Mark of the destiny

Secret den of a drug mafia or maybe an underworld king

Secret den of a drug mafia or maybe an underworld king

3"I'M ASKING YOU SOMETHING DAMMIT! DID SUYIN KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT HER DEAD CHILD?" upon not getting any reply from Gilbert, Tang Sui yelled.      

Gilbert's mouth twitched. Had it not been because he needs her support in the shareholders' meeting, he would have shown her her actual position. "I-I don't know."     

"What do you mean you don't know?"     

"It means as I say. I DON'T KNOW." he repeated, recalling her last conversation with Suyin in People's hospital where she had blatantly told him Gong Li's death had something do with her baby's death and she believes in revenge. "I don't know how much she knows. She was with Gong Li at his deathbed, that's how she started suspecting things."     

Silence ensued.      

"Does she know about me?"     

Just then Gilbert received a message from Alpha. It was the details of the assignment and the remuneration offered. To his surprise, if he managed to get Ace's ownership he'd be given 30% share instead of the usual 10% from hereon.      

His eyes shone thinking about the number of zeros in the money.      

"GILBERT, I'm asking you something." He heard Tang Sui's shrill voice, hit with an idea to kill three birds with one stone.     

"No. Until I keep my mouth shut, she won't know a thing."     

"Then keep your mouth shut. If--"     

"Mrs. Tang, you are in a position to use that tone with me. Your husband is declared a fugitive, and your companies are crumbling," his attitude took a 360-degree turn, "If Suyin comes after me, I won't wait a second before revealing its you who had got the child killed and I merely helped you."     


"To save my ass, I just have to add a sentence you blackmailed me in the name of my innocent daughter. I was a helpless father who did everything to save his child. Considering your husband's bright past, this story sure looks compelling, right?"      

Bullshit! He'd never do that. But Tang Sui doesn't know about it. He continued, "I'm sure, you must have seen how influential Suyin is right now? She already had a grudge against your husband and son-in-law, I wonder what will become of you once Suyin--"     

"What do you want?" Instead of wasting time on hearing his nonsense, Tang Sui came straight to the point.      

"Ace's shares,"     

"What is the guarantee you won't reveal my name?"     

"You don't have a choice, Mrs. Tang. And don't even think of getting me killed. It would be harmful to you and your daughter's health."     


At an undisclosed location,     

After driving for three hours, they were finally here. In the outskirts of the city, somewhere at a beautiful place surrounded by mountains and lush greenery yet inhibited.     

Suyin did not wait for anyone to open the door for her and stepped out. The man who had just extended his hand to touch the door handle, retrieve his hand, giving a bow to the woman followed by the man disembarked from the driver's seat.     

Suyin ignored him, the entire place was giving her a weird vibe. This place more or less looks like a secret den of a drug mafia or maybe an underworld king. She turned her head to examine the man who had brought her here. Upon feeling her questionable gaze, he assured her with eyes and walked to take her hand in his.     

"Rest assured, this place belongs to my friends"      

"Is your friend a gangster or something of a similar status?" she shivered, feeling him snake a hand around her, ushering her towards the thick fog at a distance.      

Suyin looked behind to check, and the army of black-dressed men who had come to receive them had vanished? Wait! Did they vanish?     

"They are still there, hidden somewhere. You won't be able to see them." Wang Shi answered, scaring her further, behaving as he owns this place instead of his friend. By the way, she really wants to meet this friend.      

She had barely asked him to transfer the janitor who had witnessed everything from Zhao Feiyan's place to somewhere at his own, considering how Gong Li was murdered. She didn't want to take any risk with this one.      

But it seems the man took her words literally. Okay, not lying, but this something over!      

Anyway, who's complaining here? She's not!      

As they continued walking, the fog got thinner and thinner, and soon she found herself standing in front of a rusted door.      

'Can it even be opened?'     

Wang Shi placed his hand at the door and the illusion changed to the squeaky shiny metal door. Again shocking her.     

"Mei's invention. She's scary, isn't it?" How on earth was he able to guess what was she thinking? Can he not do this, she can already feel butterflies fluttering. "Because I love you, sweetheart." he again answered.     

Suyin "..." 'Just kill me instead."     

Inside they walked into a clean cell where a man in his early forties was cowered into the corner. Suyin's expression changed instantly, bringing out her cold self.      

"P-Please, let go of me..... I-I have done nothing wrong, don't kill me." he pleaded. Though no one touched even a single strand on him, the shrill screams and painful howling echoing from the adjacent cell was enough to scare the shit out of him.     

"If you don't want to die, be our witness and give a statement against Gilbert." Suyin took a seat facing him, "Tell everyone what you saw that day."     

"If I didn't do as you say, you'll kill me. And if I go against Gilbert, he'll kill me. My death is certain in any case." earlier Zhao Feiyan had kept him as a prisoner and now this woman was doing the same.     

"No, there's still a difference. If you refuse to do as we say, the next person to be transferred to the cell next door would be you. Want to see what happens there? Men...."     

The janitor was not a saint. He was a greedy scum who chose to work for Zhao Feiyan and saw everything with his own eyes, yet remained silent. As the two bulky men wearing a bloodstained leather apron walked in, the janitor winced and cowered further. "I-I will give statement. Tell me where and when!"     

Suyin was satisfied, but the man beside her seemed not. She saw him doing something with his phone and a second later his assistant Daiyu walked in. As if on cue, Daiyu showed him some pictures on Ipad.     

After five minutes, the janitor pointed his finger, "I-It's him."     


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