Mark of the destiny

Things started to make sense

Things started to make sense

2"I do, the symptoms you have mentioned are very common to me. Earlier they were not this frequently, but over years they have increased." Zeng Said, his voice getting lower suddenly, "And truth to be told..... sometimes I'm so depressed that I don't feel like living anymore."       4

"Ge," a panicked cry forced itself up her throat, and she grabbed Zeng protectively. A drop run down her cheeks, "You won't. Promise me you won't." she demanded.      

As if her small gesture lifted his age-old worries, Zeng's lips alight on her forehead to soothe her anxiety. "Whenever I feel like giving up, I reminded myself of you, mom, and dad. Believe me, I'd never do that."     


"So.... do you have any idea what's wrong with me?" Zeng asked, in his eyes, his sister was the best doctor. Why? For that one should check her bedroom, it's more like a library! Despite getting debarred from medicine, she never stopped learning and is always updated. "Though my scans had come normal, I have googled some names, maybe you could--" he was just scrolling the saved file on a cloud when Suyin snatched the phone.     

"I don't understand why do people google their symptoms? Some idiots even take medicines based on google diagnosis, are you one of them?" scared by Suyin, Zeng shook his head like a rattle drum. "Good. You just got saved from getting kicked."      


"Tell me more about, wait--" she paused, and Dr. Jeff instructed her something and she repeated word for word, "Hong said something about a phone call, who was it?" Since things started after the phone call, it's important for them to know.     

"I-I don't remember," Zeng answered, confused. The more he tried to recall, the more his head hurt. He started to feel dizzy.     

"Suyin, stop right there. It's enough for the day." Dr. Jeff instructed her. "Wait," she heard Wang Shi taking over, "Ask his bank details, assets, passwords, and everything.... It would be better if he could give us his laptop as well." Suyin frowned at his request at first but later felt it logical as they were looking into every aspect of the case.      

"Ge, you mind if I ask for your bank details, passwords, properties, and even your laptop?"      

"Your ge is super happy today, so anything you ask." He pulled her cheek jokingly once before doing something in her phone to let her assess the information stored on the cloud. Suyin observed his swift action carefully, he was literally writing passwords to his bank accounts without even thinking about it! How can someone like him who complaints of memory loss would be so smooth in his action?      

"You have memorized all the passwords?"     

"I do. But to be on the safe side, I've kept them written in my diary as well." he answered, "Ah, speaking of which, my laptop is in my room."     

"You said diary?"      

Zeng paused, narrowed his eyes, "I'm not giving you that..... NO NO NO.... don't make these puppy eyes. I'm not giving my diary. Susu, c'mon! Have some mercy on me."      

"Whatever." though Suyin dropped the topic, her mind revolving around the diary that could give her more insights. She sighed inwardly, 'Sorry ge, but I will.... ' just then a nurse knocked at the door and walked in carrying a try. "Give it to me and leave. Ge, take your medicines."     

Zeng didn't bother to ask what are the medicines for and took them. When Suyin was about to leave, he held her arm, halting her in steps, "When can I leave?" He relished the lost sisterly love when Suyin pressed on his shoulder, pushing him down on the bed, bringing the blanket up.     

"I'm in talks with the doctors, we have some doubts about your conditions and therefore you might have to undergo some more tests. Please cooperate with me. I promise it will be over soon." Zeng's lips pursed, his body stiffened. But before he could reply, Dr, Jeff came into the room uninvited, and Suyin's stomach turned in an unfriendly way. The forgotten pain in her body returning when Zeng gripped her, his expression turning dangerous as if the angry hulk was about to transform.     

Ignoring the changed expression in Zeng, Dr. Jeff maintained a calm expression, "Suyin, here are your brother's case details. Being the head of the psychiatry department, and taking his actions into consideration, I've decided we won't be treating your brother. He's yours to take care of. Bye."     

And he just left, leaving her confused and unprepared.     

"Suyin," she heard Dr. Jeff's voice on the Bluetooth, "Just go with the flow. Notice your Zeng's expression now." she slowly looked at Zeng who had returned to his old self and surprisingly was a lot calmer.      

