Mark of the destiny

What type of brother pushes his sister like this?

What type of brother pushes his sister like this?

0"I'm fine, listen to me. I don't need a shrink."      4

"Last night you were rolled into the emergency complaining severe headache on the scale of ten on ten." tired of hearing the 'fine' word, Suyin looked up from the tab, "Upon examination, the attending doctor found you were highly drunk, tachycardiac, high blood pressure, agitated, and showed psychotic symptoms,"     

"Psychotic symptoms? That's a lie! You did this, isn't it? Bloody shrink!" Zeng cursed at Dr. Jeff, resisting the urge to lunge at him for writing something like this on his chart. "He is a shrink, so obviously everybody he sees he looks for some sort of a mental problem with them. But Not me. It was just a headache. It probably happened because I drank a lot, had a few cigarettes. But that's all. He's framing me."     

"Zeng, you were delusional and mumbling gibberish. It was me who called Dr. Jeff to examine you," Fei Hong broke in, shocked at his contorted face, boiling with anger.      

After seeing Zeng's condition last night, she can bet on anything there's definitely something wrong with his mental state. Doctors gave him a mild sedative to stabilize him before sending him for brain scans.     

Just what he had mentioned before, the scans came clean. But that's not the shocking part. The moment he woke up, everything was normal. His physical stats returned to normal, headache vanished no more mumbling. As if it never happened. Strange.      

But... but he failed to remember a thing from last night. No recollections of what exactly happened when he went out to take the phone call.     

Nevertheless, the moment Dr. Jeff stepped into his room to evaluate him, he transformed from a calm person to a raging bull.      

Fei Hong placed her hand at the back of Zeng's, "Please tell Suyin what you told me last night. Let them help you,"      

"You called a shrink on me?" Zeng hissed, he paused, his gaze locking on her hand over his, "GET LOST,"     

Jesus. Fei Hong staggered a few steps back. Had it not been for Wang Shi holding her on time she would have crashed into the medicine cabinet.      

Suyin shouted, shocked, "Ge," she glanced at the woman who was wincing in pain. "Are you okay, Hong?" Wang Shi helped Fei Hong to the couch and crouched down to check her ankle, "Probably a bad sprain, or a fracture."     

"That's what you deserve," Throwing the bed sheet Zeng get off the bed, "I shouldn't have trusted you. Can't believe you will betray me like this. YOU need a shrink, get yourself treated first. In fact, you are good enough for that child-man only. I was a fool thinking you are not like others and gave importance to you. GET OUT FROM HERE....." every time he opened his mouth he got angrier and spout more insulting words. "Everyone's trying to prove me mad. I AM NOT MAD."     

Dr. He Jeff was secretly evaluating Zeng until now. He had a hunch his behavior was related to him somehow. He stood at the door, blocking it.     

"Get. off. my. way. SHRINK."     

Suyin placed herself between Zeng and Dr. Jeff, stopping him from doing something to the doctor and going out. "Listen to me,"      

"Susu, don't come in between, let me go." though Zeng said that to Suyin, his hostile gaze was locked on Dr. Jeff.      

"No." She reached to hold his hand in between her small ones., "Ge, listen to me," with his chin she forced him to look at her, "No one is trying to prove you mad. We are worried about you."     

"But I'm fine! See..." he pointed at himself, "Stop looking for things that aren't there. Especially the head case. I'm not mad and don't need any help in that department. Let me go from here. I'm not liking this place." Lightly he shoved Suyin to the side, cautious not to hurt her.     

"GE!" she ran after, hearing Dr. Jeff warning her to be careful. Right now when he had looked into Zeng's eyes-- they were dead. As if he was in a trance. Behind her, Wang Shi had already ordered the security to seal the floor. Please listen to me once." she caught him by the elevator.     

"Dammit, why the fu*k it's not working?" tensed she looked as he pressed the buttons to the elevator violently. "Susu, get this thing opened. NOW," Suyin jumped in fear hearing him kick the aluminum door. The staff on duty ran to restrain him but stopped at a distance on getting orders from Suyin.     

"Ge, please.... you are scaring me," Suyin approached him carefully. Her eyes containing the gentleness of a mother, voice as soft as ever "Fine, you don't want to get yourself evaluated or speak to any doctor, don't. But you can talk to me.... right? I'm your little Susu, remember we used to share everything with each other?"      

As if at that moment her voice soothed him, he calmed down and cupped her face. Suyin felt him breathinh heavyily, tears rolled down from his cheeks, "I-I don't know what's happening to me. I didn't hurt you, trust me, I didn't hurt you."     

"Yes, you didn't hurt me. We will talk about it."      

