Mark of the destiny

Blue-eyed hunk

Blue-eyed hunk

0The locket Zhao Feiyan had given them not only contained the address of the place where she had kept the janitor, but it contained a micro image of a sketch- only visible if zoomed thousand times.     

This was the sketch drawn on the basis of the janitor's description.      

Smart move!     

Wang Shi took the tablet from Daiyu and showed a 3D picture of a man, drawn using special software by Xiu Mei. "Just see, if you have seen this man before,"     

Suyin shook her head, "Nope. Never." before Wang Shi could pass the IPad back to Daiyu, Suyin clutched it in her hands, locking her grey orbs on the screen. "I want him. Alive. Can you do it for me?" Wang Shi's resources and reach was much wider than hers, and after witnessing this super-secret place, he was the right person to find this man for her.     

"I will," He offered his hand which she accepted while he pulled her up. Suyin's expression softened when Wang Shi shoved their clasped hands into the coat pocket, bringing relief to the worrywart. "Interested in a tour or shall we go?"     

"Go. I can already see this place is some kind of an underground base meant for keeping criminals, offenders, and maybe... torturing them?"      

Wang Shi was not surprised she understood everything. This place was exactly as described by her. He was just accompanying her to the exit when Suyin's stride faltered, slowing for a moment before resuming her usual pace. For a second he thought maybe her heels were troubling herm, but the word that comes from her mouth was like a splash of cold water.      


His attention shifted to see where she was looking at, his own expression darkened. The tall man before them was now walking in their direction. He could see Suyin was holding her gaze way too long, making him feel something bitter in his mouth.     

He knew why Suyin was behaving like that!     

Every woman does the same!     

Lu Xion had the kind of face and aura that can stop anyone in tracks. And the rascal knows about it! He was handsome, beautiful, and had a pair of deep blue eyes which was a dead give away and it made the girls fall for him more. Fine! Understood!      

'But, hey, I'm handsome too. I'm only lacking a pair of blue eyes. But this one's fine too!" Unable to withstand the torture, Wang Shi yanked Suyin to her side, holding a possessive grip on her hand. His action confusing Suyin, and she could swear she had seen this expression on Honey's face too whenever she's chummy with other kids in front of him.     

Anyway, she chose to concentrate on the exquisite man before her. Oh my, here she thought Wang Shi had no match in this world! Not even Feng Jianyu! But.....     

Today, she's proved wrong!      

Okay, she's officially accepting, the blue-eyed hunk was a step ahead if compared to Wang Shi!      

Killer he was!     

When was the last time she had appreciated a man with long hair? Never! But she must accept, the short braid of not more than four knots swiped to his left shoulder added a rusty charm. His face was strong and defined, his dark brows sloping downward into a serious expression, and just when he smirked as his eyes met with Wang Shi-- it added an evil charm.     

Finally Suyin's eyes fell on the other four other men following the blue-eyed one, her breath hitched at the sight of someone familiar. But it looks like the man didn't recognize her because of her changed appearance.     

"Wang Shi, " dropping the basic courtesy, Lu Xion didn't bother to take his hand out of pocket and greeted Wang Shi, earning an equally arrogant nod in response. "Did everything went well?"     

"Yes, he agreed to be our witness. But I need another help from you." Wang Shi extended his hand sideways and Daiyu who was walking behind all this while place the IPad on his extended hand. "I want this man at any cost."     

A long-haired man walking beside Lu Xion accepted the Ipad. "Two days," said Xion.     

"Alive," Wang Shi added. As if sensing a confused gaze on him, he looked at Suyin. His mischievous smile shuddering her. "Suyin, this is my friend Lu Xion. Xion, she's Suyin, my GIRLFRIEND," Yup, it was important to emphasize.     

Suyin wanted to extend her hand but Wang Shi held it firmly inside his pocket. "Ahem...ahem.."     

Wang Shi, "Daiyu, get water for the madam."     

Suyin "..."     

Lu Xion looked sideways at the long-haired man and commanded, "Just check what is burning."     

Suyin "...."     

"Mr. Lu, hello."     

"Miss Suyin, any friend of Wang Shi is a friend of mine. Call me Xion."     

Wang Shi fumed in jealousy, "Suyin, I forgot to add something while introducing him. He's the king of the underworld."     

The subtle smile on Suyins face dropped, replacing it with shock. The famous Dr. Wang Shi, president's son, Wang Group's heir-- was friends with the king of the underworld?     

One should not judge by appearance!      


"Suyin, did you forget me?" the man with broad glasses and the head that resembles a bird's nest in white looking like an Einsteins' copy broke the moment, surprising everyone.     

"No Shifu, I thought you didn't recognize me," her voice was calm, but she was not. She freed herself from Wang Shi's grip, leaving him standing awkwardly, and walked to hug the man.      

"You were Colton's student!" she heard Wang Shi exclaim from behind. 'No doubt she's such a genius in medicine! Why not! The God of medical science himself tutored her!' he shook his head at the shocking discovery.     

Lu Xion added, "I never knew you once had a student, Colton."     


"Hm, so this is what had happened." Colton felt sorry for Suyin upon knowing the entire story. She was such a bright student, with endless opportunities ahead, yet here she was. Never had he thought that one day his brightest student will drop out of medicine and join social services? Had someone else had told him, he'd have kicked his ass. Suyin had literally poured her soul to become a doctor. "Do you think it's that.... what was his name? Ah, Gilbert! Do you think it's him?"     

"He's not the mastermind, but just a middle man." She accepted the cup of coffee and nursed it between her palm, "As per my investigation, the mastermind is someone influential. Powerful! He even got Gong Li killed in an accident to prevent him from giving me any information. I think it's the man who bought my son's heart. A hundred million is not a small amount and only the rich and powerful can have suchl money!"     

Colton glanced at a distance where Wang Shin and Lu Xion were having a conversation. His mouth tight as his gaze locked on Wang Shi and then it softened with a sigh as if he doesn't agree with Suyin's theory.      

"Just because the man paid a hundred million for the heart, it doesn't make him the mastermind. Think it like a desperate measure to save someone's life. And in this case, it seems like an innocent child was on the verge of death and someone paid the money to save him."      

Suyin frowned, "What do you mean?"     

"Since you are Wang Shi's girlfriend, I'm assuming you know about his son." Colton studied her face and got the answer. She knew it! "Just assume Wang Shi paid the money to get a heart for his son. Will you call him the mastermind?"     

"He'd never do anything as such."     

"I'm asking you to assume."     

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