"Good night, Susu. I'll do as you say." Zeng said, "You should take rest too."     

"Good night, ge," Suyin leaned against the wall as soon as stepped out of Zeng's room, heaving a sigh of relief. Supporting her aching back, she tried to steady herself but a sharp pain assaulted her mind and body. She winced, it hurts so badly. The effect of painkillers has long worn off.     

Just then he wraps his hand around her waist, carefully shifting her body weight to him. She smiled, she doesn't even have to look to know who this person could be. "You lied to me when I had asked if you are hurt," there was an edge to his voice, he was still angry.     

Her cheeks puffed, she's angry too.     

"Why this care? Aren't we fighting?"      

He shook his head, and lifted her, "So what? Does that mean I stop caring?" his choice of words softened her. He has no match when it comes to words.      

"I want to discuss things with Dr. Jeff."     

"And I'm taking you there only," He said sternly and pulled her closer to his chest. Once more Suyin had to face the army of hospital staff gawking at them as he carried her to his office. It was more embarrassing as compared to the first time. For God's sake, concentrate on your work!     

In the office, Dr. Jeff was sitting on the couch with a morose expression which got worse seeing them coming. Suyin had a hunch this must be related to Wang Shi. "Dr, Jeff, please tell me what did you find." he put her on the couch and supported her back with a cushion before leaving to get another painkiller for her.     

"You have only ten minutes." Wang Shi warned while bringing over the first aid box, earning a sneer from the poor doctor.      

"Otherwise what? You will deduct my hundred percent salary?" Dr. Jeff snapped. It was a mistake he pulled the last stunt without informing Wang Shi thereby earning his wrath. Fifty percent salary cut! Cruel! But he has to endure it, the salary at People's hospital was several times higher and even a fifty percent cut wouldn't be a big deal.     

"What happen? Why did he cut your salary?" Suyin gulped the medicine down with water.     

Wang Shi glanced at his wristwatch, "Nine minutes remaining."     


"Yeah, we should discuss the important part," keeping the jokes aside and without wasting another second Dr. Jeff begin, "Suyin, I have my prognosis ready. But before that, tell me did you notice anything strange in Zeng when you saw the video."     

"Yes, the first thing I noticed was his eyes. It was a little red and solely concentrated at the owner of the pub with which he was having an argument. Over time, I noticed he was blinking slowly and was even immune to the noise happening around. His eyes were vacant." She said. Dr. Jeff wasn't surprised, she had been a doctor once, it's no big deal for her to catch such details.      

"That's the correct word, his eyes are vacant!" He zoomed at the video and enlightened her with more insights, "We used special software to get a clear image of his eyes. The shape of his cornea is fixed. Not only this... his body language- he isn't making any extra movements such as foot shaking, taping of fingers on the table, or anything that a person does subconsciously. Even the minute tics or twitches people normally feel is absent. He's just slow and efficient in his movements."     

Wang Shi interrupted, "Don't ignore the assistant." For the first time, Suyin noticed the French beard assistant standing next to Zeng. She zoomed on him, casting an incredulous look at Wang Shi the next second. "He's smirking?" Though the assistant was pretending to pull Zeng from the fight, in one particular scene he had his lips curled up.     

"Not only this, when Zeng mentioned his assistant's name, I had Daiyu investigate him. Guess what? He's on the run." Wang Shi takes out a handwritten paper. Suyin recognized it as Daiyu's handwriting. "This is the assistant's rough itinerary of yesterday and today. He withdrew a huge chunk of money and left the country even before Zeng took Fei Hong to the club. It was planned, and he knew this time he'd be caught."     

"I will kill him," Suyin hissed. But for she has to know what had he done to her brother. She cast a hopeful look to Dr.Jeff.      

"My guess is, someone had been hypnotizing your brother to use him for their advantage." Suyin felt the blood drain from her face, and Dr. Jeff left his seat to take the seat beside her. Her eyes were as immobile as her face, and she couldn't utter a single word. "Judging by your brother and Fei Hong's statement, I think it had been going on for a long time. Probably even before your divorce and your baby's sudden demise."     

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