"Really? You will talk to me?"     

"Yes, I will." Hand in hand, she slowly walked him towards the room. "Let's sit and have a chat over a cup of coffee. It's been a while since we have done that." she was more like coaxing a stubborn kid who only obeys her. However, at the door Zeng's gaze fell on Dr. Jeff, once again waking the sleeping beast.     

"AH," feeling Zeng's grip on her hand getting worse, a wince escaped Suyin's mouth. "Ge," Dr. Jeff sensed the danger and reached to pull Suyin to his side. But the moment his hand touched Suyin's shoulder, Zeng lunged at him.     

With a thud the two men collided with the wall, Zeng's teeth rattled in violence as his hand wrapped around dr. Jeff's neck, squeezing the life out of him. Bloody Shrink.      

"GE!" Suyin tugged at Zeng's arm, trying to separate him from the doctor. "Let him go, he will die,"     

Wang Shi heard the commotion and rushed out, leaving Fei Hong with a nurse. "Five of benzo," He shouted, more worried as Suyin was stuck between the fight.     

But the next moment his fear come true...     


It was absolutely silent for one long second.     

Zeng instantly released Dr. Jeff, his eyes widening seeing Suyin fell over the MAX cart, tumbling it to the other side, the sound resonating through the corridor.     

 He fell on his knees, staring motionless at his own shaky hands, and then at Suyin.      

She was lying near the cart, trying to sit up, groaning. The back of her head had hit pretty hard, her elbows bleeding. It was as if the impact had short-circuited Zeng's brain, leaving him struggling to breathe.     

"STOP," Wang Shi was about to stab him with the sedative when Suyin crawled up to Zeng and wrapped herself around him.     


"I'm fine," Suyin said, hoping it was the last time she said that, but Wang Shi didn't say a word, and continued nursing the cut on her elbow, smoldering underneath his stony expression. He was angry, and she knew why.      

She was sitting in Zeng's room. To avoid any more problems, Dr. Jeff had excused himself already. Anyway, he needs to get examined as well. Thankfully Zeng was controlled, calmer, guilt striken. But his anxious gaze was locked on Suyin as Wang Shi examine him.     

"Susu, I-I'm sorry."     

"Ge, relax. I'm fine. We will talk about it-- please take rest for now." He looked questionably as a nurse come to him with an injection.      

"That's risperidone. It will help you remain calm and think clearly. Please take it." On Suyin's explanation Zeng didn't object and accepted it. On the other side, Wang Shi's fingers probed around her skull, gently pressing. He had seen everything, he knew where she had hit. His brows scrunched when she winced.     

"Tender?" He asked.     

"A little. Ow...ow... don't press it."      

"Little huh?" he mocked, "Prepare for X-Ray." the order was obviously for the nurse. "Does anything else hurt?" She avoided his gaze. Yes, her lower back hurt badly but right now she want to talk to her brother desperately. At least due to guilt, he won't be hyper any time soon.      

"No. Can we get an X-Ray later? I--" She stood up too quickly-- and staggered. Wang Shi caught her, he looked concerned.      

"No. Now."      

"I'm not badly hurt."     

"Lucky you. But we are getting the X-Ray done. End of discussion." He glared, and she glared back. Ignoring everyone's presence, he picked her in his arms.     

"He's my brother," she said, sounding annoyed as he carried her out of the room. Inside, Zeng looked more worried. "Ge, don't worry. I will be back in no time." She coaxed him.     

"What type of brother pushes his sister like this?" Wang Shi's tone was cutting.     

"For God's sake. Instead of thinking as my boyfriend, think like a doctor." she looked around, the staff was ogling at them, whispering, smiling. "And I can walk. Put me down."     

"For you, I'm always your boyfriend first. Second, I'm carrying my girlfriend who is not feeling well, why bother about people?" he said each word slowly, controlling his anger. "And you better not argue now, I'm already pissed off." Three people. Three people were hurt in his hospital, in his presence. Among them, Suyin was most seriously injured. Just pray her scans come clean, otherwise.....     

Suyin's temper flared , "I know why you are angry. But I couldn't have just left my brother in this vulnerable condition. You have brothers as well, will you walk away when they are in need? No! Right? I know Zeng and I have differences, but what he did today, I'm certain something's wrong with him. Didn't you see how he kept calling Dr. Jeff a shrink and lunged to kill him?" he put her on the table, and help her lie down as she kept on venting, "I have the right to know. And I'm not giving up."     

"Stay still. It will take just a few minutes."      

"Then do it fast."     

They scowled at each other in silence from the glass window as Wang Shi sit behind the monitors, checking her scans.     


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