found him lying on the floor. Cause of death- Slow poison." Wang Shi shuffled through the pictures sent by the team. The poison was his system even before he left the country, but because of its properties, it acted much later. Surely it's the handiwork of the person who had been hypnotizing Zeng.     

He sighed, "Is there any other news. What's the position of Gilbert, Tang Sui, and others."     

"Tang Sui, Qi Wren, and Hui Chouming have already merged their companies as the last hope." least they know, Suyin and her parents had been purchasing their shares in secret at throwaway prices. They are the new owners already. "And yes, there were some suspicious activities at Gilbert's house." On Wang Shi's instructions his men had been following each of their prime suspects.     


"He was too secretive. The team failed to give us a substantial answer. They are still investigating."     

"Good job. Continue." Wang Shi picked his stethoscope. Duty calling. Hope Suyin would find something substantial in her visit to Dr. Colton. Only God knows what happened that he called her urgently.     


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