Mark of the destiny

I'll myself interrogate him for you.

I'll myself interrogate him for you.

4"Shifu, what are you trying to convey?" Suyin asked slightly irritated. She doesn't even want to assume Wang Shi would kill an innocent child to save his own son. He's not like that! "Don't put that murderer buyer alongside Shishi."     

"I'm trying to bring your attention to a greater picture, which you are ignoring and taking everything personally. Let's put aside the buyer and concentrate on something else." Colton said.     

"And that is?"     

"Have you ever thought why Gilbert let another man into his hospital to turn off the oxygen? There are many other ways to brain dead a patient. Isn't it absurd to cut off the oxygen supply first, delay the treatment, and then revive the patient? Have you seen anything as such before?"     

Suyin froze.      

Colton pursed his lips at Suyin's frozen expression. She's still the same! Though it looked like she was looking at him, he knew she was already lost, processing his words deeply.      

"The man came to kill my baby! Gilbert let him do it, and later revive my son to fulfill his own agenda! That day it was not only Gilbert who was after my son, but someone else too?" she muttered woodenly, her gaze still locked on Colton.      

"Glad you realized. Now let's address the other issue.... The buyer!" he knew she was breathing rapidly, her pulse rate was high but he has to shed some light on the ignored points. "Just think.....Gilbert is a middleman, and the person who bought the heart is a buyer. One demanded while the other supplied! They sealed the transaction for a hundred million. But.... if the buyer is the mastermind why would he pay such an enormous amount? Is it for Gilbert? Do you think that prick's value is a hundred million?"     

Suyin began looking at Colton with her clear grey eyes, He had to be hinting at something.      

"And just now you have said someone influential is behind everything and killed Gong Li before he could tell you anything. In that case, the buyer, your so-called mastermind is a fool he didn't kill Gilbert and Gong Li before and left an open end for anyone to discover him." he continued.     

"According to my understanding, the mastermind is an expert and perfectionist of his field. And I'm sure this is not the first time he had done something like this. Do I have to tell you about the dark side of our industry?" Colton touched Suyin's shoulder, nudging her other hand upward, "Your coffee is getting cold,"     

Buying an organ is easier said than done. You can't just raise a demand and expect someone to come with a fancy briefcase of organs for you to choose from.      

The donor had to be a perfect match only then the organ can be transplanted. The chances are one in three hundred.     

And by the time the organ was available, what are the chances the patient would still be alive?     

Next to zero.     

The desperate people turn towards the black market ruled by mafias.     

Every hospital has an underling in the form of doctors, nurses, or even the cleaners planted by the mafias who fish for potential buyers....      

What's more, getting patient data and blood samples of these patients was just a cakewalk. Half of the time the family and patient don't even know what they were giving samples for.     

Most probably, when the demand for the heart arise, Suyin's baby was in the hospital and turned out to be the matching donor.      

Suyin emptied the coffee cup, "Fine, I understood. You are trying to say Gilbert works for the trafficking mafias, and the mastermind is someone else. But don't advocate the buyer. Had he not tried to buy--"     

"I'm not advocating the buyer. Definitely he's at fault. But I want you to stop judging him and calling him a murderer. We don't even know his story! What if he doesn't know that the heart was stolen and his action had caused the death of a healthy baby?" There was a note of chastisement in Colton's voice. "Let's keep our opinions, judgments, accusations, and resentments until we find the buyer. Trust me, I'll myself interrogate him for you."     

He takes away the empty cup from her hand, "I lost my wife while waiting on that damn list to get a kidney for her." Suyin's eyes met with his, "Yeah, I've seen her in immense pain while going through dialysis. You know the side-effects! Five years we waited.... and waited..... Tired, helpless, I turned to the black market and the kidney was arranged in a month. A month, Suyin! A month! But I was too late.... Her body was pushed to the point, she lost the battle on the operation table."     

"Shifu..." Colton avoided Suyin's approaching hands to his glistened eyes.      

"It's been forty years.... Wish I had taken the decision on time, maybe my wife.... Most of the times even the person who buys is equally helpless and takes the decision only when all routes are closed."     

"If the student-mentor are done, can we leave?"     

Suyin looked up as Wang Shi came walking. Of course Lu Xion was beside him and she could tell there was off between the two men. Xion takes out a black card from his pocket, "If you need any help--"     

Wang Shi snatched the card, "No need to give her this. I've your number." like a possessive hubby he stood beside Suyin and caught her hands. "We have to pick Honey from school, love. Shall we?"     

Lu Xion rolled his eyes, "Jealous! Another Jianyu in the making. All the best for your future, Miss. Suyin. This will not be easy."     

Suyin frowned, unable to understand what was happening.     

"You call it jealousy, I call it fear of losing her." Wang Shi caressed Suyin's cheek with fingertips, "I got her after waiting for 37 years, of course, I'll be careful."      

Suyin felt shy and left blushing when he said and done that. Most important, her mentor was standing in front of her, smiling. Thankfully, Colton saved her and pulled her to the side. "Wang Shi is a good man, and he loves you. In the pursuit of revenge, don't forget about your present. Keep balance and work together." He writes down his contact number and address, "In case you need me. I'll get my men to investigate in the black market."     

"Can you?"     

Colton smiled, "Underworld!"     


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